Author Topic: Video Game Resolutions and Goals in 2023  (Read 3386 times)


Re: Video Game Resolutions and Goals in 2023
« Reply #15 on: January 01, 2023, 09:33:16 pm »
The usual goal. Play as many fun games as possible.


Re: Video Game Resolutions and Goals in 2023
« Reply #16 on: January 02, 2023, 08:33:18 pm »
- Finish Super Robot Taisen OG Saga: Endless Frontier Exceed on Nintendo DS.

- Complete the Galaxy Fräulein Yuna series, for whatever reason I haven't completed them yet.

- Start playing the recently English fan translated B.L.U.E.: Legend of Water by Hudson-Soft.

- Would like to complete at least (1) game in the Ys series.

- Focus on collecting Wii, and Wii U games.

- Would like to complete at least (1) game in the Wonder Boy series.

- Complete the Valis: The Fantasm Soldier series including Genesis releases.

- Start playing the English fan translated Seven Mansions: Ghastly Smile by Koei.

- Finish Silent Bomber on PlayStation.


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Re: Video Game Resolutions and Goals in 2023
« Reply #17 on: January 03, 2023, 10:33:14 am »
1) Get back in this community.
I’ve been gone for a minute and out of the game scene. I’d like to jump back in.

2) Don’t buy stuff just for the sake of having it. I’m bad to get that FOMO. I’ve made strides in breaking          that habit.

Clean up the Big Ole Building and make it exciting again. My game room/cave/lair was used for storage for the last couple of years. It’s time to take it back.

Re: Video Game Resolutions and Goals in 2023
« Reply #18 on: January 03, 2023, 04:23:09 pm »
My big thing this year is going to be reevaluating my collection and collecting habits. I've been collecting for years and this point I feel like my collection is just become too cumbersome and actually it's be kinda weighing on me a bit. So this is the year that I take a look at what I have and actually begin to downsize a bit. I'm not giving up collecting, but I am going to change what I collect, sell off a portion of my collection and invest that back into my other hobbies. I really want to enjoy gaming and game collecting again and I think this is the best way for me to do it.

Re: Video Game Resolutions and Goals in 2023
« Reply #19 on: January 04, 2023, 12:42:23 am »
My big thing this year is going to be reevaluating my collection and collecting habits. I've been collecting for years and this point I feel like my collection is just become too cumbersome and actually it's be kinda weighing on me a bit. So this is the year that I take a look at what I have and actually begin to downsize a bit. I'm not giving up collecting, but I am going to change what I collect, sell off a portion of my collection and invest that back into my other hobbies. I really want to enjoy gaming and game collecting again and I think this is the best way for me to do it.

I think the stage you're at is a very natural part of being a video game collector. I've known many longtime collectors, including myself, that became disenchanted with their collection, or at least certain parts of it, and appropriately downsized. It's easy to go nuts, especially in those early years when everything is fresh, new and exciting and want to collect for everything. You eventually realize what you actually care about and want to play, and begin to trim the fat.

Case in point, I have never been a big handheld guy, yet somehow I had a very impressive DS and PSP collection at one point, filled mostly with games I'd realistically never get around to playing. I ended up selling most of my PSP games and about half my DS titles. I also sold around 80% of my original NES collection once I realized I'm not nearly as into it as I thought I was when I first began collecting. Other than that, I had tons of games on consoles I really like, such as the PS2, PS1, N64, and Gamecube that I picked up for cheap and thought I'd want to play someday, but later just realized they were taking up a ton of space and would likely never get played. So I sold a bunch of those too lol. The only system that has barely seen any downsizing is my Dreamcast collection since the console means so much to me. I did sell a few heavy hitters several years ago out of financial necessity, but I intend to someday repurchase those. Unfortunately one of those was Gigawing 2 which now sells for about 5x what I originally payed for it. But anyhow, my point is my Dreamcast collection is important to me and gives me joy hence why it's been mostly untouched. My other collections do too, but I had to sell off a lot of games eventually to get them where I wanted them to be.

But if you do plan on downsizing I'd do it soon. I imagine with everything occurring in the world and the economy, there might finally be a downturn in prices in the near future. I've been wrong about that before, but might as well strike while the iron is still hot.

Re: Video Game Resolutions and Goals in 2023
« Reply #20 on: January 04, 2023, 09:25:34 am »
But if you do plan on downsizing I'd do it soon. I imagine with everything occurring in the world and the economy, there might finally be a downturn in prices in the near future. I've been wrong about that before, but might as well strike while the iron is still hot.

Yup, that's another factor in why I'm doing it now. I already starting posting some stuff on ebay and its already starting to sell lol. I tossed up a link to my ebay page on the Auctions thread if anyone is interested, and I'll gladly give discounts to forum members.

For the longest time, my collection was about nostalgia, I loved the feeling of popping a cartridge in console and playing it on my CRT. These days I really prefer convivence and i find myself playing old games in emulators.. I've decided to start my purge with big collectors editions, sealed items, and handheld games; and then I'll branch out from there. 

Re: Video Game Resolutions and Goals in 2023
« Reply #21 on: February 10, 2023, 01:00:02 am »
1. Complete 52-Games Challenge: This has become a staple of my gaming goals every year now for a while, and it's certainly where I have the most fun in this hobby these days. In fact, it's probably my favorite thing about this website still, beyond even the collecting aspect.

2. Continue to build by CIB game collection: This specifically relates to me obtaining various CIB N64, Genesis, and SNES games. I'm mostly trying to complete most of the loose games I currently have, although there's a few titles I'd love to just get, but complete at this point. I'm going to set the bar at 10 new CIB games on these consoles. - COMPLETE

3. Focus on collecting for Saturn again: It's been a while since I've heavily focused on a specific console to collect new games for, but it sounds fun to go after more Saturn games again after taking a break from this for a while. While I don't have a ton of Saturn games I'm still after, especially NTSC/US titles, there are a good 30-40 games I'd still like to have between US and Japanese releases. I'd like to add at least 10 new Saturn games to the collection, and one of them I'd like to add again is Panzer Dragoon Saga. I regrettably sold my copy a few years ago thinking I wouldn't want to play it again, but guess what...I kind of do. Other than that, games like Shinobi Legions, Sonic Jam, Hyper Duel, and a few others are on my radar although I'm not as committed to getting those as much as PDS. - COMPLETE

4. Get back into making youtube videos again: This last year has been terrible as far as my output of videos on my youtube channel which is all about countdowns and reviews for various video games. I think I only posted 3 videos in 2022, but it would be nice to post maybe 8 or more in 2023. I've had reasons for not getting back into it, but I feel like I fee motivated enough to get back into it like I used to be and also I had a lot of fun doing it, especially during the first year of my channel. So yeah, I'd like to create at least 8 new videos this next year.

less than two full months into the year and I've already accomplished two of my gaming resolutions for the year, in the same pickup no less! I did mention wanting to obtain Panzer Dragoon Saga sometime this year, however this is unlikely to happen unless most of 2023 is a massive dry spell in terms of pickups for rest of the year. Essentially if I don't find a decent amount of other stuff I'm after by November or December, maybe I'll pick it up again, but that's a huge maybe. Otherwise I'm glad I've beefed up my Saturn and Genesis collections so much already!


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Re: Video Game Resolutions and Goals in 2023
« Reply #22 on: February 10, 2023, 12:36:09 pm »
I really need to focus on building my Saturn and TurboGrafx-16 collections up again after losing them some years back.


Re: Video Game Resolutions and Goals in 2023
« Reply #23 on: February 10, 2023, 02:59:44 pm »
I don't know how I missed this thread. My  list is short and sweet.

Play games - I'm already 2 games completed (Trails in the sky 3rd and Midnight suns) and should be one more this week (Neptunia Sisters vs Sisters). Tales of Symphonia drops next week followed by Trails to Azure next month. Will be playing those upon arrival. Want to keep this going. Last year I ended the year with more completed titles than I have had in probably 5 or 6 years prior. I missed actual gaming.

Sell games - I have cleared nearly 1000 games off my shelves in the last 3 years. I still have a lot of them for sale. I want to keep my backlog to a respectable level.

Statues - I have started collecting statues. First 4 figures, Kotobukiya, and others make really badass statues. I feel that supporting the series I like the most vs just having games on shelves makes my collection more "mine".

Wish list - My wishlist is really tiny as of late. Maybe 10 items total. Wouldn't mind slowly picking up pieces maybe 1 every 2 months or so till its done.


Re: Video Game Resolutions and Goals in 2023
« Reply #24 on: March 03, 2023, 12:44:11 pm »
My one goal this year, is to seriously put together a plan for wrapping up my retro collecting, permanently. I need to go through and nix some things off of my wish lists and put together a list of must-have pickups for each console, and then going hard after them. Once they're completed, that's it. I can't own everything I'd want to own in an ideal world anymore, the prices are just too absurd now. So I really have to decide what's worth it, and what's not worth it for me. I've been collecting for over 10 years, and I'm really eager to close this chapter of my life where I focus so much time and energy, and money on game collection goals. It's high time that I've moved on to other things, but here I am still. I want the end to finally be in sight, and some of these games as cool as they might be, just aren't worth being held back from that end.

So my plan is to be done retro collecting within a year or two. Totally done, no more updated wish lists. I'm just gonna have to let some things that I wanted go, and I'm going to be out of the retro buyer's market and it's going to feel GREAT. I'll continue to buy modern games and collect for modern consoles, but my retro gaming will be largely limited to just the things in my collection.

For me this is very ambitious, as I've been quite addicted to retro collecting for a long time and unwilling to give it up. It's just become too much of a burden and financial drain for me, that I can't sustain it forever with the year over year worsening conditions of the market. So I'm gonna do my research and start putting these collection finale lists together, and really just bludgeon them with my wallet. Or bludgeon my wallet with the lists, however you want to look at it.

Re: Video Game Resolutions and Goals in 2023
« Reply #25 on: March 04, 2023, 12:34:30 am »
My one goal this year, is to seriously put together a plan for wrapping up my retro collecting, permanently. I need to go through and nix some things off of my wish lists and put together a list of must-have pickups for each console, and then going hard after them. Once they're completed, that's it. I can't own everything I'd want to own in an ideal world anymore, the prices are just too absurd now. So I really have to decide what's worth it, and what's not worth it for me. I've been collecting for over 10 years, and I'm really eager to close this chapter of my life where I focus so much time and energy, and money on game collection goals. It's high time that I've moved on to other things, but here I am still. I want the end to finally be in sight, and some of these games as cool as they might be, just aren't worth being held back from that end.

So my plan is to be done retro collecting within a year or two. Totally done, no more updated wish lists. I'm just gonna have to let some things that I wanted go, and I'm going to be out of the retro buyer's market and it's going to feel GREAT. I'll continue to buy modern games and collect for modern consoles, but my retro gaming will be largely limited to just the things in my collection.

For me this is very ambitious, as I've been quite addicted to retro collecting for a long time and unwilling to give it up. It's just become too much of a burden and financial drain for me, that I can't sustain it forever with the year over year worsening conditions of the market. So I'm gonna do my research and start putting these collection finale lists together, and really just bludgeon them with my wallet. Or bludgeon my wallet with the lists, however you want to look at it.

I feel like I've seen the end of the tunnel now for several years now, however I keep on finding way to make the tunnel a little longer, probably because it's hard to imagine just not collecting anymore for me. Like pretty much all collectors, the hobby was super exciting, fun, and interesting when I started. There were bountiful games on many different consoles I'd never even heard of and many more I had heard of, but dreamed of owning someday. At this point I've owned 96-97% of everything I've ever wanted to own, and after several noteworthy purges I feel like my current collection is pretty much exactly where I want it to be...for the most part.

The last frontier of collecting for me is CIB games for various retro consoles with a few games on consoles like the PS1, Saturn, and several others I'd really like to own someday. But in reality, there are less than 100 games left that I'd genuinely like to own someday. As much as I love updating my Top 10 Most Wanted Games, it's becoming harder and harder for me to think of games I'd actively want to go out and pursue. Hell, a lot of the stuff I put on there now are flash carts and mods since I've learned to enjoy games on mediums other than the original carts/discs.

It genuinely makes me a little sad to know I'm so close to being done with retro games, and with modern gaming becoming more and more compromised I feel like the walls are closing in on that front too. While I'm certain I will always love video games and be a gamer, I worry that my experiences are going to be confined to just the classics and maybe one or two new games a year. Still, it does sound nice to spend less money on games overall, which is something I've already began to notice outside me coming across a bunch of games I want and spending hundreds, if not thousands of dollars on them. Still, despite all that, I hope to someday share your enthusiasm for finally seeing an end to my retro collecting day because currently it just sounds depressing to me despite how inevitable it is.


Re: Video Game Resolutions and Goals in 2023
« Reply #26 on: March 04, 2023, 09:16:12 am »
My one goal this year, is to seriously put together a plan for wrapping up my retro collecting, permanently. I need to go through and nix some things off of my wish lists and put together a list of must-have pickups for each console, and then going hard after them. Once they're completed, that's it. I can't own everything I'd want to own in an ideal world anymore, the prices are just too absurd now. So I really have to decide what's worth it, and what's not worth it for me. I've been collecting for over 10 years, and I'm really eager to close this chapter of my life where I focus so much time and energy, and money on game collection goals. It's high time that I've moved on to other things, but here I am still. I want the end to finally be in sight, and some of these games as cool as they might be, just aren't worth being held back from that end.

So my plan is to be done retro collecting within a year or two. Totally done, no more updated wish lists. I'm just gonna have to let some things that I wanted go, and I'm going to be out of the retro buyer's market and it's going to feel GREAT. I'll continue to buy modern games and collect for modern consoles, but my retro gaming will be largely limited to just the things in my collection.

For me this is very ambitious, as I've been quite addicted to retro collecting for a long time and unwilling to give it up. It's just become too much of a burden and financial drain for me, that I can't sustain it forever with the year over year worsening conditions of the market. So I'm gonna do my research and start putting these collection finale lists together, and really just bludgeon them with my wallet. Or bludgeon my wallet with the lists, however you want to look at it.

I feel like I've seen the end of the tunnel now for several years now, however I keep on finding way to make the tunnel a little longer, probably because it's hard to imagine just not collecting anymore for me. Like pretty much all collectors, the hobby was super exciting, fun, and interesting when I started. There were bountiful games on many different consoles I'd never even heard of and many more I had heard of, but dreamed of owning someday. At this point I've owned 96-97% of everything I've ever wanted to own, and after several noteworthy purges I feel like my current collection is pretty much exactly where I want it to be...for the most part.

The last frontier of collecting for me is CIB games for various retro consoles with a few games on consoles like the PS1, Saturn, and several others I'd really like to own someday. But in reality, there are less than 100 games left that I'd genuinely like to own someday. As much as I love updating my Top 10 Most Wanted Games, it's becoming harder and harder for me to think of games I'd actively want to go out and pursue. Hell, a lot of the stuff I put on there now are flash carts and mods since I've learned to enjoy games on mediums other than the original carts/discs.

It genuinely makes me a little sad to know I'm so close to being done with retro games, and with modern gaming becoming more and more compromised I feel like the walls are closing in on that front too. While I'm certain I will always love video games and be a gamer, I worry that my experiences are going to be confined to just the classics and maybe one or two new games a year. Still, it does sound nice to spend less money on games overall, which is something I've already began to notice outside me coming across a bunch of games I want and spending hundreds, if not thousands of dollars on them. Still, despite all that, I hope to someday share your enthusiasm for finally seeing an end to my retro collecting day because currently it just sounds depressing to me despite how inevitable it is.

My issue is my goals were always a bit too lofty for my own good. I wanted to own an exhaustive collection of everything that's ever piqued my interest for each and every mainstream console, and even some of the obscure ones. I recently bought a 3DO and started a collection for that, as well. Over the years, it's become a lot easier for me to judge the likelihood of something I'd enjoy vs something that's a waste of my money. However, it's still a lot to pursue. With each and every year providing another excuse for why prices go up and up, a list of 20 games for this console, 40 for that one, and 30 for the other, just becomes a slog. When you are pacing your pickups to not bankrupt yourself, and prices go up every month, the progress slows and slows and just drags on and on.

I still have a lot of interest in modern releases as well. Not so much triple-a type games, I don't even pay that much attention to those very much, but a lot of smaller titles getting physical releases through normal distribution channels (meaning not LRG). I'm more than happy to buy those. I fear they'll only ever increase in price if I don't as the print runs are significantly smaller than what most physical games used to be. My local GS stores mostly don't even get a single copy, if you don't pre-order so I have to be diligent with what's upcoming. So there's that for me to worry about, on top of all the retro collecting madness, making things even more difficult. With the prices and difficulty juggling priorities, it's just never going to wrap up unless I put an end to it deliberately.