Author Topic: Suggested Features: "Who else owns this?" / "Games in common"  (Read 1191 times)

Yep, it's me again with a'nudda batch of i'dears for features to help "enrich" our growing community of fellow collectors.

1. "Who else owns this?"
You can get a lot of good information when checking out the individual game/item pages (assuming they've been completed), but I was thinking that it needs something else to tie it to our community; the ability to see a listing of other users who own this game, as well. There's been a few times where I was scrolling through the list wondering "Wow. Who owns THAT game!?" for the real rare stuff.

You could possibly add other little features like "Who added this item?" "Who added this item to their list last?" "How many collections contain this item?" Y'know, stuff like that.

2. "Games in common"
This is sorta like comparing achievements/trophies. When clicking on a user, there should be an option to view what games both users have in their collection. This feature goes hand-in-hand with #1, but expands upon it. (Example: Have you ever been curious who else on the site owns that rare game that you own, too? I know I have!)

These things were probably already planned/considered, but I figured I'd post about 'em, anyway. What do you guys think?