Awwww we love having you here! That other forums is full of doo doo heads anyways.
Ha! The sad thing is that it used to not be full of them. There were some great folks on there that lead to great discussions. There weren't disagreements, but there were debates. So, if someone was in the wrong he/she wouldn't be corrected in a negative way. These days, though...yikes. In fact, yesterday before I posted on here, this one snot-nosed nitwit tried to correct me on some semantics in Star Ocean 4. SO4, of all things! I've spent nearly 400 hours on that game. I think I know what I'm talking about.
That is the bad thing about most gamer forums. Normally full of trolls, crybabies and so on. This is the only gamer forum I am active on, most others I don't bother signing up for. VGC is the best gamer forum out there IMO
Yep. Like I said, I'll still be part of GameFAQs, but not that specific board. never know:
If such a good place can go so wrong then, conversely, I'll have to believe that - a place that's fallen so much - can also become so good again; someday...maybe.
I bolded your use of "Disgaeniac" because, it doesn't seem like a coincidence to me that - after all the time that you've been around here now - that in your post about leaving there = I think it's the 1st time that you've called me by my screen-name here...instead of my old screen-name from there 
I know - I notice some pretty weird stuff sometimes 
True. It could bounce back to the way it used to be but, I'm not going to hold my breath for that one. XD I think I've called you by your VG-name here on a couple of occasions.