Author Topic: Arcade  (Read 6165 times)


Sega ST-V
« Reply #15 on: September 11, 2020, 10:49:30 am »
Sega ST-V
This section is for Sega ST-V (Sega Titan Video) cartridges only:

The ST-V Unit or mainboard can be put into the Arcade Boards category.
Any game in a cabinet can be put into the Arcade Cabinets category.
Additional cabinet hardware including the video board can be put into the Arcade Hardware category.

The additional items included within a kit, such as the instruction cards, marquee and manual are not tracked with separate entries. You can use the notes section when adding an item to your collection to track these items.

Front Art
Front art should be of the cartridge only and of the side showing the label with the title.
« Last Edit: September 11, 2020, 10:56:54 am by tripredacus »


SNK Hyper Neo Geo 64
« Reply #16 on: September 11, 2020, 10:58:20 am »
SNK Hyper Neo Geo 64
This section is for SNK Hyper Neo Geo 64 cartridges only:

The main PCB can be put into the Arcade Boards category.
A game in a cabinet can be put into the Arcade Cabinets category.

The additional items included within a kit, such as the instruction cards, marquee and manual are not tracked with separate entries. You can use the notes section when adding an item to your collection to track these items.

Front Art
Front Art should be of the cartridge showing the label with the title:

The description can indicate what is included with the kit, as well as which specific mainboard is required to play the game.
« Last Edit: September 11, 2020, 11:20:34 am by tripredacus »


DECO Cassette System
« Reply #17 on: August 27, 2024, 10:27:59 am »
DECO Cassette System
This section is for DECO Cassette System games only:

Front art should be the box

Cart art should be the cassette

Key modules are not tracked as separate items.
« Last Edit: August 27, 2024, 10:41:56 am by tripredacus »