Author Topic: Sega 32X not working with VA4 Genesis 2  (Read 2564 times)


Sega 32X not working with VA4 Genesis 2
« on: May 19, 2022, 10:19:28 pm »
So earlier this month I got a Sega 32X at my local used game store and cleaned the crap out of it (outer shell, cartridge pins, and ribbon cables) and it works great...sort of. On my main Sega Genesis (a VA4 model 2 (a late model Genesis from October 1996)) with a Sega CD & 32X connected to it, Knuckles' Chaotix refuses to load after the title screen and even then, the title screen is full of garbled graphics. I made sure the cartridge slot of the Genesis was cleaned and still the same issue is happening. I also tested it with the Sega CD disconnected to no avail. When I switched to my second Sega Genesis (a VA7 original model (last revision of the original model Genesis)) the game works perfectly fine. So I'm wondering if their are any kind of compatibility issues with the 32X and certain models of the Genesis family. I know the 32X won't work with the Genesis 3 and Nomad, but I'm wondering if such issues exist within the model 2 Sega Genesis family. I know the VA4 model 2 consolidated the console's CPUs, sound chip, and whatnot onto a single chip, but I can't find anything about this particular model having compatibility issues with the 32X.

While the easiest solution would be to just use the Sega Genesis that works with the 32X, I'd prefer not to for two reasons:

1. That particular revision of the original model Genesis has infamously bad audio and while the model 2 Genesis consoles aren't much better, the VA3 and VA4 versions fix the audio issues a bit.

2. The original model Genesis is a bit longer than the model 2 Genesis and with my current gaming set up, the Genesis 2 and Sega CD are fitting perfectly in a cubby and switching Geneses would make it no longer.

Update: I remembered that I also have a second model 2 Genesis (this one being a VA1.8 ) and the game is working perfectly fine on that model too. Switching to this model 2 would solve the space issue I would have if I used the original model, but the audio issue would still be a thing. I know about the Triple Bypass mod for Sega Genesis consoles which I guess I could do to solve this problem, but I'm still curious about the weird compatibility issue I'm having with the VA4 model 2. I find it so strange.


Re: Sega 32X not working with VA4 Genesis 2
« Reply #2 on: May 21, 2022, 07:18:47 pm »

2. The original model Genesis is a bit longer than the model 2 Genesis and with my current gaming set up, the Genesis 2 and Sega CD are fitting perfectly in a cubby and switching Geneses would make it no longer.

Sega cd model 1 with a megadrive model 1 with the good audio (high definition grapics) would take up less space. mega cd 2 is really wide in comparison.
Your Stylish Sword Master!


Re: Sega 32X not working with VA4 Genesis 2
« Reply #3 on: May 23, 2022, 12:29:22 am »
Similar (it is EU MD not Genesis)
Interesting. Makes me wonder if anyone has ever gone through the trouble of testing the 32X on all variants of the Genesis/Mega Drive hardware.

Sega cd model 1 with a megadrive model 1 with the good audio (high definition grapics) would take up less space. mega cd 2 is really wide in comparison.
I mean...yeah I could certainly do that. I think I'd rather deal with the slightly crappier audio than spend god knows how much money on another Genesis and a model 1 Sega CD. I do like how the model 1 Sega CD looks though even though they seem to have more reliability issues.


Re: Sega 32X not working with VA4 Genesis 2
« Reply #4 on: May 23, 2022, 10:31:38 am »
Similar (it is EU MD not Genesis)
Interesting. Makes me wonder if anyone has ever gone through the trouble of testing the 32X on all variants of the Genesis/Mega Drive hardware.

I can tell you that answer is no. Maybe someone has tried all of the variants available in a particular country but even then that might be pushing it. I didn't really understand how many different consoles there were until I actually tried to document them all, and I didn't even go so far as to figure out board revs.