Author Topic: How Many Of You Forum Attenders and Viewers Still Play Retro Video Games  (Read 3824 times)

Re: How Many Of You Forum Attenders and Viewers Still Play Retro Video Games
« Reply #15 on: October 02, 2022, 03:32:46 am »
I do struggle when it comes to playing classic games. I think it is mostly due to so many new releases coming out that keep me busy enough to dip back into classic games I haven't played yet - I mean I already have a PS5 backlog :P

Another part of it is accessibility. I still don't have a decent method to play PS2 titles on a HD set up, so sadly a lot of games form that era are left behind - Which is very annoying as there are so many I have yet played! Also, even when it comes to playing games on a PS3, the machine is so slow and clunky. I've tried rebuying official controllers and got some trashy immitation, so I'm not encouraged to play that much either - to the point where if a 360 version of the game is backwards compatible i'll rebuy that.

Companies need to do a better job with backwards compatibility. The PS+ Premium line up is a joke so far, your better of with just the Extra tier. But even with that there are so many gamse that miss out on BC or getting a Remaster that unless they just let you put the disc in and play via Emulation there isnt a decent way to play.The only reason I still play PS1 games from time to time is because I modded my PS Classic - I mean I own 100+ PS1 games so it's more for convience and better upscale abilities more than anything.

But I do find it hard to go back and replay games as of late due to having so many newer game on the backlog to experience.


Re: How Many Of You Forum Attenders and Viewers Still Play Retro Video Games
« Reply #16 on: October 02, 2022, 08:41:38 am »
I mostly play retro, I don't play allot of current gen aside from nintendo these days.

with indi releases I seldom play some but only if it really peeks my interest.

I play a lot of retro games mostly nes,snes,genesis,ps1. currently Im playing lunar but I don’t play on original platforms I have a Xbox S that has thousands of games downloaded to it. It’s so much easier than   dealing with hooking up a reto console every time I want to play something different.

in my early days I had to hook up retro consoles aswell cause didn't have a setup space for it. is indeed quite tedious to start playing games that way.

I nowadays just have a setup in which all my consoles are hooked up at once. only thing I have to do is switch channels to get the correct console.
« Last Edit: October 02, 2022, 08:46:26 am by sworddude »
Your Stylish Sword Master!

Re: How Many Of You Forum Attenders and Viewers Still Play Retro Video Games
« Reply #17 on: October 02, 2022, 01:33:46 pm »
Most of the games I play are either retro or a ROM hack of a retro game. I'm not that interested in first person shooters, Microtransactions or Online-Only. Kefka is so much more fun than most gaming villains nowadays.

Re: How Many Of You Forum Attenders and Viewers Still Play Retro Video Games
« Reply #18 on: October 03, 2022, 02:16:20 pm »
I primarily play retro games and quite a few at that. I do the 52 games challenge every year and I have yet to miss the 52 games goal with this year being no exception. I really jump around all over the place when it comes to retro; one week I'll feel like playing a PS2 game, the next week a Genesis game, and then a month later some Saturn games. It just really depends on my mood and what kind of game I feel like playing.

I agree that Gen7 is the retro cutoff currently. Some people like to say it's 20-years or older, some 15, but for me I can go back and throw in a PS3 or Wii game and it feels old as hell to me now. The graphics are notably dates (on most games anyways), the gameplay feels less refined than a modern game, and there are so many other indicators that I'm playing a game from another time period.


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Re: How Many Of You Forum Attenders and Viewers Still Play Retro Video Games
« Reply #19 on: October 05, 2022, 10:38:19 pm »
Personally, it feels odd calling anything before 7th gen retro. However, I have been playing some stuff that can be considered retro. Just beat FF3 and 4 along with extra grinding including the superbosses (yeah it's the psp port of 3 and 4 but it's basically the same game). Given that I'm awake and September has ended, I think it's time to get in the October mood with some Castlevania! Maybe I'll finally get around to beating III and Dissonance...

So, yeah. It's not that hard now with the various collections and mid online packages offered by the main companies. Not to mention the forbidden E word...



lol I think he or she means EA, or Electronic Arts
why Evanescence? were you referring to the band? hey I like that rock band, or at least the stuff that they produced during the PS2 era even though that is all they play on other rock radio stations day after day

Emulators not Electronic Arts ya Dingus


Re: How Many Of You Forum Attenders and Viewers Still Play Retro Video Games
« Reply #20 on: October 06, 2022, 12:44:16 am »
I dont play "retro" game as much as I play series. I missed some of the older Legend of heroes and Ys games and want to play those and stuff like that.

Re: How Many Of You Forum Attenders and Viewers Still Play Retro Video Games
« Reply #21 on: October 08, 2022, 07:53:00 pm »
If it isn't retro on actual hardware it's retro on my PC. On said PC I'm playing retro FPSs or emulating arcade fighters via Fightcade 2, occasionally deviating with a metroidvania or survival horror title to keep things fresh. If not I power up one of my PVMs and play something from my collection. Currently playing through Symphony of the Night. Once that's completed I'll jump to another Castlevania or a survival horror title to keep things spooky.

Over the years I've sold all of my "modern" consoles and games. The Switch is the only modern console I own. Expect all the 3rd party games I'd play on it are released on PC giving me little reason to play it other than for 1st party titles. Its saving grace is its age, being an older model it can launch homebrew to legally dump cartridges/eShop games for use in Yuzu. That fact alone has saved it from being sold. I do play modern games, mostly those that emulate or build upon what I like from past games. With the way the industry is now I typically stick with games made pre-7th gen.