Spring cleaning time. I'm going through a bunch of boxes and clearing out some old E3 swag and other goodies. Reply or PM me if interested. Buyer pays shipping.
All shirts are new but have been in a basement box for ages.
Video Game Voters Network - L- From E3 2009 - $3
Faily Tale Fights - M - $3
Dragon Age Origins - XL and L - E3 2009 Exclusive (See photo below) - 1 of 500 - $15
Neo Steam - XL and M - $5
Dragon Age Up Close
Call of Duty 2 - XL - $5
GameStop Powerplay - L - $3
Ninja Gaiden Black - L - $8
Super Mario Strikers - L - Soccer Jersey - $15
Star Wars Battlefront II - XL - $5
Hot Shot Tennis PS2 Demo - Sealed - $6
Hot Shot Tennis PS2 Demo - Open - $2
Socom Fireteam Bravo 2 PSP Demo - Sealed - $5
Killzone Liberation PSP Demo - Sealed - $5
2x MLB 07 The Show PSP Demo - Sealed - $5
Ratchet and Clank Size Matters PSP Demo - Sealed - $5
Call of Duty 4 Press Kit - Sealed - $5
Tony Hawk's Proving Ground Press Kit - Open - $2
Sonic Figure - From a GameCube release(?) - $2
Untold Legends Figure - $3
Death Jr. DS Stylus - $6
Manhunt 2 Lanyard - $2