Has anyone been following the price of classic Pokemon games lately? They've been going crazy. CIB Emerald is up to 480 on price charting. It's like everything started to spike at the beginning of this year. I'm thinking it might be time to start cashing in some of my stuff.
I’m really considering cashing out.
My collection could pay off my house.
handhelds and physically made handheld game prices are hot right now, and I personally don't think there worth it so, as long as their hot and if you don't enjoy them I'd sell them, but only if you won't miss them when their gone.
lets not forget the countless fake Pokémon games out their, a lot of people buy games when their cheap just to sell them off when hot, meaning that a lot of them, might not even be originals, but personally I would not care but, that's me. I only buy games to have them legally.
I personally taboo (edit)
free ROM's and pirated software because of my belief that all illegal and unfair things can promote some bad luck, you guys can laugh but, I'm vary superstitious, and I've been burned before so.
My confession is I do have Atari 2600 ROM's for a portable device but as far as my research goes. Atari Age is a site that gives them out for free, to use with such devices. And since the SD slot was on the Atari Flashback handheld itself, and the fact that I could not find any games sold on AtGames Website for it
you get the point.

I also get a few mods and free software from trusted sources as well