Big thanks for more of your input!
Don't get me wrong, I do like PSP and I gave it hundreds hours of love but I think it's better to sell it because I've played all of my current games already and would not be buying more for a few years at least. And if I tried to after these years, I still think the games would not be able to find anymore. So it's better to get some money out from it than leave it intouched in the shelf.
If I sold Vita I would lose big amount of money because at a guess I've spent 500 $ on it and here in Czech I'd sell it for 300 $ maximum if I was lucky so I'll still rather wait for the outcome. The few games I currently own should also entertain me enough when being on the move.
It hurts me to sell PSP but at the moment I am really not in a situation to afford buying enough games for two consoles at the same time and to dedicate to them due to being hunted by time mostly.
And I am also happy for seeing someone who is sharing my opinions regarding current games marketing because it usually does not happen.