First, I'll just point out that you can't really say that nothing orderly has been done, when you are also referencing two posts that have been moderated / closed.

I don't think I have to spell it out for you; I'd like to believe you're smart enough to see where I was coming from and therefore be able to understand the overall message of what I was trying to convey with what I said, whether or not the situation was taken care of. I used to be empathic and amicable with the guy, but he's gone way off the rails crazy with his bullshit—most of everything he posts easily falls under the
"Low Quality Posts" section of the forum rules. Not only that, but this dude has shown plenty of times that he doesn't care anymore with his passive-aggressive behavior, which the above post quite aptly shows. Y'all called
seether a troll, but this saphead is the
realest here. It somehow feels like he's the mascot of the forums, and I mean, sure, we could keep him as our pet, but, as it's the case with most any other pet, I'm sure everyone has already grown tired of the same trick. Psychotherapy is what they should give him.
Come to think of it, this bozo reminds me of a time agone when I was part of a forum, and this one guy ended up posting an "I'm sorry" thread explaining how he was faking being black and acting the way he was merely because he showed a big deal of admiration toward the admin, where he felt that somehow he hadn't achieved anything in his life because he wasn't black, given in his mind black people did that and more due to their oppression and cultural background and a bunch of other nonsense that I'm not going to even bother repeating here... It was a pathetic display, to say the least. Most of us, including the admin, showed compassion and actually gave the dude words of encouragement, but shortly after that, he went AWOL. Then, a few months later, a new user appeared, and after going about getting acquainted with the group, he started behaving erratically, posting utter garbage all over the forums, most peppered with conspiracy theories and how "the man" was bringing him and his fellow people down and a bunch of other crap. At first, we all replied to his ramblings, but then steadily everyone stopped, until one day the admin, I believe, was in a bad mood and called the dude out, posting a screenshot showing two IP addresses, both being the same, which meant this "new" user was in fact the guy from before. It was sad yet funny, if I'm being honest, but sadly, after that, things died down, and the admin, as many of us noticed, wasn't the same. Eventually the admin decided to make the forums private, essentially accessible through membership only, until one day we all got a 404 page, with his other websites following suit.
And for the sake of clarity, I'm not implying anything with that anecdote, but as I stated once, this guy shouldn't be going around the Internet if he's mentally impaired—we're not his caregivers.
Second, I wasn't a mod when the other poster you've mentioned was active, but what I always saw as the biggest issue was the repetitive posting of the same topic over and over again with only slight variations when most of it could have been contained to a single thread (there would have a been a lot of thread merging). Say what you will about oldergamerz being that repetitive is not high on the list of things that I would accuse him of.
You not being a moderator back then is utterly irrelevant, but knowing you were going to be the one to reply to my post, I had my suspicion you'd make mention of it somehow. But sure,
seether harping on about stocks is "repetitive", but this mook blathering on about being cyberbullied by an Internet boogeyman, conspiracy theories up the wazoo, and all the other tinfoil hogwash he spews (among other crusty drool) since way before the former joined the forums isn't. Get the frag outta here! Bullshit is bullshit; it doesn't matter the color of the stool.