Here's a gem that was shared with me a couple of days ago. It's a long and boring story, but for context, this person was having problems during checkout and messaged the seller about it, specifically stating that it was a recurring issue and that they would be contacting customer support for help. Shortly after they got the following message...

'Murica, bitches!
This is america was the best part.
not to change the subject but I just want to say, I Never trusted eBay and this is why. because of some of the stories I've heard of about them. Of coarse I did receive 1 PS3 with part of it's casing peeling off, and another PS3 soaked in sticky brown filth. from Amazon, but at least
ONE stayed in working condition!

AND the 2nd PS3 I got from a seller off amazon about 5 years ago "ever since I had it" I had that thing cleaned the best that the technicians could ever do with it, and it's PS1 laser replaced only to find out that it ignores all PS1 games and instead of letting me play them? It reads the games for the disc contents ONLY. AND since I have no usage for building my own damn ROMS and bootlegging shit that thing is useless to me. So? I gave it away to someone who I thought wanted to play some PS3 games on it. my dad, but he lost interest in video games and has no time to play any of the ones I gave him
the one with the case peeling off was practically in
mint condition on the inside though hell I recorded 100's of CD and played the hell out of that particular one AND it still works today, but I got stupid and dislodged the hard drive and now I need to take the whole thing apart, so I got a third PS3 from GameStop about 3 years ago, it said it was refurbished, and it's like new and I love it even more the the other 2 I purchased off a seller it was super clean, came with all the accessories and a clean used SONY branded wireless controller too. that I never used.