Tomb Raider (2013) - Failed to understand what Lara Croft and the TR games are meant to be and got turned into a generic cinematic Uncharted clone because it was fashionable at the time, without understanding what made Uncharted 1-3 work. It doesn't really fit the topic, I can see people with poor taste liking it, when it lets you play it's competent, but unremarkable. Still it is an awful game I rage quit at around a quarter way through and have no intention of ever revisiting.
If that's the worse you got, something that is genuinely a good game, even if you don't like the direction it took, it's not been all that bad with the games you've played lol
For me, while I could pick something such as Superman 64, I might have to go with
Fallout 76, as that one sucked real bad as a Fallout fan. A series that is notorious for its bugs, gets even buggier online features strapped onto it, the game clearly incomplete, lacking content, and to this day, despite getting a lot of work done on it, I think is still not a good game. It has content and is a better game than it was, but its still terribly optimized as I tried to play it recently on my new PC, but can't get a smooth frame rate at all and it's still very buggy. I don't get how people stick with that game lol