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The classic first-person shooter is 25 years old!
Well, honestly, I think a problem talking about classic video games like Golden Eye is there is nothing else to say that is not known at this point, except for memories and stories not necessarily related to the development, but let's give it a shot.
I am particularly fascinated with the late 90s video game development stories and Golden Eye is not the exception, there is just a bunch of stories about this game development I wish more people that are enchanted with the video game industry would learn.
For example, did you know that Shigeru Miyamoto himself thought the game was too violent and asked Rareware to include a "false" ending showing the game characters at the end playing around showing that everything in the game was fake?
It's the kind of story that this industry doesn't have anymore.
Anyway, about the game itself, I feel an unusual feeling of nostalgia for playing it, when the game starts in the dam and you start listening to the iconic soundtrack there is something that makes me smile for no reason, nowadays that's pretty important if you ask me.
Golden Eye as a game aged and its rough edges are more notable than ever but after all, it helped to build a genre and is still one of the most memorable and inspirational games I ever played.
And probably for everything that it did for the industry Golden Eye is the true definition of a masterpiece.
What are your memories with Golden Eye 007? Do you like it? Or do you think is overrated?
Note: A few weeks ago a documentary for the game named "GoldenEra" was released, it's pretty lengthy and supposedly it includes new info about the game development, it is paid content, though.