Honestly, at this point, I'm not interested in it at all.
I'm gonna' sit this launch out and watch from the bleachers for awhile.
I mean, I haven't bought a Vita thanks to a lack of games that I want (and thanks to more of Sony's "proprietary" bullshit); although I absolutely love the power & potential of the system.
I haven't bought a 3DS because, well...if I got 1 at launch...I'd have been *pissed* at the big price-drop (20 free games that I don't own/can't touch be damned) ---and--- I'd have been equally pissed looking at/playing on my "Mini-3DS" once the 3DS-XL came out.
What's next...the 3DS-XXL?

The last & only system that I bought day-one (well; since the 2600, that is) was the PS3.
Yeah, the $600 tag *was* high -but- I feel it was worth it seeing that (in addition to my working "Slim" PS3); I
also still have my *working*, launch 60 Gig. (later upgraded to 500 Gigs). that will play all of my PS1, PS2, and PS3 games