Another update. Also, anything marked with an asterisk has been paid in full (this is more for my benefit than anyone elses, but...
My updated preorder list for the year:Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain CE - 09-01-2015
*Metal Gears Solid V CE strategy guide - 09-01-2015
Mad Max - 09-01-2015
*Dragon Quest Heroes - 10-13-2015
*Tales of Zestiria CE - 10-20-2015
Tales of Zestiria CE strategy guide - 10-20-2015
Assassin's Creed Syndicate CE - 10-23-15
Call of Duty: Black Ops III Juggernog Ed. - 11-06-2015
Fallout 4 Pipboy Ed. - 11-10-2015
Fallout 4 CE strategy guide - 11-10-2015
*Legend of Heroes: Trails of Cold Steel - 11-17-2015
*Trackmania Turbo - 11-26-2015
*Summon Night 5 physical release - ??-??-2015
2016 & beyond... :Mighty No. 9 Signature Ed. - ??-??-2016
Zero Escape 3 w/ watch - ??-??-2016
Uncharted 4: A Thief's End - ??-??-2016
*Bloodstained physical release - ??-??-2017
Kingdom Hearts III - ??-??-??
*Shenmue III physical release - ??-??-??
Waiting for a chance to preorder, or to hear a firm date/possible LE details/etc.:Xenoblade Chronicles X
Persona 5
I'm 99% sure I'm going to cancel the Mirror's Edge set. It's overpriced and doesn't appear to be so limited (GS has had it listed for over a month now...). I'm 50/50 on the CoD set - it's expensive too, but that fridge is just awesome. I'd be selling some of the DLC stuff to offset the cost, and I'm getting 20% off at BB...but I'm still not sure. I have time to make up my mind.