Oh wow, now even eBay's seller offer system caught me slippin'. I kinda hate how you get bombarded with offers just for viewing a listing at all. Say, I put a listing on my "watch list" after browsing several copies of the same game. I intend to buy it, but then I move along looking at other stuff. Suddenly... YOU'VE GOT AN OFFER for that game you were looking at! Sweet, they marked the price way down, just for me! SMASH that BIN button!!!

Oh no, that wasn't the one I was watching. It's the one with a huge scratch on the disc that I nope'd right out of while I was browsing...

In other news, I can tell it's going to be a PITA just get the mere opportunity to buy a Retro Tink 5x. I really want one, and I also need to start investing in some of those Retrovision cables to go along with it. Has anyone bought from that Gaming Cables UK site? Is the tax really as ridiculous as it appears to be, or am I reading something wrong?