First, thanks for the time and efforts spent in restoring the database so quick and thoroughly, that’s a huge relief!
Nevertheless, 5k entries with missing front images seems quite a low estimate now; out of my 2344 items front images have no_art.jpg for 433 of them. Assuming this is a representative sample (might not be), that amounts to roughly 51k for the whole database.
That raises the question, considering the obvious collaborative aspect of the database, is there any plan to ease the possibility to any one of us to backup at least the whole content of our collection (not just a selection of fields in a CSV), perhaps of the whole database? (assuming that’s not the case today, as such backups would have obviously helped in restoring everything I guess).
Sorry if that sounded harsh in any way, but the recent events obviously have me concerned about the perennity of what I list and contribute to here.
All the best and thanks again for all the work.