Author Topic: Guitar Hero World Tour 360 NA  (Read 684 times)


Guitar Hero World Tour 360 NA
« on: October 06, 2022, 06:32:45 am »
Just got GHWT and noticed the two current X360 [NA] entries on the db actually refer to the same release.
The release in question is this one which features text in English, French and Spanish. 4809 has the IDs, 105738 has the full artwork and no IDs.
The copy I have, which is missing, is this one which features English text only and different UPC / item numbers.

Posting this to ask what the proper approach would be to sort this out before submitting my version as a new entry.
Life is nothing but an illusion caused by not partying hard enough ~ Andrew W.K.


Re: Guitar Hero World Tour 360 NA
« Reply #1 on: October 06, 2022, 09:27:07 am »
Edited the items. This is the English only one now, you can add the correct arts to it and add it to your collection.


Re: Guitar Hero World Tour 360 NA
« Reply #2 on: October 06, 2022, 06:30:35 pm »
Edited the items. This is the English only one now, you can add the correct arts to it and add it to your collection.
Awesome, thanks!
Life is nothing but an illusion caused by not partying hard enough ~ Andrew W.K.