Author Topic: VGC's Anonymous/"General" Topic:  (Read 1878555 times)

Re: VGC's Anonymous/"General" Topic:
« Reply #16515 on: February 19, 2025, 01:32:19 am »
There's no way they are putting out the PS6 next year, they just put out the PS5 Pro a few months ago, the PS4 Pro came out 4 years before the PS5 and PS5 basically lost a year due to coming out during Covid and dealing with stock issues for a long while.  They are simply struggling because of all the bad decisions they've had with all these live-service game failings, hence why we saw them cancel live service games that I can't believe they dumped onto studios like Bend and Bluepoint, and are probably worried about games like Marathon and Fairgame$ being possible flops too.  Throw in the curveball of Astro Bot being so well received, it's like a complete gear shift.  Unfortunately it means that they are gonna struggle with releases for abit.


Completely separate from that discussion, I really need to find a new FPS game to play lol After this season that's about to end, I'm done with Fortnite being my casual game, seemed like a decent one for me as I got a Godzilla skin, sick, but I'm just tired of playing the game, mostly because so many matches are filled with bots.  I don't know how many, but I swear half my kills are just bots, that's not fun and I'm not interested in ranked as I'm gonna hit that point where I'm just gonna play with sweats and that's not gonna be fun.  I'm playing Zero Build and it tells me there are hundreds of thousands of people playing, why are there so many bots in these matches?  I also just feel like I'm only playing to do my quests anymore, maybe get a match or two in, which is fine, but it's more to play for the quests than the game itself.  Been getting the same feeling with Marvel Rivals recently as I might back off that game too.

I've basically played most any notable FPS game out right now, but nothing is grasping me, or I liked it, such as Apex or Hunt Showdown, but felt like games that desperately require some good friends to keep me interested for longer.  The only game on the horizon is Battlefield 6, but that could be another bomb for all I know, and that won't release till way later this year.   Now I get to do that dumb thing of browsing stuff I have played before, reinstalling, seeing if it catches me or not...
« Last Edit: February 19, 2025, 01:50:40 am by kamikazekeeg »

Re: VGC's Anonymous/"General" Topic:
« Reply #16516 on: February 19, 2025, 01:52:34 pm »
There's no way they are putting out the PS6 next year, they just put out the PS5 Pro a few months ago, the PS4 Pro came out 4 years before the PS5 and PS5 basically lost a year due to coming out during Covid and dealing with stock issues for a long while.  They are simply struggling because of all the bad decisions they've had with all these live-service game failings, hence why we saw them cancel live service games that I can't believe they dumped onto studios like Bend and Bluepoint, and are probably worried about games like Marathon and Fairgame$ being possible flops too.  Throw in the curveball of Astro Bot being so well received, it's like a complete gear shift.  Unfortunately it means that they are gonna struggle with releases for abit.


Completely separate from that discussion, I really need to find a new FPS game to play lol After this season that's about to end, I'm done with Fortnite being my casual game, seemed like a decent one for me as I got a Godzilla skin, sick, but I'm just tired of playing the game, mostly because so many matches are filled with bots.  I don't know how many, but I swear half my kills are just bots, that's not fun and I'm not interested in ranked as I'm gonna hit that point where I'm just gonna play with sweats and that's not gonna be fun.  I'm playing Zero Build and it tells me there are hundreds of thousands of people playing, why are there so many bots in these matches?  I also just feel like I'm only playing to do my quests anymore, maybe get a match or two in, which is fine, but it's more to play for the quests than the game itself.  Been getting the same feeling with Marvel Rivals recently as I might back off that game too.

I've basically played most any notable FPS game out right now, but nothing is grasping me, or I liked it, such as Apex or Hunt Showdown, but felt like games that desperately require some good friends to keep me interested for longer.  The only game on the horizon is Battlefield 6, but that could be another bomb for all I know, and that won't release till way later this year.   Now I get to do that dumb thing of browsing stuff I have played before, reinstalling, seeing if it catches me or not...

Hard agree. At least I hope so. If Sony jumps to PS6 it might be the biggest failure since Wii U.  PS5 sold well because of surge stimulus spending and everyone being inside. All games did.  But will consumers who just spent 500 on a 5 or 700 on a Pro wanna splurge on a 6 when PS5 never even hit its stride? No way. It'll collapse. You can only rely on blind consumerism until the lambs realize the conveyer belt. And I think people are well close to that. 

"Next gen" has lost all meaning at this point. It feel bogged down in this technology stand still.  Nobody needs a new plastic box. For what? 4k 60fps? The people with expendable incomes will buy one. No regular consumer will.  Xbox isnt gonna release a next gen console at all if I was a predicting man.  And Nintendos is more of a Switch Pro then a switch 2 if were being honest (smart move)

I hope Sony sinks effort into finishing PS5s legacy strong. The PS5 is glorious. I dont think its ready to be ended yet. GTA 6 will for sure awaken the market.  It was never a hardware issue.
« Last Edit: February 19, 2025, 01:57:13 pm by marvelvscapcom2 »

Re: VGC's Anonymous/"General" Topic:
« Reply #16517 on: February 24, 2025, 10:13:18 pm »
Due to the unstable state of this website recently, I've chosen to back up a lot of my thread posts, especially the stuff in the 52 Games Challenge threads. One thing that dawned on me as I've been doing this is how fast time has gone by since beginning the challenge in 2015 and also how poorly I've kept track of the last time I played certain games. For example, if you would have asked me when I last played a few of my favorite games of all time like Ocarina of Time or Half Life 2, I would have said maybe 2020 or 2021, when in fact I last played both those games in 2018, 7-years ago. I almost feel bad for having not played many of my favorite games of all time in 5+ years. Seeing this has definitely made me want to go back and play some of my favorite games again given the unacceptable amount of time since my last play throughs.

Re: VGC's Anonymous/"General" Topic:
« Reply #16518 on: February 25, 2025, 12:02:16 am »
Due to the unstable state of this website recently, I've chosen to back up a lot of my thread posts, especially the stuff in the 52 Games Challenge threads. One thing that dawned on me as I've been doing this is how fast time has gone by since beginning the challenge in 2015 and also how poorly I've kept track of the last time I played certain games. For example, if you would have asked me when I last played a few of my favorite games of all time like Ocarina of Time or Half Life 2, I would have said maybe 2020 or 2021, when in fact I last played both those games in 2018, 7-years ago. I almost feel bad for having not played many of my favorite games of all time in 5+ years. Seeing this has definitely made me want to go back and play some of my favorite games again given the unacceptable amount of time since my last play throughs.

How do you back them up? When the site dropped for a few days it kinda made me sad about all the reviews I left in the movie thread vanishing. Also some of the funner thread topics on here. They are fairly precious memories to me.

Do you just copy and paste and place them into like a google drive or is their a simpler way?


Re: VGC's Anonymous/"General" Topic:
« Reply #16519 on: February 25, 2025, 09:52:46 am »
You can archive pages on various sites. Besides, there are other sites like For local copies, the browser can save pages as well. Mozilla based browsers still use File -> Save As. If you are using a Mozilla browser and do not see the File menu, you can press ALT and it should appear. Chromium based browsers have the option under the 3 dots drop-down under More Tools.

Re: VGC's Anonymous/"General" Topic:
« Reply #16520 on: February 25, 2025, 01:44:48 pm »
Due to the unstable state of this website recently, I've chosen to back up a lot of my thread posts, especially the stuff in the 52 Games Challenge threads. One thing that dawned on me as I've been doing this is how fast time has gone by since beginning the challenge in 2015 and also how poorly I've kept track of the last time I played certain games. For example, if you would have asked me when I last played a few of my favorite games of all time like Ocarina of Time or Half Life 2, I would have said maybe 2020 or 2021, when in fact I last played both those games in 2018, 7-years ago. I almost feel bad for having not played many of my favorite games of all time in 5+ years. Seeing this has definitely made me want to go back and play some of my favorite games again given the unacceptable amount of time since my last play throughs.

How do you back them up? When the site dropped for a few days it kinda made me sad about all the reviews I left in the movie thread vanishing. Also some of the funner thread topics on here. They are fairly precious memories to me.

Do you just copy and paste and place them into like a google drive or is their a simpler way?

A combination of copying and pasting stuff into notepad on my computer, google drive, and also joining which is geared more towards tracking your backlog than tracking collections like this site. I actually have been a bit addicted to backloggd since joining last week. For better or worse, it has no forums so the community there feels a lot more disjointed, but other than that it's a really well done site. I do still plan on using vgcollect, I just hope the site returns back to normal soon. I worry that this recent rash of problems might have caused a lot of users to jump ship. The forums here don't need to be anymore dead than they already are. Sometimes posting on here is like shouting into the void and hoping someone hears you.
« Last Edit: February 25, 2025, 01:47:27 pm by bikingjahuty »


Re: VGC's Anonymous/"General" Topic:
« Reply #16521 on: February 25, 2025, 03:10:16 pm »
I've chosen to back up a lot of my thread posts, especially the stuff in the 52 Games Challenge threads.

This has been something I've been meaning to save locally but just hadn't gotten around to it, but I started going through that process too.

A combination of copying and pasting stuff into notepad on my computer, google drive, and also joining which is geared more towards tracking your backlog than tracking collections like this site. I actually have been a bit addicted to backloggd since joining last week. For better or worse, it has no forums so the community there feels a lot more disjointed, but other than that it's a really well done site.

I joined HowLongToBeat a year or so ago which seems to function the same way. That site also has forums which may interest you (though I haven't been a part of them to form any opinion.)

Re: VGC's Anonymous/"General" Topic:
« Reply #16522 on: February 27, 2025, 02:06:07 pm »
So I started exploring Backloggery's newish features and I see that I can essentially migrate all of my 52 game challenge stuff over there so I'm gonna start doing that as best I can.  Add my notes as reviews, go and backdate my beats and completes.  Doesn't quite give me the cohesion I have/had here but it's easily searchable.

Re: VGC's Anonymous/"General" Topic:
« Reply #16523 on: February 27, 2025, 04:01:09 pm »
Due to the unstable state of this website recently, I've chosen to back up a lot of my thread posts, especially the stuff in the 52 Games Challenge threads. One thing that dawned on me as I've been doing this is how fast time has gone by since beginning the challenge in 2015 and also how poorly I've kept track of the last time I played certain games. For example, if you would have asked me when I last played a few of my favorite games of all time like Ocarina of Time or Half Life 2, I would have said maybe 2020 or 2021, when in fact I last played both those games in 2018, 7-years ago. I almost feel bad for having not played many of my favorite games of all time in 5+ years. Seeing this has definitely made me want to go back and play some of my favorite games again given the unacceptable amount of time since my last play throughs.

How do you back them up? When the site dropped for a few days it kinda made me sad about all the reviews I left in the movie thread vanishing. Also some of the funner thread topics on here. They are fairly precious memories to me.

Do you just copy and paste and place them into like a google drive or is their a simpler way?

A combination of copying and pasting stuff into notepad on my computer, google drive, and also joining which is geared more towards tracking your backlog than tracking collections like this site. I actually have been a bit addicted to backloggd since joining last week. For better or worse, it has no forums so the community there feels a lot more disjointed, but other than that it's a really well done site. I do still plan on using vgcollect, I just hope the site returns back to normal soon. I worry that this recent rash of problems might have caused a lot of users to jump ship. The forums here don't need to be anymore dead than they already are. Sometimes posting on here is like shouting into the void and hoping someone hears you.

It's fairly sad. And I had hope because I seen an influx of newbie accounts that were participating recently. Really boosting engagement. I doubt hardly any of those will return or keep loyal with half the sites features going in and out of functional :(   Im still not even sure what even happened.

But even as such. I am unsure how stable the site is or if a full collapse is impending. But I do hope we all can congregate somewhere somehow if the day ever comes. I met a lot of cool folks here and I am happy to still be on these forums with you guys! We the final few gents. Its been an honor playing with you tonight. (Titanic violins continue)  I hope for a full recovery but have begun saving text based posts as well.  Just in case.  I will remain on vg collect forever.

Re: VGC's Anonymous/"General" Topic:
« Reply #16524 on: February 27, 2025, 05:41:45 pm »
Due to the unstable state of this website recently, I've chosen to back up a lot of my thread posts, especially the stuff in the 52 Games Challenge threads. One thing that dawned on me as I've been doing this is how fast time has gone by since beginning the challenge in 2015 and also how poorly I've kept track of the last time I played certain games. For example, if you would have asked me when I last played a few of my favorite games of all time like Ocarina of Time or Half Life 2, I would have said maybe 2020 or 2021, when in fact I last played both those games in 2018, 7-years ago. I almost feel bad for having not played many of my favorite games of all time in 5+ years. Seeing this has definitely made me want to go back and play some of my favorite games again given the unacceptable amount of time since my last play throughs.

How do you back them up? When the site dropped for a few days it kinda made me sad about all the reviews I left in the movie thread vanishing. Also some of the funner thread topics on here. They are fairly precious memories to me.

Do you just copy and paste and place them into like a google drive or is their a simpler way?

A combination of copying and pasting stuff into notepad on my computer, google drive, and also joining which is geared more towards tracking your backlog than tracking collections like this site. I actually have been a bit addicted to backloggd since joining last week. For better or worse, it has no forums so the community there feels a lot more disjointed, but other than that it's a really well done site. I do still plan on using vgcollect, I just hope the site returns back to normal soon. I worry that this recent rash of problems might have caused a lot of users to jump ship. The forums here don't need to be anymore dead than they already are. Sometimes posting on here is like shouting into the void and hoping someone hears you.

It's fairly sad. And I had hope because I seen an influx of newbie accounts that were participating recently. Really boosting engagement. I doubt hardly any of those will return or keep loyal with half the sites features going in and out of functional :(   Im still not even sure what even happened.

But even as such. I am unsure how stable the site is or if a full collapse is impending. But I do hope we all can congregate somewhere somehow if the day ever comes. I met a lot of cool folks here and I am happy to still be on these forums with you guys! We the final few gents. Its been an honor playing with you tonight. (Titanic violins continue)  I hope for a full recovery but have begun saving text based posts as well.  Just in case.  I will remain on vg collect forever.

I know the overwhelming majority of users on this site don't use the forums, or so I've been told. This site is just the forums for me at this point. If the community ends up leaving (not that it mostly hadn't before what I call the VGpocalypse a couple weeks ago) I might leave to. I really enjoy the community here and that's pretty much the only reason I've stayed. I track my collection on pricecharting because it helps me track the value of individual items for insurance purposes. As a gamer, my heart has been more about playing than collecting for several years now, which is why I'm mostly engaged in the 52 Games Challenge here. The lack of transparency over what caused all this in the first place is a bit concerning and annoying to be frank. Even a "we don't know yet" would suffice. But yeah, I'm worried that recent events and the site's overall instability might be what kills what remains of the forum community here at least. I hope not, but we'll see.

Re: VGC's Anonymous/"General" Topic:
« Reply #16525 on: February 27, 2025, 10:29:46 pm »
Due to the unstable state of this website recently, I've chosen to back up a lot of my thread posts, especially the stuff in the 52 Games Challenge threads. One thing that dawned on me as I've been doing this is how fast time has gone by since beginning the challenge in 2015 and also how poorly I've kept track of the last time I played certain games. For example, if you would have asked me when I last played a few of my favorite games of all time like Ocarina of Time or Half Life 2, I would have said maybe 2020 or 2021, when in fact I last played both those games in 2018, 7-years ago. I almost feel bad for having not played many of my favorite games of all time in 5+ years. Seeing this has definitely made me want to go back and play some of my favorite games again given the unacceptable amount of time since my last play throughs.

How do you back them up? When the site dropped for a few days it kinda made me sad about all the reviews I left in the movie thread vanishing. Also some of the funner thread topics on here. They are fairly precious memories to me.

Do you just copy and paste and place them into like a google drive or is their a simpler way?

A combination of copying and pasting stuff into notepad on my computer, google drive, and also joining which is geared more towards tracking your backlog than tracking collections like this site. I actually have been a bit addicted to backloggd since joining last week. For better or worse, it has no forums so the community there feels a lot more disjointed, but other than that it's a really well done site. I do still plan on using vgcollect, I just hope the site returns back to normal soon. I worry that this recent rash of problems might have caused a lot of users to jump ship. The forums here don't need to be anymore dead than they already are. Sometimes posting on here is like shouting into the void and hoping someone hears you.

It's fairly sad. And I had hope because I seen an influx of newbie accounts that were participating recently. Really boosting engagement. I doubt hardly any of those will return or keep loyal with half the sites features going in and out of functional :(   Im still not even sure what even happened.

But even as such. I am unsure how stable the site is or if a full collapse is impending. But I do hope we all can congregate somewhere somehow if the day ever comes. I met a lot of cool folks here and I am happy to still be on these forums with you guys! We the final few gents. Its been an honor playing with you tonight. (Titanic violins continue)  I hope for a full recovery but have begun saving text based posts as well.  Just in case.  I will remain on vg collect forever.

I know the overwhelming majority of users on this site don't use the forums, or so I've been told. This site is just the forums for me at this point. If the community ends up leaving (not that it mostly hadn't before what I call the VGpocalypse a couple weeks ago) I might leave to. I really enjoy the community here and that's pretty much the only reason I've stayed. I track my collection on pricecharting because it helps me track the value of individual items for insurance purposes. As a gamer, my heart has been more about playing than collecting for several years now, which is why I'm mostly engaged in the 52 Games Challenge here. The lack of transparency over what caused all this in the first place is a bit concerning and annoying to be frank. Even a "we don't know yet" would suffice. But yeah, I'm worried that recent events and the site's overall instability might be what kills what remains of the forum community here at least. I hope not, but we'll see.
I've been an avid proponent of leveraging Discord.  I live on Discord, I had even prototyped a bot that would post when new entries were created.  I'm in the same boat though, I pretty much only come here for 52 game challenge, though I try to track my collect on here and VGPC mostly because VGPC doesn't handle variants well and only supports first party accessories, but I got granted elevated privileges on VGPC years ago because of a lot of the curating I do over there


PRO Supporter

Re: VGC's Anonymous/"General" Topic:
« Reply #16526 on: March 01, 2025, 11:16:51 am »
Long time since ive posted. I see the website has been having issues. I am glad this site is still around since It is the only site i use to track my collection

Anyway, collection is going well. 1.5 years ago we moved from CA to Northern NV and bought a house. I let my wife pick a house she liked as long as it, 1. had a big yard so we could get big dogs (aka german shepherds) and 2. an extra room so I can have my gaming room (she did work from home at the time, so it was also her office).  Since we moved everything, she did not like my wire racks set up because it was "ugly" and bought all new shelving units for the consoles, which made things harder for cable management since wire racks made it simple lol. the bookshelves i built from a youtube video that i keep all my games on remain and will soon need to build a 3rd one since my other 2 are full, I just need to figure out where to put it since we need to rearrange things to make it fit.

Missed you guys, now that I am  finished school, took my licensed exam and now a fully licensed vet tech, I have more free time to post!
VGCs Unofficial Podcast! Be sure to sub and listen in.

Add Me: fighterpilot562 (PSN, XBL, WiiU, Steam, Origin, Steam, Twitch)


Re: VGC's Anonymous/"General" Topic:
« Reply #16527 on: March 01, 2025, 11:42:17 pm »
Long time since ive posted. I see the website has been having issues. I am glad this site is still around since It is the only site i use to track my collection

Anyway, collection is going well. 1.5 years ago we moved from CA to Northern NV and bought a house. I let my wife pick a house she liked as long as it, 1. had a big yard so we could get big dogs (aka german shepherds) and 2. an extra room so I can have my gaming room (she did work from home at the time, so it was also her office).  Since we moved everything, she did not like my wire racks set up because it was "ugly" and bought all new shelving units for the consoles, which made things harder for cable management since wire racks made it simple lol. the bookshelves i built from a youtube video that i keep all my games on remain and will soon need to build a 3rd one since my other 2 are full, I just need to figure out where to put it since we need to rearrange things to make it fit.

Missed you guys, now that I am  finished school, took my licensed exam and now a fully licensed vet tech, I have more free time to post!

Welcome back!


PRO Supporter

Re: VGC's Anonymous/"General" Topic:
« Reply #16528 on: March 03, 2025, 08:44:41 pm »
Long time since ive posted. I see the website has been having issues. I am glad this site is still around since It is the only site i use to track my collection

Anyway, collection is going well. 1.5 years ago we moved from CA to Northern NV and bought a house. I let my wife pick a house she liked as long as it, 1. had a big yard so we could get big dogs (aka german shepherds) and 2. an extra room so I can have my gaming room (she did work from home at the time, so it was also her office).  Since we moved everything, she did not like my wire racks set up because it was "ugly" and bought all new shelving units for the consoles, which made things harder for cable management since wire racks made it simple lol. the bookshelves i built from a youtube video that i keep all my games on remain and will soon need to build a 3rd one since my other 2 are full, I just need to figure out where to put it since we need to rearrange things to make it fit.

Missed you guys, now that I am  finished school, took my licensed exam and now a fully licensed vet tech, I have more free time to post!

Dude! So glad to see you back!

Re: VGC's Anonymous/"General" Topic:
« Reply #16529 on: March 04, 2025, 05:49:28 pm »
I'm done buying modern

I know it may be unfeasible but today i'm gonna start to not buy anything items (except the obvious like toilet paper and cleaners) that werent made before 2005   Society was better in 1999. Imo. In almost every way. Maybe i'm becoming my parents lol. This of course does not apply to video games but to everything else. I am a nostalgic person in general. And I constantly talk about how good the 90s were and the early 2000s. The toys. The way things looked.  Today it hit me.  The only thing that changed since 2004 was me. And the retailers. The good stuff is accessible still. We have the world wide web.

Say I want a wrench set. You can order a set from the 2000s for roughly the same price as a new set from lowes or home depot. Power tools. Door knobs. You can find used vintage stock of anything.

Today a barbie horse is roughly 20 to 30 dollars.

Well so is a vintage 1975 kenner Nugget horse on ebay. With real felt.

Modern speakers? 90s speakers can be thrifted for similar prices. Sony walkmans. Boomboxes. All had personality.

Modern prices have hit peak. While modern quality has hit summit. I can't understate my feelings on that enough. I pay 40 dollars for spoon sets that feel like they're made out of tinfoil.  2 minutes thrifting and you get a bag of nice vintage cutlery for 5 bucks. 30 spoons. Polish them with silver or steel polish and sand them. They'll look new.

Even things that should have seen market deflation like vinyl.  A re-released copy of rumors by fleetwood mac is more than the original 1970s copy. I own both. And the sound is absolutely 200x worst. 

I'm not slandering anything people belove today. I know its mostly nostalgia speaking. I know a kid will look fondly on stuff like hatchimals like I do street sharks. But my main thing is. I feel toys were built better and designed cooler.

Idk. Its probably ambitious and nostalgia goggles i'll admit. But im kinda just not really into what the world has become technologically speaking. Price speaking. Quality. Plastic Silicone everything. Bad for the environment. Not reusable. Everything is androgynous, cold and dull. Video games have kept decent pace being creative and cool. But everything else im gonna just go retro. 

If I wanna get my nephew a toy car. Its gonna be a nice 1990s Jada with all opening parts.

Tickle me elmo?  The 90s one.

Wrestling figures? The 90s one.

A damn frying pan? Lol.  T-Fal from 1988.

I might try and realize this is unsustainable but from now on everything I need in my home. Im gonna attempt to get retro. It saves on my wallet and on the planet to rehome things people will probably put in a landfill.
« Last Edit: March 04, 2025, 06:01:31 pm by marvelvscapcom2 »