Author Topic: Personally Rank all the Nintendo Consoles/Handhelds that you've played/owned  (Read 3463 times)


and is home to Super Mario Galaxy 2, the greatest piece of manmade artwork to grace the planet. I hold Shigeru Miyamoto on as high a pedestal as Vincent Van Gogh, Ludwig Van Beethoven, and Bill Waterson.

Your Stylish Sword Master!


1. NES
I had owned NES two times but it has been well over 20 years since I've played one. Certainly has the most playtime, although I'm fairly certain that it is nostalgia that is holding this one at this rank.

I have very little actual playtime on SNES and have played very few games. I may have played less than 10 games ever on this system, which seems strange even to me.

3. Game Boy Advance
Another system that I have not a lot of playtime on, but this one I actually own. This is probably the top-side of positive experiences.

4. Game Boy
Had one of these growing up and have more time on it but still not a lot of game experience. Another with likely less than 10 or even 5 games been played on it. Is below GBA only because of graphics and backlight not being present.

5. GameCube
Technically own one but never used. Had played some games at a former co-workers house maybe 15 years ago with the majority being one of the Worms games.

6. Wii
Have played more Wii games than any of the above consoles besides NES. Do not like the motion controls. Platformers that use standard controls are ok, but I have only played on of those which was a Kirby game.

7. Nintendo 64
Have played more games on N64 than any of the above except for NES and Wii. Back in the days of CRT, the bad graphics weren't a problem, as time went on it became a big issue. Another is that I could never get used to the standard controller.

8. Virtual Boy
A roommate had one of these and I tried a couple of games about 20 years ago. I did not enjoy the experience and have since thought the system is overrated.


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this should be pretty tough for me but I'll give it a go.

1.Super Nintendo



4.Game Boy Advance/Game Boy Advance sp




8.Ds/Ds XL/Ds Light/Ds light XL/New Ds XL/(and so on)

9.2ds/3ds/3ds XL (never cared for the 3d aspect of it)

10.Wii U

11.Game Boy Color

12.Game Boy Micro

13.Game Boy

14.Virtual Boy

This was like trying to pick a bad type of pizza (I love me Some Pizza!)


From worst to best:
7: Super Nintendo Classic Mini [...] Also, Chrono Trigger's a strange exclusion.

How come?

I'd say that Kirby's Dream Course is more of an odd addition given that spot could've easily been filled with something else.

I know your every move behind this face; I have control over expendable slaves.
When confrontation comes down to the wire, I'll use my cyclotrode to commence the fire.
You're never gonna get me!


From worst to best:
7: Super Nintendo Classic Mini [...] Also, Chrono Trigger's a strange exclusion.

How come?

I'd say that Kirby's Dream Course is more of an odd addition given that spot could've easily been filled with something else.

I was saying that Chrono Trigger not being on the system was weird considering that we got three of Square's other marvelous RPGs: Mario RPG, Final Fantasy VI (III upon initial release) and Secret of Mana. Even more interesting was in the ad for the SNES classic, a box of games was being dumped onto a conveyor belt, and you could clearly see Chrono Trigger fall off of it.
« Last Edit: March 11, 2022, 12:58:02 pm by gngtiger »


I'm not sure which game was added first, but it would've been anti-climatic if after adding two strong titles they ended up adding Breath of Fire. Don't get me wrong, it's a great game, but its localization wasn't exactly the best, and compared to those three, there's no contest.
« Last Edit: March 29, 2022, 01:37:41 am by pzeke »

I know your every move behind this face; I have control over expendable slaves.
When confrontation comes down to the wire, I'll use my cyclotrode to commence the fire.
You're never gonna get me!


I think square held off on chrono trigger because of money. It's probably way more popular than FF VI in terms of retro and they might have quite some sales with chrono trigger on their downloadable platforms wich the snes classic could hurt.  I know people compare FF VI to chrono trigger allot in terms of being the best rpg's of the system. but let's be honest here, Chrono trigger is quite superior over FF VI. Chrono trigger is also an rpg that might actually lure in people that are less into rpg's compared to FF VI which most will just dislike it if it ain't their genre.
« Last Edit: March 11, 2022, 07:00:24 am by sworddude »
Your Stylish Sword Master!