I do struggle when it comes to playing classic games. I think it is mostly due to so many new releases coming out that keep me busy enough to dip back into classic games I haven't played yet - I mean I already have a PS5 backlog

Another part of it is accessibility. I still don't have a decent method to play PS2 titles on a HD set up, so sadly a lot of games form that era are left behind - Which is very annoying as there are so many I have yet played! Also, even when it comes to playing games on a PS3, the machine is so slow and clunky. I've tried rebuying official controllers and got some trashy immitation, so I'm not encouraged to play that much either - to the point where if a 360 version of the game is backwards compatible i'll rebuy that.
Companies need to do a better job with backwards compatibility. The PS+ Premium line up is a joke so far, your better of with just the Extra tier. But even with that there are so many gamse that miss out on BC or getting a Remaster that unless they just let you put the disc in and play via Emulation there isnt a decent way to play.The only reason I still play PS1 games from time to time is because I modded my PS Classic - I mean I own 100+ PS1 games so it's more for convience and better upscale abilities more than anything.
But I do find it hard to go back and replay games as of late due to having so many newer game on the backlog to experience.