Author Topic: Owning the same title for multiple consoles  (Read 2601 times)

Re: Owning the same title for multiple consoles
« Reply #15 on: April 04, 2022, 10:25:14 pm »
Depending on the goal with your collection. I just like having a lot of games, so I don't see a problem with it. With some franchises I even go so far as to collect different versions of the same game for the same system, like collecting a bunch of different versions of Final Fantasy.


Re: Owning the same title for multiple consoles
« Reply #16 on: April 05, 2022, 12:12:08 pm »
It was kind of interesting to do back in the day between consoles, where each port didn't look and play exactly the same because the consoles themselves weren't basically the same hardware. Nowadays, it's kind of pointless. I prefer the original over the remaster if I've not played it.


Re: Owning the same title for multiple consoles
« Reply #17 on: April 05, 2022, 12:18:08 pm »
I own FFX three times - on PS4, PS2 and Switch. Plus the strategy guide  :P

I also have Stardew Valley on PS4 and Steam.

Because of overlap among systems like the SNES Classic I think I have "duplicates" of some SNES games like Castlevania IV, Final Fantasy VI, Star Fox, Super Mario World, and probably some others.
Currently Playing:
Marvel's Spider-Man 2 (PS5), Gauntlet Dark Legacy (GC)

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Re: Owning the same title for multiple consoles
« Reply #18 on: April 05, 2022, 01:25:03 pm »
I used to do that IF there was a noticeable difference. The last time I did it was Resident Evil 4. I bought it at launch on Gamecube and then a year or two later I bought the PS2 Limited Edition that had the Ada missions. I also got the digital PS3 edition when I bought RE6's limited edition. Then with PS4, I started consolidating all my favorite titles onto the one system so that I could sell off the older versions and save physical space in the home. So regardless of all the versions of Resident Evil 4 I've had... I now only have the PS4 version.

The Wii port is hands down the best version of the game.

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Re: Owning the same title for multiple consoles
« Reply #19 on: April 05, 2022, 10:50:48 pm »
I do this for games or series that I really enjoy, but sometimes I'll do it if there are pretty big differences between the different versions. For example I enjoy the convenience of a game like FFX on modern consoles, however I still have a ton of love for the original on the PS2 since that's how I originally played it. And then there's series like Resident Evil that I own on multiple consoles.


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Re: Owning the same title for multiple consoles
« Reply #20 on: April 07, 2022, 03:07:46 am »
I'm glad to see I'm not the only one.  ;D
I own Turok Evolution for both the PS2 and the GameCube. Not really sure why.

Re: Owning the same title for multiple consoles
« Reply #21 on: April 13, 2022, 09:44:48 am »
Yea, when buying lots of games it does occurr that some games of same title but different system land in my shelfs. I don't do that intentionally, but sometimes it's very interesting to see the differences between a SNES-release and it's Megadrive Release.
Little example: Yogi Bear's Cartoon Capers - Background graphics on SNES are a little more detailed than in die Megadrive-Version, and you even have a big difference in gameplay: when getting hit on SNES-Version, Yogi looses a part of his lifepower ... same with the Megadrive version BUT on SMD you are able to recollect the lost piece of cake to regain the lost lifepower, quite similar to the rings in Sonic games. Besides that, Level-layout and all-in-all gameplay are identical.
It amuses me to experience such slight differences when playing.



Re: Owning the same title for multiple consoles
« Reply #22 on: April 13, 2022, 10:06:34 am »
I used to do that IF there was a noticeable difference. The last time I did it was Resident Evil 4.

The Wii port is hands down the best version of the game.

I've heard that from quite a few people actually. The problem is that when I had a Wii, I couldn't stomach the motion controls. Wii proved to me that I loathe motion controls. In fact, the only time I've enjoyed motion controls was Warhawk (PS3) during flight. Motion controls in Warhawk for ground vehicles still sucked IMO. I didn't even want to try RE4 on Wii regardless of so many stating it was great.

That said, the Wii version qualifies as having a vastly different aspect that would warrant a separate purchase if you enjoy motion controls. I simply don't.
« Last Edit: April 13, 2022, 10:23:46 am by telekill »


Re: Owning the same title for multiple consoles
« Reply #23 on: April 13, 2022, 10:17:57 am »
5 After Burner games on 4 systems: Famicom, Master System (US, EU), NES, ZX Spectrum
4 NHL 97 games on 4 systems: Genesis, PC, Playstation, Saturn

The leader, not counting variation is Sonic or Sonic 2 where they are on 5 systems: Genesis, PC, Game Gear, PS2, PS3
But, counting variations it comes out like so
9 Sonic the Hedgehog games on 5 systems
11 Sonic the Hedgehog 2 games on 5 systems

For most variations on one console there are two tied
7 Sonic the Hedgehog 2 games on Sega Genesis
7 PGA Tour Golf II games on Sega Genesis