Table of Contents:
Adding a toc to the top post, so it's easier for folks to quickly browse through.
Vivi Orunitia of FFIXOriginal Set of GBA DS Box CoversFake Dragon Quest DS Box CoverOriginal Final Fantasy VI Advance DS Box Cover1st Update to the FFVI CoverOriginal Dragon Quest Monsters: Caravan Heart DS Box CoverOriginal Castlevania - NES Classics Series DS Box CoverWatercolor Map of Torland from Dragon Quest Monsters: Caravan HeartUpdated (and final) Castlevania and FFVI Advance coversUpdated (and final) Link to the Past and Minish Cap coversUpdated (and final) Golden Sun and Golden Sun: The Lost Age coversSuper Mario Advance 4: Super Mario Bros 3 Cover(original post's content below)
Following in @monchrome's footsteps and his perler beads post, I decided to post up some of my gaming related artwork from over the years. Most of it is all Photoshop or Illustrator work, some from class projects and some just for kicks.
My current background for my phone. When it's bright out you can barely see the images, but when it's darker, they shine bright, it's like magic.

Security badge and name tag based on Resident Evil, I made this for a Halloween costume last year.

Original Xbox 360 Pro in Illustrator, made for a set of banners.

Nintendo Wii, also in Illustrator same as above.

Sony PS3, also in Illustrator same as above.

Resident Evil's Umbrella Corp logo desktop background. Logo built from scratch and the U in Umbrella is based off of the logo in the original movie. Which I held on pause while I was designing it.

One of my first Photoshop assignments in College. While I look at it now and see flaws, I'm still impressed with how it turned out.

NES Controller also made in Photoshop, but while on break from school.

SNES Controller, made for Illustrator class.

And finally, my arcade cab. My ultimate gaming artwork. I treated this whole process like one giant art project pushing myself to design the whole thing from scratch.