Author Topic: So, that Mario Movie trailer...  (Read 3846 times)


So, that Mario Movie trailer...
« on: October 07, 2022, 10:57:26 pm »
What did you all think of it? I loved the animation and Jack Black as Bowser, not too sure about Mario's look or voice though.

Re: So, that Mario Movie trailer...
« Reply #1 on: October 07, 2022, 11:13:27 pm »
I think visually its fantastic.  Like it's basically what I wanted a Sonic movie to be where it was just a high end version of the game world.  I was always gonna love Jack Black as Bowser, I'm a sucker for him, and Pratt is just sorta whatever right now, we didn't get a lot, but it's unlikely to hurt the movie that much if it's entertaining and funny.

Re: So, that Mario Movie trailer...
« Reply #2 on: October 08, 2022, 09:55:26 am »
I like everything about it especially Chris Pratt's voice.


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Re: So, that Mario Movie trailer...
« Reply #3 on: October 08, 2022, 03:42:18 pm »
I honestly really enjoyed the trailer, except for the bit with Mario.
Not sure if it makes sense haha
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Re: So, that Mario Movie trailer...
« Reply #4 on: October 08, 2022, 07:08:36 pm »
Visually it is incredible.   Easily the best looking product Illumination has ever put out.  Pratt as Mario is... fine?  It's not awful, but it's not as different as he'd said it would be.  The second line is definitely better than the first.

Re: So, that Mario Movie trailer...
« Reply #5 on: October 09, 2022, 06:04:29 pm »
Chris Pratt as Mario borderline offends the senses not gonna lie. The guy is a C list actor at best and has borderline ruined 3 cashgrab franchises and is aiming for 4. I feel it makes no sense from any angle and was only done so the names will fill the seats. Cast stacking for the sake of it.

Seth Rogen is more qualified for the role. But an actual Italian wouldn't have been too much to ask. Chris Pratt always plays a motorcycle riding pun having jock. White claw and paleton energy. Now he's chosen to play a upbeat, zany, goofy 4 foot mascot of the mushroom kingdom? Maybe it's gotta grow on me.

But bowser? Bowser is just a chef kiss to the fans. Nobody but Jack Black could do it better.

The animations and humor seem stellar. I'm still excited to see it off what I seen. It has me excited.

Re: So, that Mario Movie trailer...
« Reply #6 on: October 10, 2022, 12:07:58 pm »
Chris Pratt as Mario borderline offends the senses not gonna lie. The guy is a C list actor at best and has borderline ruined 3 cashgrab franchises and is aiming for 4. I feel it makes no sense from any angle and was only done so the names will fill the seats. Cast stacking for the sake of it.

Seth Rogen is more qualified for the role. But an actual Italian wouldn't have been too much to ask. Chris Pratt always plays a motorcycle riding pun having jock. White claw and paleton energy. Now he's chosen to play a upbeat, zany, goofy 4 foot mascot of the mushroom kingdom? Maybe it's gotta grow on me.

But bowser? Bowser is just a chef kiss to the fans. Nobody but Jack Black could do it better.

The animations and humor seem stellar. I'm still excited to see it off what I seen. It has me excited.
Sounds like you've seen Chris Pratt in exactly one role. "Upbeat, zany, goofy" perfectly describes his breakthrough role on Parks & Recreation as well as The Lego Movie.


Re: So, that Mario Movie trailer...
« Reply #7 on: October 14, 2022, 02:01:27 pm »
Chris Pratt as Mario borderline offends the senses not gonna lie. The guy is a C list actor at best and has borderline ruined 3 cashgrab franchises and is aiming for 4. I feel it makes no sense from any angle and was only done so the names will fill the seats. Cast stacking for the sake of it.

If Chris Pratt is a C-List actor (at best), how would including him be cast stacking, or how will it fill seats? I thought that's what A-list Actors do. If it were cast stacking, it wouldn't be for the sake of it, it would be to fill the aforementioned seats. People who make movies like this do it for one reason. It's not for the fans, it's for money.

I have no problem with people ruining cashgrab franchises...because they are simply cashgrabs. Sounds good to have less of them.

Re: So, that Mario Movie trailer...
« Reply #8 on: July 06, 2024, 08:56:20 am »
Very cool, I like it.