Author Topic: Total mixed up Star Fox Command  (Read 475 times)

Total mixed up Star Fox Command
« on: April 30, 2023, 03:17:16 pm »
This entry is totally f*ked up:

some reprint front cover, a back cover of the NL-release, Barcode and item code of the DE-release and "collection" useage which is more likely a UK release.


Re: Total mixed up Star Fox Command
« Reply #1 on: May 01, 2023, 10:15:19 am »
It is a franken entry. It happens when people attempt to convert an entry or the original user only made a title with no picture. It is common to find entries like this outside of Sega or PlayStation categories.

In the future, post items like this in the Listing Errors thread.,12136.0.html