Poked around both Cavern of Dreams and Corn Kidz 64, just to give them a look and they seem okay. They nail the aesthetics, but sorta feel like they adhere a little too close in gameplay to their PS1/N64 roots, and not entirely in a great way. Corn Kidz camera is a little wonky, being a little close to the character and then having moments where it auto-adjusts based on like a big jump you do, but it's clunky. Gameplay is good, it's functionally very similar to Banjo-Kazooie to me along with that sorta goofy tone too. Cavern of Dreams sorta suffers with a little camera wonkyness, gameplay is okay, I played a tad less of this, but could be okay.
I definitely feel like if someone is making a low poly throwback, that they should really try and take advantage of a modern camera system. I've actually been going back to replay Banjo-Kazooie very casually on Switch, and they move the C Button cameras to the analog and it kinda creates its own issues, and really, the camera controls aren't not a nostalgic fondness I have, they were a choice due to the limitations of the time, and they can be worked with, but boy do I wish either of these played more like Pseudoregalia with how amazing that feels to play and control lol