Author Topic: Xbox Live Indie game review of the week  (Read 940 times)


Xbox Live Indie game review of the week
« on: July 15, 2012, 03:30:48 pm »
As I have been entering games into the database I have found a number of Xbox Live Indie games that I have wanted to try so I thought I would share some of my experiences with the world and get these games the recognition that they deserve. Seeing as how this is my first review I would love some feedback

Chompy Chomp Chomp: Link to market place

Chompy Chomp Chomp was in by Utopian World of Sandwiches and release on May 24 2012.

The game is simple; eat the other Chompys before they eat you. It is a multiplayer game for up to four people either locally or online, which is unusual for an Indie game, of course it would be easier to find the Ark of the Covenant than to find anyone online playing the game but it is still a nice feature to have. There are bots that you can play with so that if you don’t have anyone else to play with you can still enjoy the game to some degree. There are 5 different map styles each with 3 different designs for a total of 15 maps. Unfortunately not all the maps were designed with this style of gameplay in mind some there are a few that I would consider unplayable. After you pick your map you can select either a timed match or a points match and how prevalent you want the pickups to be. Lastly you are given a colored Chompy based on which player you are.

Once the game starts a colored circle appears under your character and that is the color of Chompy that you need to eat. The challenge comes from the fact that another Chompy has your color. As the game progresses the circle changes color at random intervals, this means that you can go from trying to eat the blue Chompy to having the blue Chompy turn around and eat you if you are not careful. Thankfully the music changes to indicate that the colors are going to switch. There are various powerups that you can eat on the playfield, there are positive: speed up and invincibility, and negative ones: poison to slow you down or reverse your controls. There are also powerups that will affect the playfield such as Ice to spin you out of control or sticky stuff to slow you down.

There are different strategies that you can use during the game, should you chase directly after the Chompy you are trying to eat or should you race towards the Chompy that he is trying to eat since you know that’s where he is headed. The game is obviously designed for multiplayer action and that is where it shines but you can still find some enjoyment playing against the computer.

At only 80 MS points it is worth checking out especially if you have a group of friends coming over who might not normally be gamers.

I give it a 7.5 out of 10
« Last Edit: July 15, 2012, 03:51:03 pm by jcalder8 »