Hope everyone is enjoying their mandatory stay at home time
. Of course there would be a pandemic after deciding to enter the market for a house, wish me luck.
I'm no real estate expert, but if you haven't bought yet you might want to hold off. I'm pretty sure the world economy is in a death spiral right now, and it's only going to get much worse over the next year or two. Because of the virus there is a massive a number of layoffs, unpaid debts, and some very, very concerning moves from world governments and their central banks to keep the market propped up. I'm not try to scare you, but help if it's not too late. All that aside we're still in a massive seller's market given how ridiculously high housing prices are pretty much all over the first world.
On a much more lighthearted note, I've been trying to play more games, however work has been busier for me in the last 2-weeks than it has anytime over the last 6-months. Our entire company has transitioned to remote work, which fortunately we're able to do since we do mental health services, but as a result it's taken a ton of change to get things working properly. Luckily it's started to smooth out and most people are pretty well transitioned to weather this out, even if it ends up lasting until June like some are predicting. I hope to play a lot of games during that time. Fortunately I'm ahead on the 52-games challenge still and I hope to keep it that way :p