Been down out and out lately. Something triggered a sudden bout of depression, and excessive rumination.

When you are in this state of mind, nothing makes sense. Game collecting seems silly, in a
what are you doing with your life? kind of way. Just haven't been much for games lately. Even still, not selling - these copies will perish with me. Although I am as always pennyless, and desperately trying to save up for a much needed car. Games are lower priority.
I've contemplated
trimming the fat in my wishlist and collection goals by a lot, since I've lost drive. One thing I'm sure of, I'm throwing in the towel on collecting as far as new games, with the exception of first party Nintendo. Because I've come to the conclusion that I really don't have any interest in modern (current) games, I feel like modern games have outgrown me. Besides, I have more than enough games for one lifetime as it is.
I know games/collecting shouldn't feel like any sort of obligation, but it does. I've invested so much into this stuff, and I want to "finish" it in a way that makes sense to me. You know? I don't want to just quit, but I do have this yearning to sort-of move on / close a chapter. This stuff is great, but it doesn't define me. It's not what I was meant to spend all my time on Earth doing, and to be honest for a long time it has seemed that way.
Sorry to be a total buzz kill, my mind is just zapped right now. Has been for several weeks. Trying to get back into a pattern of doing more than lying around, trying to figure out what it is I'm "supposed to do".