Oho...where to begin with this one...
1. Nearly all of your posts are rude and lack some sort of clarity.
2. That's fine if you want to single me out because I'm so fabulous, but take a look at all of the responses. I'm not the only one showing you "disrespect." Come correct before you start throwing stones.
3. Edit.
4. ?
5. Profit.
Honestly, you can keep quoting me and posting memes and such.
That was mean, removed.
Also, take that sour attitude away from this topic and do your "dirty work" elsewhere. There have been disagreements, but there has never been any trolling. That is, until now. You are talking about this notion of disrespect, and you're disrespecting not only the author of this topic, but every participant in it, too.
Oh, and if I offended you in some way, go ahead and mark me for moderation.
Oh snap, he regained his composure... and he's gonna send some white stuff your way...
Dang, it looks like the theory of him wanting my body can be thrown out the window. My self-esteem can only withstand so much badgering.
EDIT: Toned down. Like Whitney Houston, sometimes I get so emotional.