Author Topic: Recently Added to Other Collections  (Read 105005 times)


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Re: Recently Added to Other Collections
« Reply #405 on: June 10, 2014, 12:11:06 pm »

And I want to see more of that sweet handheld shelf!

Me 2, can you post a picture of that?

Re: Recently Added to Other Collections
« Reply #406 on: June 10, 2014, 12:13:38 pm »

Do any of those come apart as the individual lions?

And I want to see more of that sweet handheld shelf!

The very bottom one (the little figures on the top shelf actually will fit in the lions cockpits), the middle one on the middle shelf and the 2 large ones one top all come apart into the separate lions.
The gameboy shelf is my wife Amauriels gameboys. Ill see if she can get a good picture of it up on here.
« Last Edit: June 10, 2014, 12:17:31 pm by ronalopolis »
"My life is a chip in your pile. Ante up."
     Setzer  FFVI


Re: Recently Added to Other Collections
« Reply #407 on: June 10, 2014, 12:47:28 pm »
Since it's been requested, my handheld collection. Not pictured is my pearl blue GBA SP, as it's the one I use primarily. Also my Animal Crossing 3DS XL and Ronalopolis' Zelda 3DS XL. The Atari Lynx and the Virtual Boy are both over with our consoles, as they are just a bit to big for these shelves. Every handheld in the picture cost me less than $20, except for one each of most of the Game Boy and DS models, as I bought one to play with when they came out. The only other exception is the Manchester United Game Boy, but since Ronalopolis is a huge soccer fan and his favorite England team is Man U, it was a no-brainer to grab that one. I do like to brag about my collection  ;D, so feel free to ask questions.

"You can buy everything, except love, friendship, and exp. points."


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Re: Recently Added to Other Collections
« Reply #408 on: June 10, 2014, 12:58:58 pm »
That is freaking AWESOME!!! I could use an original model GBA, btw...


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Re: Recently Added to Other Collections
« Reply #409 on: June 10, 2014, 01:45:56 pm »
Thx for posting this. I love this setup, and collection afcourse. I never knew that there was a Man. United gameboy *starts googling*.


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Re: Recently Added to Other Collections
« Reply #410 on: June 11, 2014, 12:13:42 am »
Marvelous display of your Voltron collection, ronalopolis...  A former neighbor had Voltron toys too, don't remember if they were complete.  Then again, if they were and I was in his shoes, I probably wouldn't let a snotty kid play with or touch them.   ;D

Please check out the games I have for sale.


Re: Recently Added to Other Collections
« Reply #411 on: June 12, 2014, 09:22:32 pm »
That is one sexy handheld collection, I'm very envious. :) How exactly does one manage to get stuff like that for less than $20 each? Garage sales, flea markets, etc? The city I live in doesn't really have too much in the way of flea markets and other places to get older games really cheap. Most of the places I've found are retro game stores that overcharge for almost everything. Then again, maybe I'm just not looking hard enough.
Currently playing: Persona 5 (PS4)


Re: Recently Added to Other Collections
« Reply #412 on: June 14, 2014, 07:52:15 am »
A lot of being patient, mostly. I've been actively collecting these for more than 5 years, although it's been recently that I've gotten the shelves and started displaying them. To give you an idea, I had all the Game Boy Pocket colors except for green for quite a while. The day I walked into Half-Price Books and saw it there with the $15 price tag was a great one. Another is knowing what real serial numbers and models look like, then looking for incorrect listings on things like eBay. My extreme green Pocket was only about $10 (and free shipping!), and it was listed as "Transparent Yellow." I knew immediately which model it was and was the only one that bid on it.

I do hit up garage sales when I can, and I have parents who are retired and go garage sale-ing about every week. They call me when they find game stuff and they've landed me a couple. I also never drive by a Goodwill or Volunteers of America without stopping, just on the off-chance. My platinum GBA came from a Goodwill during a deal on everything in the store, so it and a couple games cost me $5. One of the first items we got was our Nomad, which we got from a flea market when the guy swore it didn't work. Ronalopolis asked what they'd take for it, he said $5 since it was broken, and we took it home, just to find that the adapter plug was a bit loose and that the contrast was turned completely to one side.

Another tip would actually be to check out the local used game stores. The one in my town doesn't price Game Boys any differently based on color, so even though the ice blue Pocket would usually be a bit pricier, they had it listed at $15 along with all the other Pockets. The manager at another game store near us has gotten to know us and knows what we collect, so when we walked in he immediately showed me to those two Pokemon Game Boy Colors. He had $35 each on them but after we'd grabbed another big item (the Ace Combat 6 flight stick) he knew he could get me for another $40 for selling them for $20 each and have a nice big sale at once.

I guess it really comes down to just keeping an eye out for what you want. Most of our handhelds felt like steals, but it's because I've put the time into researching the models, knowing their value, and I've just kept making it a point to be always looking, no matter where you go. I don't know how many weekend getaway trips have yielded old games, just because we've used Yelp to find local thrift stores on our way.
"You can buy everything, except love, friendship, and exp. points."


Re: Recently Added to Other Collections
« Reply #413 on: June 14, 2014, 03:14:11 pm »
A day's worth of garage sailing and thrift stores and $43 later brings me all this:

gaems by Tripredacus, on Flickr

Not pictured, a beer glass for daddoo and 6 3A fuses.


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Re: Recently Added to Other Collections
« Reply #414 on: June 14, 2014, 03:24:16 pm »
A day's worth of garage sailing and thrift stores and $43 later brings me all this:

gaems by Tripredacus, on Flickr

Not pictured, a beer glass for daddoo and 6 3A fuses.

So this is your 'other' collection  :P

Btw, nice haul.


Re: Recently Added to Other Collections
« Reply #415 on: June 16, 2014, 12:17:43 pm »
Other collections: VHS, audio cassettes and Transformers stuff.


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Re: Recently Added to Other Collections
« Reply #416 on: June 16, 2014, 01:56:28 pm »
Sorry, it looks alot like a bunch of games.


Re: Recently Added to Other Collections
« Reply #417 on: June 17, 2014, 11:36:20 am »
Sorry, it looks alot like a bunch of games.

Yes there are a bunch of games, but I didn't get enough stuff to warrant splitting the lot for multiple pictures.

Re: Recently Added to Other Collections
« Reply #418 on: June 18, 2014, 01:05:48 pm »
A metal day at the thrift shop, came across two albums from Children of Bodom and something I super wanted, the deluxe edition of Tenacious D's "Pick of Destiny".  It's sadly missing the higher quality pick that is supposed to come with it, but it does have the tarot-like cards and the poster in a very nice looking box.


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Re: Recently Added to Other Collections
« Reply #419 on: June 18, 2014, 01:14:12 pm »
A metal day at the thrift shop, came across two albums from Children of Bodom and something I super wanted, the deluxe edition of Tenacious D's "Pick of Destiny".  It's sadly missing the higher quality pick that is supposed to come with it, but it does have the tarot-like cards and the poster in a very nice looking box.

Nice! Children of Bodom are so freaking awesome it's mind-melting! Alex Laihto is an absolute beast on guitar.

I can't believe you found them at a thrift store of all places. People that buy Children of Bodom are pretty specific on what they're looking for and what they like. It's not like someone going in a buying the latest Jay-Z album at any old store.