You guys are freaking psycho. N64 is top notch and Cruis'n USA is ACE.
That stuff is probably the last in my collection I'd ever come to part with.
Love the Nintendo 64 it's my favorite Nintendo console of all time followed by the Nintendo GameCube as my 2nd favorite Nintendo game console of all time.
A lot of people depend on Nintendo 64 ROM' site for the games now. but those people are going to be sorry if the gaming industry cracks down on piracy, the way the gaming industry has become I'm surprised you can even still download free ROMS. Retro is dead, and anyone is crazy to sell there own Nintendo 64 cartridge's because they don't and they won't ever make those games ever again. and Nintendo just might hammer down piracy and force people into buying a Switch or something else to enjoy those games with.
You can find nintendo roms just as easy as olden times before Nintendo closed down a few big ones.
Only near the shutdown of a big site was it a bit harder as in instead of 30 seconds finding a rom it could take 1 or 2 mins The horror 
The last time I used ROMS, I remember a Mike Tysons Punch-out NES ROM that didn't have a low punch ability making the game impossible to beat the hippo king character, A few years ago I found a The Sims 1 complete collection ROM but a lot of the content was not included in the bootleg version I downloaded.
technically the game worked and ran just fine on a modern OS but It was not the same exact game, and it took a little more fiddling around with the OS Settings before I could add more neighborhoods to the game, not a big deal but, it just was not the same. all the houses from the base game were not included into the game.
I don't know why I am getting into an argument over ROMS but. It's that I DO want to pay the game companies for their older games but at the same time I don't want them to take it away when they feel like it.
(edit) that is what I call robbery, when you pay someone for a product than have it taken away from you. My relative bought a PC game new and one week later he could not install it because the company closed the server, I don't know what the game was called but they got away with it.