Author Topic: GoldenEye 007 the classic FPS for N64 is 25 years old.  (Read 2417 times)


GoldenEye 007 the classic FPS for N64 is 25 years old.
« on: August 26, 2022, 04:34:31 am »
》》》START 》》》

The classic first-person shooter is 25 years old!

Well, honestly, I think a problem talking about classic video games like Golden Eye is there is nothing else to say that is not known at this point, except for memories and stories not necessarily related to the development, but let's give it a shot.

I am particularly fascinated with the late 90s video game development stories and Golden Eye is not the exception, there is just a bunch of stories about this game development I wish more people that are enchanted with the video game industry would learn.

For example, did you know that Shigeru Miyamoto himself thought the game was too violent and asked Rareware to include a "false" ending showing the game characters at the end playing around showing that everything in the game was fake?

It's the kind of story that this industry doesn't have anymore.

Anyway, about the game itself, I feel an unusual feeling of nostalgia for playing it, when the game starts in the dam and you start listening to the iconic soundtrack there is something that makes me smile for no reason, nowadays that's pretty important if you ask me.

Golden Eye as a game aged and its rough edges are more notable than ever but after all, it helped to build a genre and is still one of the most memorable and inspirational games I ever played.

And probably for everything that it did for the industry Golden Eye is the true definition of a masterpiece.

What are your memories with Golden Eye 007? Do you like it? Or do you think is overrated?

Note: A few weeks ago a documentary for the game named "GoldenEra" was released, it's pretty lengthy and supposedly it includes new info about the game development, it is paid content, though.

I always have problems learning English, but I still love to talk a lot; I also enjoy being kind to everyone for no reason; if people can hate for no reason, then I can love; after everything I have gone through, I found a little peace.

Re: GoldenEye 007 the classic FPS for N64 is 25 years old.
« Reply #1 on: August 26, 2022, 05:02:10 pm »
I don't care what anyone says, 4 player license to kill slappers only is still just about the most fun you can have

Re: GoldenEye 007 the classic FPS for N64 is 25 years old.
« Reply #2 on: August 27, 2022, 12:40:59 am »
Still hoping that remaster makes its way out of limbo somehow.

Re: GoldenEye 007 the classic FPS for N64 is 25 years old.
« Reply #3 on: August 27, 2022, 03:17:24 am »
Definitely a classic.  It doesn't hold up in terms of gameplay due to those wonky N64 controls, but that game did so much good stuff for the time.  Great campaign, lots of extras, great multiplayer.  Me and friends played it quite abit until better shooters like Halo released.  Definitely a game I'd love a remaster for if it can keep everything original intact, while offering some cool improvements like perhaps more players in multiplayer, or any other extras or additions they can think of.
« Last Edit: August 27, 2022, 03:21:49 am by kamikazekeeg »


Re: GoldenEye 007 the classic FPS for N64 is 25 years old.
« Reply #4 on: August 27, 2022, 12:39:23 pm »
Looking back this was a revolutionary console game, it was one  reason why you would regret only having a PC or PlayStation 1 or Sega Saturn, it was the best reason for any teen or adult to buy a Nintendo 64. It was the 1st game I ever played on the N64 at  a friends house,

I had only a PC and a PS1 at my dads house in which for the time being most FPS games were exclusive to the PC computers only, but Goldeneye was an exclusive to the Nintendo 64. Goldeneye 007 was the first game as far as I knew that had realistic enemy hit detection, if you aimed at the groin the enemy would hold it and die, unlike all other games at that time,

It was the 1st game where blood appeared on the enemies that have been shot and where the bullets went in. all in all it was not too violent because unlike another N64 Exclusive the 1st Turok games series their was no blood splatter or gore that would appear upon hitting the enemies, but instead enemies would appear bloody on their uniforms.

The most multiplayer maps in goldeneye had little detail and didn't look like the games developers were planning on making multiplayer as popular as it turned out in the end,  there were no bots for multiplayer meaning in order to play arena style or instant action you needed a buddy in the room sitting next to you with another controller to enjoy multiplayer, unlike Duke Nukem 64 & Perfect Dark & Turok Rage Wars. and some other FPS games on the Nintendo 64.
updated on 5-14-2024 5:30AM (EST)
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Re: GoldenEye 007 the classic FPS for N64 is 25 years old.
« Reply #5 on: August 27, 2022, 10:41:30 pm »
A neighbor kid and good friend of mine got this game around the time it came out. I remember going over to this house and literally not wanting to stop playing even after hours of playing with him. I'd literally think about this game at all waking hours during the summer of 1997 until I used allowance/chore money to buy my own copy. I played the snot out of this game for several years after that, even getting within a mission or two of completing every mission on 00-Agent. I also unlocked about 90% of the cheats.

Since then I've played this game so much over the years and it's even usurped Perfect Dark as being my favorite Rareware FPS game from that era.


Re: GoldenEye 007 the classic FPS for N64 is 25 years old.
« Reply #6 on: August 28, 2022, 06:41:29 am »
A neighbor kid and good friend of mine got this game around the time it came out. I remember going over to this house and literally not wanting to stop playing even after hours of playing with him. I'd literally think about this game at all waking hours during the summer of 1997 until I used allowance/chore money to buy my own copy. I played the snot out of this game for several years after that, even getting within a mission or two of completing every mission on 00-Agent. I also unlocked about 90% of the cheats.

Since then I've played this game so much over the years and it's even usurped Perfect Dark as being my favorite Rareware FPS game from that era.

What was your strategy on how to beat that one single player level where towards the end you needed to defend the women while she was hacking a computer for a long time all the while she was standing in a open pit and enemies spawn at random locations every time above her all aiming at her and not shooting you and if she died you needed to complete the entire mission over again?

I tried that mission a dozen times with no success and on the easiest difficulty setting, all the enemies spawn in random locations with a large square around her, and most times you can't even see whos firing at her next because the level is so big at this part. Enemies will ignore you and run at her and shoot to kill her "your objective" is to defend her all by yourself against an army of bad guys all spawning around her is a huge square where she is in the middle in a pit, and you also start this part of this mission off in the pit yourself with no clue as when the first enemy will spawn each try.

You are left clueless as where to aim your gun first because the bad guys come in 3 or 4 random locations and each time the first bad guy spawns in a different place then there is no set pattern as to when or where the next guy will spawn, leaving you the player running around a large 3/4's of a square in a room where bad guys come in 4 spawning directions a room with various desks and computers and book shelfs on top of the matter, if you stand in the pit you can't see the men firing at your objective, if you leave the pit chances are a bad guy will spawn across the pit and you won't be able to see him to shoot him in time before your objective dies, your left running back and forth in a large room balcony to a pit and your objective is right in the middle of the pit on the back wall yet you can't see the guys firing at her from across the pit. and all guys are coming form 4 different locations surrounding this pit :-\

here is a video I'm watching this now

and this playlist
« Last Edit: August 28, 2022, 07:53:47 am by oldgamerz »
updated on 5-14-2024 5:30AM (EST)
MY RADIO STAION (Licensed but not a business)
64k stream ACC format sound meaning

Clearer Sound Quality for Half the internet data Usage
over 28,000 song playlist and 100 automated DJ talk and history lesions "commercial free" "No subscription needed"

(requires Google Chrome or Firefox Edge does not work with this link but other links exist)


Re: GoldenEye 007 the classic FPS for N64 is 25 years old.
« Reply #7 on: August 28, 2022, 10:39:59 pm »
Yep, it was a groundbreaking moment in games for me when it first released. I remember being super impressed with the level of detail and realism implemented into the game. They really captured a cinematic feel and a story line in a game that could actually hold my interest for once. In contrast to other shooters like Doom, or even Duke Nukem 3D, the level design in Golden Eye felt vastly superior, and quite varied. In those days, just exploring simple maps like those was a fascinating trip. Of course, multiplayer was some of the most fun I've ever had playing a game with others to this day.

Certainly, it was a game that spent probably more than a year in frequent rotation on my N64.


Re: GoldenEye 007 the classic FPS for N64 is 25 years old.
« Reply #8 on: August 29, 2022, 03:02:34 am »
I don't care what anyone says, 4 player license to kill slappers only is still just about the most fun you can have

you nailed it.

This awesome game was my entry into FPS in total ... up until  CoD BO2 -.-

I could still scroll through facility w eyes closed :D

Re: GoldenEye 007 the classic FPS for N64 is 25 years old.
« Reply #9 on: September 02, 2022, 03:11:48 pm »
A neighbor kid and good friend of mine got this game around the time it came out. I remember going over to this house and literally not wanting to stop playing even after hours of playing with him. I'd literally think about this game at all waking hours during the summer of 1997 until I used allowance/chore money to buy my own copy. I played the snot out of this game for several years after that, even getting within a mission or two of completing every mission on 00-Agent. I also unlocked about 90% of the cheats.

Since then I've played this game so much over the years and it's even usurped Perfect Dark as being my favorite Rareware FPS game from that era.

What was your strategy on how to beat that one single player level where towards the end you needed to defend the women while she was hacking a computer for a long time all the while she was standing in a open pit and enemies spawn at random locations every time above her all aiming at her and not shooting you and if she died you needed to complete the entire mission over again?

I tried that mission a dozen times with no success and on the easiest difficulty setting, all the enemies spawn in random locations with a large square around her, and most times you can't even see whos firing at her next because the level is so big at this part. Enemies will ignore you and run at her and shoot to kill her "your objective" is to defend her all by yourself against an army of bad guys all spawning around her is a huge square where she is in the middle in a pit, and you also start this part of this mission off in the pit yourself with no clue as when the first enemy will spawn each try.

You are left clueless as where to aim your gun first because the bad guys come in 3 or 4 random locations and each time the first bad guy spawns in a different place then there is no set pattern as to when or where the next guy will spawn, leaving you the player running around a large 3/4's of a square in a room where bad guys come in 4 spawning directions a room with various desks and computers and book shelfs on top of the matter, if you stand in the pit you can't see the men firing at your objective, if you leave the pit chances are a bad guy will spawn across the pit and you won't be able to see him to shoot him in time before your objective dies, your left running back and forth in a large room balcony to a pit and your objective is right in the middle of the pit on the back wall yet you can't see the guys firing at her from across the pit. and all guys are coming form 4 different locations surrounding this pit :-\

here is a video I'm watching this now

and this playlist

you just have to move around a lot and stay on top of the enemies coming in. That is admittedly one of the harder parts of the game and probably wasn't designed very well if i'm bering honest. pretty much if more than 3 enemies are firing on you and Natalia at that part you've already lost.


Re: GoldenEye 007 the classic FPS for N64 is 25 years old.
« Reply #10 on: January 17, 2023, 04:13:07 pm »
I read somewhere recently that its about to return to Switch or Xbox.