Author Topic: E3 2012 Hype Thread!  (Read 8615 times)


Re: E3 2012 Hype Thread!
« Reply #45 on: June 05, 2012, 05:52:07 pm »
Its looks like a dark version of GTA. :(

GTA wasn't dark?
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Brush Wizard - Mini Painting Blog | The SHMUP: BYOAC Build | Art Thread


Re: E3 2012 Hype Thread!
« Reply #46 on: June 05, 2012, 06:05:11 pm »
Electronic Arts' press conference was the most boring I'd say. They should have spent more time on SimCity and less on the sports games.

They should spend NO time on sports games and instead they should announce that sports games are worthless and that releasing a new one every year with the most minute changes and having idiots spend another $60 a year is a fluke.


Unfortunately, they're probably not going away/disappearing anytime soon since it's probably one of their more-profitable "flukes", and seeing how the masses keep shelling-out for 'em...Meh...they can have them :P

Well, I don't hate sports games  ;) I just see no point in spending a presentation on them when they are very similar every year. I used to play a lot of them on the Genesis so I'm partly to blame for making EA Sports successful  :D One problem with the contracts, at least the NFL one, is they are required to release a game annually.

When the Nintendo conference started I was thinking how they have such an advantage being able to send a gaming legend on stage to talk about their system. Miyamoto wasn't up there too long though and only talked about Pikmin. Reggie was kind of a big deal his first year, now he mostly spits out the usual marketing spiel. That Nintendo Land game just looked like a bunch of mini-games; I suppose they expect that to be the Wii U's Wii Sports. Did they even mention a release date?


Re: E3 2012 Hype Thread!
« Reply #47 on: June 05, 2012, 06:13:57 pm »
i know what nintendo was doing with the conference they were showing what games that will be available for the wiiu at launch and to me thats a good thing


Re: E3 2012 Hype Thread!
« Reply #48 on: June 05, 2012, 08:02:26 pm »
Well, at least one really cool thing came out from E3 about the Wii U other than Pikmin 3 and NSMBU (and hey, Nintendo Land seems to have a couple cool minigames).
It's currently called Project P-100. It's made by Platinum games and it's directed by Hideki Kamiya (of Devil May Cry, Resident Evil, Viewtiful Joe, Okami and Bayonetta fame), check it out:


Oh and this epic moment:
« Last Edit: June 05, 2012, 08:08:53 pm by jobocan »


Re: E3 2012 Hype Thread!
« Reply #49 on: June 05, 2012, 09:35:22 pm »
OK, so the trailer for Castlevania: Mirror of Fate was kinda cool.
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Brush Wizard - Mini Painting Blog | The SHMUP: BYOAC Build | Art Thread


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Re: E3 2012 Hype Thread!
« Reply #50 on: June 06, 2012, 10:38:17 am »
Well, at least one really cool thing came out from E3 about the Wii U other than Pikmin 3 and NSMBU (and hey, Nintendo Land seems to have a couple cool minigames).
It's currently called Project P-100. It's made by Platinum games and it's directed by Hideki Kamiya (of Devil May Cry, Resident Evil, Viewtiful Joe, Okami and Bayonetta fame), check it out:

I did think that looked pretty fun -- like the attitude of Katamari Damacy and Viewtiful Joe combined with the gameplay of Pikmin.


Re: E3 2012 Hype Thread!
« Reply #51 on: June 06, 2012, 10:42:52 pm »
I don't know if anyone wasted their time on Nintendo's separate 3DS conference, but 2 good things came of it.

A proper explanation of the gameplay for Castlevania: Mirror of Fate was shown... and frankly I'm a lot more positive about it now, I actually want to buy it now (Alucard is playable in addition to Trevor and Simon... not sure who the fourth character is yet).
Also, a gameplay explanation for Paper Mario Sticker Star was also shown, and it looks quite fun as well.

Otherwise, a complete waste of time.


And, as I say this, look what Nintendo strangely did... They announced something for 3DS, but on Twitter instead of their 3DS conference!
Fire Emblem!

What sense does THAT make?
« Last Edit: June 07, 2012, 12:04:23 am by jobocan »


Re: E3 2012 Hype Thread!
« Reply #52 on: June 07, 2012, 02:44:21 am »

And, as I say this, look what Nintendo strangely did... They announced something for 3DS, but on Twitter instead of their 3DS conference!
Fire Emblem!

What sense does THAT make?

Love this response:
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Re: E3 2012 Hype Thread!
« Reply #53 on: June 07, 2012, 06:46:41 pm »
I don't know if anyone wasted their time on Nintendo's separate 3DS conference, but 2 good things came of it.

A proper explanation of the gameplay for Castlevania: Mirror of Fate was shown... and frankly I'm a lot more positive about it now, I actually want to buy it now (Alucard is playable in addition to Trevor and Simon... not sure who the fourth character is yet).
Also, a gameplay explanation for Paper Mario Sticker Star was also shown, and it looks quite fun as well.

Otherwise, a complete waste of time.


And, as I say this, look what Nintendo strangely did... They announced something for 3DS, but on Twitter instead of their 3DS conference!
Fire Emblem!

What sense does THAT make?

....I am raging.  SO MUCH.  I never even had known!  WHAT THE HECK NINTENDO what's the point of a 3DS CONFERENCE if you're not going to announce a 3DS GAME at it!  GWRAAAAA--

At the same time, though, I'm oh so happy.  Emotions clashing oh geez  :-X

Uh, well... at least I got what I wanted out of e3? :o
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