Author Topic: Arcade  (Read 6168 times)


Re: Arcade
« Reply #1 on: May 19, 2020, 12:07:50 pm »
Arcade Boards (Arcade PCB)
This section is for arcade game boards and multi-game system boards

dedicated game boards that go into this category:
any dedicated game board
Capcom CPS-1 board sets
Capcom CPS Dash
Sega RingEdge
Nintendo Vs. Main PCB with Daughter board

Non-dedicated boards that go into this category:
Capcom CPS II and CPS III A Boards
I.G.S. PGM System main boards
Neo Geo MVS system boards
Nintendo PlayChoice 10 main boards
Sega NAOMI / 2 main board
SNK Hyper Neo Geo 64 main boards

Item names
Dedicated game boards get named for the game they represent.
Naming reference sites to use:
1. GameFaqs
2. Arcade Museum

For bootleg game boards, the use of descriptors is required. If the bootleg has the same name as an official board, then an attempt at determining the bootleg manufacturer should be made. This information may be present on the PCB itself. If no such information can be found, the descriptor (bootleg) may be used in the item name.

For bootleg boards that contain a game with a different name, no descriptor is required. Put the original game title in alt-name field, and note in the description that the rom/game data is a hack of x game.

System boards get named by how they are represented in the manual or other official documentation for the cabinet or conversion kit.
Documentation reference sites:
1. Arcade Museum
4. SegaRetro

- The Sega NAOMI main board is called the Sega NAOMI Shield Case in the NAOMI conversion kit/cabinet manuals.

Standard image rules apply for items that were sold, as-is, in a box. This would be valid for conversion or upgrade kits in most situations.
Box front/back images should only use official boxes and not have pictures of custom kit boxes or be of original boxes but with custom labels.
For loose game PCBs, front image should be of the side that contains the ROM chips, or the commonly accepted "front" side. Back image can contain the reverse. For a board stack such as CPS1 or Vs System game boards, the same logic should apply.

- Street Fighter EX2 is a Sony ZN-2 arcade board:

- Sega NAOMI and NAOMI 2 Shield Cases were either included in a cabinet or in a kit. While the kit has a box, the entry is not for the kit, but just for the main board/Shield Case itself. Therefore, the front art we use is the top of the Shield Case without the cart or DIMM inserted:

The same should be true of a Neo Geo MVS or NeoPrint board, the bare board without a cartridge inserted should be seen in the picture.

Here you can list connectors, capabilities or incompatibilities for a specific board. If the board is JAMMA or not, what board type is it (Sony ZN-2, RingEdge, etc).
If the board was sold in a kit or originally in a cabinet, if that parent item has a specific name you can put that there.
If the item is a board set, you can list out each individual board component, such as each of the boards in a CPS1 stack.

For system boards, you can list what types of cartridges or system add-ons are compatible.
An example would be that CPS II A boards have a colored label that should match the color of the B board to function, or that if you use Japanese MVS carts on a US MVS board, the games will show in English. Do not list exceptions to these scenarios, rather that is information that should be put onto the game entries themselves.
« Last Edit: January 10, 2025, 10:34:00 am by tripredacus »


Arcade Cabinets
« Reply #2 on: May 20, 2020, 09:58:11 am »
Arcade Cabinets
All arcade and amusement cabinets will go into this category, not including Pinball which has a dedicated category.
Cabinet types allowed in this section:
- Original dedicated cabinets
- Converted cabinets
- Cabinets sold without games
- retail releases or full cabinet kits for multigames

Items not allowed in this section:
- BYOAC or the Star Wars Chair
- custom converted cabinets including MAME cabs.
- empty dedicated cabinets
- cabinets with modded boards

converted cabinets
Converted cabinets are allowed, but only as their final stage.
For example, we can have an entry for both a Golden Tee Fore! 2003 and a Golden Tee Fore! 2005, but not for a Golden Tee Fore! 2005 that was a Golden Tee Fore! 2003. Conversion history should be put into the Notes field when you add an item into your collection.

An exception to this is where an official conversion kit exists that specifies specific cabinets and where a dedicated release of the same game also exists. Example:
Mario Bros.
Mario Bros. (Nintendo-Pak)
In this example, Mario Bros. was released as a Nintendo-Pak conversion kit specifically designed for use in Donkey Kong Junior, Donkey Kong and Popeye cabinets. The term Nintendo-Pak is taken from the kit manual:

cabinets sold without games
Cabinets such as Sega City series and Lindbergh Universal cabinets that were available without games are allowed entries as empty cabinets. They are not allowed entries with a game installed, except where officially released. For example a listing for Sega Astro City 2 is allowed, but not Sega Astro City 2 - Virtua Fighter. Virtua Fighter (which was sold in Japan in an Astro City 2) would have an entry of its own, and the cabinet style/name would be put into description.
Another example of allowed empty cabinets: Dynamo

retail releases or cabinet kits for multigames
For cabinets that are sold at retail with emulators, such as Big Electronic Games Konami Arcade Machine:

custom conversion cabinets
If you have a Street Fighter II cabinet that was converted to an Asteroids, there would not be an item listing allowed for this specific scenario. For the purposes of tracking your own collection, you would add either the Street Fighter II or Asteroids listing into your collection, and use the notes field to indicate that it is a conversion. For the purposes of this database and the obvious fact that arcade cabinets can be converted or changed, not all configurations will be tracked. We currently do not support the listing of custom or homemade items on VGCollect, but hopefully someday we can make this happen.

empty dedicated cabinets
Empty cabinets for dedicated games (ie. Pac-Man) or universal cabinets that were only sold with games (ie. Konami) are not allowed separate entries.

cabinets with modded boards
We do not allow any entries for a game that a modified board. Examples:
- Golden Tee Fore! 2003 with Golden Tee For! 2005 chip/software upgrade (either officially from Innovative Technologies or that other method)
- Pac-Man modded to play Ms. Pac-Man
- Asteroids with a High Score Save kit installed.
However, some of these individual parts or kits are allowed entries in the Arcade Hardware category.

Multi-game cabinets with only 1 game installed
Multi-game cabinets with only 1 game installed, such as a Neo Geo MVS cabinet, should not have separate entries besides the main cabinet. For example, if you have a Neo Geo MVS 1 Slot cabinet with Real Bout Fatal Fury installed, we would not have a separate entry for this cabinet for that specific game. You would add that 1 Slot cabinet to your collection and use the notes field to indicate which game is installed. Alternatively, you can add the cabinet and the game cartridge itself to your collection.

Item Names
Item names should be of the game itself.

Descriptors such as Cabaret, Cocktail, Cockpit and Upright should only be capitalized if those terms are present in the manual for the cabinet. If they are not present but a descriptor is required due to multiple entries with the same name, it must be in lower case. Games that have only one entry does not need a cabinet style descriptor.
Example: Dig Dug (Cocktail), image from Dig Dug manual:

Since Cocktail is an official term, it can use a capital C in the descriptor.

For releases that have the same name but were released from different companies, the company name can be used. Examples:
Badlands (Atari)
Badlands (Konami)

For releases that have multiple official cabinet types, the descriptor to be used is what is listed in the cabinet manual.
Example: Confidential Mission has four cabinet types and (at least) five international releases.
The Deluxe Type (sold in UK) and the Standard (sold in US) are the same cabinet but have different entries because there are different releases and names.
The name for the sit-down model, DX Type is from the manual:

For a situation where there are multiple official cabinet types for older games, where one is an upright, and others may be cocktail, cabaret or  cockpit, the upright does not require a descriptor. In this situation all cabinets without a descriptor are presumed to be upright. Example:
Ms. Pac-Man
Ms. Pac-Man (cocktail)

Alt-Name field can have the game's international title as well as more common terms for cabinet styles if an official descriptor is being used. In the previous example of the Confidential Mission (DX Type), the alt-name field has text "Super Deluxe" as this is a term found on other arcade websites. It would be allowed to put "cockpit" or "sit-down" into this field as well.

Front image should be an isometric view (facing either left or right) that shows the side and the front of the cabinet.

The image used for a universal cabinet should not have a game shown on the screen or have any game's marquee, instruction card, side art or CPO present.
« Last Edit: January 06, 2025, 10:30:19 am by tripredacus »


Arcade Hardware
« Reply #3 on: August 10, 2020, 09:39:36 am »
Arcade Hardware
This section is for any cabinet hardware that is not a cabinet itself, a game board or a pinball machine.

- individual components of arcade cabinets including power supplies, monitors and harnesses
- individual components of Sega NAOMI systems
- homebrew and third party components

Items to not put in this category:
- marquees (currently not tracked)
- flyers (should be put into Swag - Artwork category)
- manuals (currently not tracked)
- bezels (currently not tracked)

Item Names
As with previous examples, names for items that were not sold outside of a cabinet or a kit should use the name as shown in any related documentation.
« Last Edit: August 10, 2020, 10:08:54 am by tripredacus »


CP System II B Boards
« Reply #4 on: August 14, 2020, 10:19:09 am »
CP System II B Boards aka CPS2 or CPSII
This section is for the CPS2 B Boards only.
Since the B Boards are either part of a conversion kit, or included within a cabinet, all items in this section are for the loose boards only. The front art slot can be of the top of the B Board case and should not be of the CPS2 cardboard box.

A boards go into the Arcade Boards section.

There are two different boxes for CPS2 boards

Info needed
- Can box design be tied to releases in any way?
- Were A boards ever in these boxes with the B boards, have their own boxes or only available in cabinets?

B Board colors and regions

Blue: USA and Europe. Compatible with Japanese A boards.
Green: Japan. Compatible with US and European A boards.
Yellow: Region free, originally sold as rental boards. Compatible with any region/color A board.

Info needed
- Is there a way to tell the difference between a blue US and blue EU casing?

Grey: Asian. Region locked, requires grey A board.
Orange: South American. Region locked, requires orange A board. Has a gold stamp with text "Capcom Certificado Qualidade"

Black CPS2 board sets


B Board labels
The vast majority of B boards have labels that are blue and white. Some of the earlier releases have full color labels such as Dungeons & Dragons: Tower of Doom. However there exist some boards that should have a color label but instead have a blue and white label, or have a simple Japanese text label. There are also labels that have rounded corners vs one with square corners. These are the various possible label sources, although nothing is confirmed:
- The original label that came on the board.
- A label variation indicating a ROM revision.
- A new/different label applied during board repair by Capcom.
- A label replaced by an operator.
- A repro or custom label.

Variations and VGCollect
For this section, we will track only the games and their regional releases.
We do not track these variations:
- Labels
- ROM versons
- Board revisions
- Phoenixed or de-suicided boards
- Conversions
- Individual board components inside of the casing
If you have these types of variants and want to track them, you can use the Notes section when you add an item to your collection or wishlist.
« Last Edit: August 08, 2024, 11:06:37 am by tripredacus »


CP System III Carts and CDs
« Reply #5 on: August 24, 2020, 09:30:05 am »
CP System III Carts and CDs aka CPS3 or CPSIII
Since the carts and CDs are either part of a conversion kit, or included within a cabinet, all items in this section are for the loose carts and CDs only. The front art slot can be of the label side of the CD or cart, and the back can be of the obverse. The art should not be of the box the kit is in.

The CPS3 motherboards can be put into the Arcade Boards category.
The other parts such as the Flash-SIMMs or CD-ROM Drive can be put into the Arcade Hardware category.
Currently, we do not have a section to specifically track conversion kits for arcade games. If you have a full kit installed in a cabinet, an entry for the kit installed in a cabinet can exist in the Arcade Cabinets category.

The carts contain the CPU and the region encoding for the game.
These items should follow the following naming convention:
Game Title security cartridge [TLD]

For unofficial releases, such as multi-carts, they do not need the word "security cartridge" in the title.

The data content of the CDs (like the main boards) are identical between regions.
These items should be named using the regular game naming rules in the Style Guide.

Info needed
- did the CD-Roms come in a jewel case with front and/or back artwork in the kit?
« Last Edit: November 03, 2020, 11:59:58 am by tripredacus »


Neo Geo MVS
« Reply #6 on: August 24, 2020, 10:46:00 am »
Neo Geo MVS
These sections are for the cartridges only:
Neo Geo MVS EU:
Neo Geo MVS JP:
Neo Geo MVS NA:

The Neo Geo MVS main PCBs are located in the Arcade Boards category.
The Neo Geo MVS cabinets are located in the Arcade Cabinets category.

Front art should to be the Title Card for the specific release and the Media Art should be the cartridge showing the label. If the release has no Title Card, then the front art should be the cartridge showing the label.
The art slots should not show a complete kit's contents, or the box the kit is in.

Title Cards
The Title Card is a mini-marquee that is included in an MVS Kit, that is designed to be inserted into the main marquee of a Neo Geo MVS arcade cabinet. Below are the Title Cards for Real Bout Garou Densetsu and Real Bout Fatal Fury.

Example of cartridge artwork showing the label:

Cartridge images should not show pictures of the PCBs inside of the cartridge.

Custom boxes, labels and shells
There are many different custom labels for kit boxes (plain cardboard boxes) and also custom cases for MVS carts that are made to look like Neo Geo AES cases. These items are not permitted on entries for official releases. They can only be used if they were sold with an unofficial release, such as if a multicart was sold in some sort of custom packaging.

Similarly, there are custom labels for the cartridges. On official releases, the cart picture should have the official or original label present. Custom labels can only be shown on cart pictures for bootleg entries.

As with labels, there exists custom shells for MVS cartridges. These custom or replacement shell pictures should not be included on entries for official releases, and should only be used on entries for bootleg or unofficial releases.
« Last Edit: August 24, 2020, 11:16:21 am by tripredacus »


Nintendo PlayChoice 10
« Reply #7 on: August 25, 2020, 11:25:49 am »
Nintendo PlayChoice 10
This section is for the cartridges only:

The PlayChoice 10 main boards are located in the Arcade Boards category.
The PlayChoice 10 cabinets are located in the Arcade Cabinets category.

Item Name
The item name that should be used is in this priority:
1. The name on the box
2. The name on the mini-marquee
3. The name on the label on the PCB

If multiple name formatting exists, put the others into alt-name.

front art
Front art slot should be the box for releases that had one.

For the ten original cartridges, the cart itself can be the front art.

back art
Back art slot should be the topper for official releases if it exists.

At this time, we do not track the individual toppers, be it official, repro or custom.

Media art
Media art should be of the card/PCB itself, showing the side with the ROMs.

Item Number
The item number is the third line on the ROM label

The other numbers present on the PCB are:
- the board number: PCH1-01-ROM which should be the same on all PCBs
- the ROM label has 3 numbers, the label to identify the label (PCH1-R), the ROM number (U1, U2, U3) and the game ID (BF in the example)
- The R- number is unique on all PCBs even of the same game

Identification Information
There are ten cartridges that do not have official marquees or boxes. They are: Balloon Fight, Baseball, Duck Hunt, Excitebike, Golf, Hogan's Alley, Mario Bros, Metroid, Tennis and Wild Gunman.
« Last Edit: January 02, 2025, 11:16:24 am by tripredacus »


Pinball Machines
« Reply #8 on: August 25, 2020, 11:40:56 am »
Pinball Machines
This section is for full pinball machines only:

All entries should be officially released machines and no entries for customized or converted machines.

Front Art
Front art should be an isometric view of the pinball machine itself, so that the backglass and one of the sides are visible.
Image priority should be the machine on a white background such as:

and secondly any photo of the machine such as:

Front art should not be of the arcade flyer, the backglass or the shipping box.
Front art should also not be of a 3D model or rendering of the machine, rather an actual photo.

back and media art
These slots should not be used.

This can be set as the Manufacturer.

This should not be set.

This should contain information regarding what is included with the machine from the factory.

Box text
This should only contain text that is present on the original machine's shipping box.
« Last Edit: September 09, 2020, 11:26:38 am by tripredacus »


Sammy Atomiswave cartridges
« Reply #9 on: September 09, 2020, 11:27:22 am »
Sammy Atomiswave cartridges
This section is for the cartridges only:

The System Board can be put into the Arcade Boards category.
The add-in cartridges can be put into the Arcade Hardware category.
We currently do not track the complete Conversion kit, or any of the non-hardware components included within it.

Front Art
The image priority for front art should be:
1. Top-down view showing the label:

2. Any view showing the label

The front image should not show the System Board or any item that is not the ROM Cartridge.
None of the art slots should show the instruction cards or arcade flyers for the game.

If the ROM Cartridge was released in a conversion kit, the conversion kit contents can be listed.
If the ROM Cartridge was released in a cabinet, this can be noted

Box Text
This field should not be used.
« Last Edit: September 09, 2020, 11:38:29 am by tripredacus »


Sega Mega Play
« Reply #10 on: September 09, 2020, 11:41:12 am »
Sega Mega Play
This section is for Sega Mega Play cartridges only:

The main PCB can be put into the Arcade Boards category.
The Mega Play cabinet can be put into the Arcade Cabinets category.

The cartridges come in boxes that do not include the main PCB, as such unlike some of the other cart-only categories in the Arcade section, the entries for these releases can contain the regular artwork. Meaning, the box front/back and cart images.
Example front artwork:

Example cart artwork:
« Last Edit: September 09, 2020, 11:55:37 am by tripredacus »


Sega Mega-Tech System
« Reply #11 on: September 10, 2020, 10:47:25 am »
Sega Mega-Tech System
This section is for Sega Mega-Tech System cartridges only:

The main PCB can be put into the Arcade Boards category.
The Mega-Tech System cabinet can be put into the Arcade Cabinets category.

As with the Sega Mega Play, the Mega-Tech System game cartridges have their own packaging and do not include the main PCB to run them.

Front Art
The Mega-Tech system comes in a plastic case with the game name printed on the cover.

Cart Art
The cartridge is in the same design as the Mega Play, and with the home console versions where the game title is printed on the edge. Unlike the Mega Play, the title is black on red, so it can be difficult to read.

The cart art should be formatted the same as any other cartridge art, showing the side with the label artwork. In this case, the item number is present on this side and should match to the item number on the entry.

Although a picture with the game title visible is also acceptable:
« Last Edit: August 08, 2024, 11:07:04 am by tripredacus »


Sega NAOMI 2 cartridges
« Reply #12 on: September 10, 2020, 11:09:54 am »
Sega NAOMI 2 cartridges
This section is for the Sega NAOMI 2 cartridges only:
Satellite Terminal games should not be put into this section if they did not have a unique cartridge.

The Shield Case (main PCB) is in the Arcade Boards category.
Games in cabinets go into the Arcade Cabinets category.
The additional components for the NAOMI 2 that are not the game or cabinet can be put into the Arcade Hardware category.
NAOMI 2 GD-ROMs go into the Sega NAOMI GD-ROM category.

Front Art
The front art should be of the loose game DIMM/cartridge showing the side with the label and game title:

Identification Information
Besides being dark gray and having NAOMI 2 on the label, the casing is the same shape as used for the original NAOMI carts.
« Last Edit: September 10, 2020, 11:38:50 am by tripredacus »


Sega NAOMI cartridges
« Reply #13 on: September 10, 2020, 11:19:45 am »
Sega NAOMI cartridges
This section is for the Sega NAOMI cartridges only:
Satellite Terminal games should not be put into this section if they did not have a unique cartridge.

The Shield Case (main PCB) is in the Arcade Boards category.
Games in cabinets go into the Arcade Cabinets category.
The additional components for the NAOMI that are not the game or cabinet can be put into the Arcade Hardware category.
NAOMI GD-ROMs go into the Sega NAOMI GD-ROM category.

Item Name
The item name should be the name as it appears on the cartridge label.
Virtua Tennis (Power Smash)

There are variations to the releases where the item number is different. In case like this, this item number can be used as a descriptor.
18 Wheeler (840-0023C)
18 Wheeler (840-0037C)

Currently it is preferrable to use the item number descriptors in the Item Name instead of using a TLD.

Alt-Name should have the regular game title, especially in a situation where the title on the label is abbreviated.

Front Art
Front art should be of the side of the case showing the label with the game title.

Back art
Back can may contain a photo of the game PCB from within the casing.

Identification Information
Sega NAOMI cartridges use the same type of casing as the NAOMI 2, but are white plastic. As with many white plastics, they may suffer from Photodegradation and can appear to be brown or yellow. Sega NAOMI cartridges can be used in both a NAOMI and NAOMI 2 system.
« Last Edit: September 10, 2020, 11:38:58 am by tripredacus »


« Reply #14 on: September 10, 2020, 11:32:31 am »
This section is for Sega NAOMI and NAOMI 2 GD-ROMs only:

This is once instance where we will track media for two different systems in the same category. The reasoning for this is due to how the NAOMI 2 GD-ROMs are labelled. There is no apparent crossover in titles between the two systems, so there should not be any confusion as to which entry is which.

The kit case, security chip, manual or other items are not tracked as separate entries. If you have these items, use the notes field when you add an item into your collection.

Front Art
Front art should be of the loose disc

This should be used to indicate if a disc is for NAOMI 2. Also can contain information such as item numbers on the security chip.

Identification Information
A NAOMI or NAOMI 2 GD-ROM kit is comprised of a translucent plastic keep case with a place to store both the GD-ROM and the security chip.

Despite appearing to be the same, the regular NAOMI 2 GD-ROMs have additional text printed on the disc to signify that they must be used in a NAOMI 2 arcade system.

NAOMI disc item number area:

NAOMI 2 disc item number area:
« Last Edit: August 08, 2024, 11:07:32 am by tripredacus »