Author Topic: VGC's Anonymous/"General" Topic:  (Read 1860303 times)

Re: VGC's Anonymous/"General" Topic:
« Reply #15855 on: July 06, 2021, 11:18:30 am »
Yeah, I only pop on here maybe once a week, probably less.  I'm also not even really buying games anymore... prices are nuts

I've been going through the same thing as Flashback as we've been looking at buying a new house and selling our house.  We put in an offer on a house two months ago, it got accepted, we retracted our offer after the inspection showed like 30k worth of work that would need to be done. 

We had the spiel from our realtor that the market is so hot right now, it's hard to win when you've got flippers, rental companies, and other competitive buyers out there.  Flippers/rental companies are waiving everything because they know what they can get out of it long term.  Buyers are doing it a lot too just to win.  Things are crazy, everybody has realized buying is the way to go so now everyone everywhere is fighting over buying up every single house available.  We just want to move somewhere better, but basically the same house, but even that's looking like hell. 

We've had the conversation that the neighbor issues might be worth trying to resolve over getting a house at 100-150k more than our current house, it's just that we've got little way forward other than mediation or litigation... neither of which is gonna be fun.


Re: VGC's Anonymous/"General" Topic:
« Reply #15856 on: July 06, 2021, 12:01:21 pm »
You know what really sucks?
It took a long time. We really tried, but the assholes of the internet made this forum not so fun anymore.
Folks bicker and fight and try to argue each other using eloquent speech that would get you slapped if you weren’t behind a keyboard. It’s becoming just another toxic forum on the internet.
I used to check this forum constantly. Now, I might hop on once a week.

We fought the good fight, but the miserable dickheads won.

If you go and bother to check my post, I was merely trying to elucidate some of you in regards to the post that was made about the bloody package. In short, it bothered me given I once witnessed a postman get hit by a car, who not only almost lost the fingers of his right hand, but had to inevitably get back surgery. Aside from the entitled tone of his post, I found what Warmsignal said exceedingly inconsiderate, so I shot at him to let him know. But of course, most of you only pay attention to the "bad" and don't bother to actually look and read. Not that it surprises me since you've shown to not hold your own accountable for anything.

In all honesty, dislike hate me all you want, I'm not going anywhere.

Folks bicker and fight and try to argue each other using eloquent speech that would get you slapped if you weren’t behind a keyboard.

The irony in that sentence is hurting my liver, but I'll turn the other cheek for a second slap if that makes you feel any better.

With that said, I'm elated with all this attention I'm being given, but there's no need to kiss the ground I'm walking on. You guys have been a treat, but please, let's take this somewhere else, this type of idolization doesn't belong here. My invitation is still open, so let's continue this wonderful conversation in private. Don't be shy, I'm sure we'll have a nuclear blast.

Au revoir, messieurs.
« Last Edit: July 06, 2021, 12:08:52 pm by pzeke »

I know your every move behind this face; I have control over expendable slaves.
When confrontation comes down to the wire, I'll use my cyclotrode to commence the fire.
You're never gonna get me!


Re: VGC's Anonymous/"General" Topic:
« Reply #15857 on: July 06, 2021, 12:28:59 pm »
If we're going to be honest, this forum is all but dead. The only activity actually happening outside of the pinned threads, is coming from the sources which everyone just groans about anyway. All veterans have said their piece, at this point we're just repeating ourselves. And actually, we've seen spamming and troll posts and other nonsense for years around here. If I recall correctly, some of them have even had their privilege of erasing their own.

Honestly, I'm having a little bit of harmless fun with our good friend... who for the past couple of years has dropped in periodically to flame a bunch of innocuous posts, get his fix whenever someone reacts to him, disappear off for a while then come back and repeat. He'd probably never actually quit, unless I managed to make it no longer fun for him.

It's either this, or nothing folks. Gets kinda boring around here. I'd invite any of you to come shoot the shit, or else I'm relegated to sparring plastic light sabers with Pzeke.

Aside from the entitled tone of his post

Heh. The apology note they attached verbatim said I was entitled to a good condition package. Oh my, they said I was entitled Pzeke! *shrug*

Just a crazy thing that happened, and that's the point of the post. I mean, obviously.

In all honesty, dislike hate me all you want, I'm not going anywhere.

I don't hate you, Zeke. I don't hate anyone; wastes too much energy. I'm just trying to take some of that edge off of you, make you into dull boy. More palatable, more mushy, more VGCollect. After all, you are no better than the company you keep.


Re: VGC's Anonymous/"General" Topic:
« Reply #15858 on: July 06, 2021, 12:37:59 pm »
Yeah, I only pop on here maybe once a week, probably less.  I'm also not even really buying games anymore... prices are nuts

I've been going through the same thing as Flashback as we've been looking at buying a new house and selling our house.  We put in an offer on a house two months ago, it got accepted, we retracted our offer after the inspection showed like 30k worth of work that would need to be done. 

We had the spiel from our realtor that the market is so hot right now, it's hard to win when you've got flippers, rental companies, and other competitive buyers out there.  Flippers/rental companies are waiving everything because they know what they can get out of it long term.  Buyers are doing it a lot too just to win.  Things are crazy, everybody has realized buying is the way to go so now everyone everywhere is fighting over buying up every single house available.  We just want to move somewhere better, but basically the same house, but even that's looking like hell. 

We've had the conversation that the neighbor issues might be worth trying to resolve over getting a house at 100-150k more than our current house, it's just that we've got little way forward other than mediation or litigation... neither of which is gonna be fun.

The search continues. I don't know if I've set my expectations too high or the "quality" of homes I've seen so far are a bunch of common rocks with fool's gold painting on them. I've been to 8 showings over the weekend and only one of them was good enough to bid on. I went to two of them yesterday and props to the photographers as they can make a place look much nicer than it actually is.  :P

I mentioned the one house being similar to the one I got outbid on. The similarities end in the layout and too many things cropped up when I actually set foot in the place. You can tell the house was made to flip and again I got that "Bath Fitter" feeling walking about the place. The other house looked decent from the outside (aside from a groove in the garage roof) but the interior just felt off. Also, it listed a partial basement and there was not one to be found. At least I was able to determine why it had been on the market for 12 days.  ::)

Everything I've seen that I do like start in the 250K range and I'm feeling that even though I make a decent wage, there's a barrier of entry I just can't get past. I mean I COULD afford that range if I paid into my mortgage and absolutely nothing else.  :o

This is just the first week so I'm not disheartened as I was expecting this to take a little time. What I wasn't expecting was a lot of these homes being "bath fitted" flips. Again, I don't know if my expectations are too high or what but all of the imperfections come out screaming after actually being in the houses. Luckily my realtor has the patience of a saint and hasn't been pushy to get me into just anything. I have ZERO doubt I'll owe that man a nice steak dinner when this all over.  8)

As for pzeke, he's brusque for sure but then I feel I haven't been on my best behavior on here at times and for those that are bothered by that I apologize. That said, context is a killer sometimes and while we've butted heads a time or two, I can see pzeke's viewpoint on the matter. Maybe you might want to go back to the Terry Bogard avatar pzeke (or don't change at all). All I know is, the Canadiens are gonna have to do better as they nearly got swept. I know teams have come back from being down 3-1 in the past but I'm thinking the Lightning are gonna repeat as Stanley Cup champs.  ;)


PRO Supporter

Re: VGC's Anonymous/"General" Topic:
« Reply #15859 on: July 06, 2021, 12:42:36 pm »
You know what really sucks?
It took a long time. We really tried, but the assholes of the internet made this forum not so fun anymore.
Folks bicker and fight and try to argue each other using eloquent speech that would get you slapped if you weren’t behind a keyboard. It’s becoming just another toxic forum on the internet.
I used to check this forum constantly. Now, I might hop on once a week.

We fought the good fight, but the miserable dickheads won.

If you go and bother to check my post, I was merely trying to elucidate some of you in regards to the post that was made about the bloody package. In short, it bothered me given I once witnessed a postman get hit by a car, who not only almost lost the fingers of his right hand, but had to inevitably get back surgery. Aside from the entitled tone of his post, I found what Warmsignal said exceedingly inconsiderate, so I shot at him to let him know. But of course, most of you only pay attention to the "bad" and don't bother to actually look and read. Not that it surprises me since you've shown to not hold your own accountable for anything.

In all honesty, dislike hate me all you want, I'm not going anywhere.

Folks bicker and fight and try to argue each other using eloquent speech that would get you slapped if you weren’t behind a keyboard.

The irony in that sentence is hurting my liver, but I'll turn the other cheek for a second slap if that makes you feel any better.

With that said, I'm elated with all this attention I'm being given, but there's no need to kiss the ground I'm walking on. You guys have been a treat, but please, let's take this somewhere else, this type of idolization doesn't belong here. My invitation is still open, so let's continue this wonderful conversation in private. Don't be shy, I'm sure we'll have a nuclear blast.

Au revoir, messieurs.

This is all a load of b.s. Your posts are purposely antagonistic, you straight admitted it and said you have no remorse about it in the collecting games based on the themes thread you shit all over. You don't just disagree with people like a normal person, you have to be rude and condescending about it. You're a straight dickhead to more than just me and warmsignal like you also tried to claim (as if it matters if you targeted certain people or not) and are absolutely part of the reason why this forum sucks now.


Re: VGC's Anonymous/"General" Topic:
« Reply #15860 on: July 07, 2021, 10:59:04 am »
Pzeke should try out the forums, might fit in, presuming he can survive registration. >:D


Re: VGC's Anonymous/"General" Topic:
« Reply #15861 on: July 08, 2021, 01:00:24 am »

As for pzeke, he's brusque for sure but then I feel I haven't been on my best behavior on here at times and for those that are bothered by that I apologize. That said, context is a killer sometimes and while we've butted heads a time or two, I can see pzeke's viewpoint on the matter. Maybe you might want to go back to the Terry Bogard avatar pzeke (or don't change at all). All I know is, the Canadiens are gonna have to do better as they nearly got swept. I know teams have come back from being down 3-1 in the past but I'm thinking the Lightning are gonna repeat as Stanley Cup champs.  ;)

You think is the avatar? I guess I could change it to a cute, little cat to soften the blow of my posts and downplay my "assholery". After all, no one could stay mad at a cat, right?

And yes, I'm not into hockey, but Tampa won.

Anyway, with all this crock going on your post mentioning you're house hunting went completely unnoticed, so godspeed on that. Moving day will surely be a blast.

Pzeke should try out the forums, might fit in, presuming he can survive registration. >:D

I flow like water, so I'll fit in no problem. I'm not interested in joining another forum at the moment, but the invite is appreciated.

I know your every move behind this face; I have control over expendable slaves.
When confrontation comes down to the wire, I'll use my cyclotrode to commence the fire.
You're never gonna get me!


Re: VGC's Anonymous/"General" Topic:
« Reply #15862 on: July 08, 2021, 01:45:25 am »

As for pzeke, he's brusque for sure but then I feel I haven't been on my best behavior on here at times and for those that are bothered by that I apologize. That said, context is a killer sometimes and while we've butted heads a time or two, I can see pzeke's viewpoint on the matter. Maybe you might want to go back to the Terry Bogard avatar pzeke (or don't change at all). All I know is, the Canadiens are gonna have to do better as they nearly got swept. I know teams have come back from being down 3-1 in the past but I'm thinking the Lightning are gonna repeat as Stanley Cup champs.  ;)

You think is the avatar? I guess I could change it to a cute, little cat to soften the blow of my posts and downplay my "assholery". After all, no one could stay mad at a cat, right?

And yes, I'm not into hockey, but Tampa won.

Anyway, with all this crock going on your post mentioning you're house hunting went completely unnoticed, so godspeed on that. Moving day will surely be a blast.

Pzeke should try out the forums, might fit in, presuming he can survive registration. >:D

I flow like water, so I'll fit in no problem. I'm not interested in joining another forum at the moment, but the invite is appreciated.

I doubt it'd matter what your avatar was. I just remember at one time it was a green Terry Bogard. I'm assuming the current one is related to the band Misfits?  ???

Also, isn't it required by Quebec law that all citizens born there are automatically Canadiens fans, speak only French as their primary language and are duly required to mock the other provinces for how they make their poutine?  :P

As for moving day, I have quite the collection of comics in long boxes. Those things are NOT light and I'm no spring chicken so it's going to hurt BAD for a while afterwards.  :-\ Games won't be so bad as they're mostly tubbed up. I don't have much in the way of furniture other than some bookcases, desk, entertainment center and a small bed. I figure I'll still be budgeting for furniture purchases a good year or more after I get a place.  :o

Trip is spot-on about That place is a fucking cesspool and that's a compliment. I've been there almost 20 years and have seen some straight up dire shit go down between members. If this site was a G-rated Disney film, that place would easily be a R-rated raunchy dark comedy (or for Star Wars fans, a wretched hive of scum and villainy).  ;D


Re: VGC's Anonymous/"General" Topic:
« Reply #15863 on: July 08, 2021, 09:33:48 am »
Also, isn't it required by Quebec law that all citizens born there are automatically Canadiens fans, speak only French as their primary language and are duly required to mock the other provinces for how they make their poutine?  :P

I wonder if any are allowed to like the Colorado Avalanche.


Re: VGC's Anonymous/"General" Topic:
« Reply #15864 on: July 08, 2021, 10:39:00 am »
I doubt it'd matter what your avatar was. I just remember at one time it was a green Terry Bogard. I'm assuming the current one is related to the band Misfits?  ???

I was being sarcastic, but you're not wrong. As silly as it may sound, an avatar will more often than not predispose the way others perceive and treat you online, so there's that. But anyway, yes: my first avatar was Terry, while the current one is related to the Misfits.

As for moving day, I have quite the collection of comics in long boxes. Those things are NOT light and I'm no spring chicken so it's going to hurt BAD for a while afterwards.  :-\ Games won't be so bad as they're mostly tubbed up. I don't have much in the way of furniture other than some bookcases, desk, entertainment center and a small bed. I figure I'll still be budgeting for furniture purchases a good year or more after I get a place.  :o

I do all the heavy lifting around the house, and I've had to move boxes filled with comics in the past, which I hated, so I understand where you're coming from. I would suggest to maybe start moving them now, placing them somewhere where they'll be easy to access/pick up when needed. I remember I once made plans with someone to look over some boxes I had for a potential sale, but we weren't going to meet until around a week, so I placed them on a countertop near the dining room area for easy access. Lifting heavy boxes strains the body, especially the back, but if you put them on a place where they're at waist level, the process becomes far less strenuous. You could also transfer half of what's in one box into another to make the handling process easier. Sure, you'll probably end up using double the boxes, but your back will certainly appreciate it.

Trip is spot-on about That place is a fucking cesspool and that's a compliment. I've been there almost 20 years and have seen some straight up dire shit go down between members. If this site was a G-rated Disney film, that place would easily be a R-rated raunchy dark comedy (or for Star Wars fans, a wretched hive of scum and villainy).  ;D

That sounds riveting, but I already happen to have a few other places where I go for my dose of crass behavior, dirty laughs and the works. Besides, my two favorite chooches are here, and I know I'll have a good time by just posting something that will be deemed ill-conceived or some such.
« Last Edit: July 08, 2021, 10:42:53 am by pzeke »

I know your every move behind this face; I have control over expendable slaves.
When confrontation comes down to the wire, I'll use my cyclotrode to commence the fire.
You're never gonna get me!


Re: VGC's Anonymous/"General" Topic:
« Reply #15865 on: July 08, 2021, 12:19:20 pm »
So a couple of weeks ago, I sold a copy of Mario Kart 8 to someone on Reddit and I thought it went without a hitch since I did not hear anything back after it was delivered. Fast forward to last week, the buyer decided to file a claim on me through Paypal stating that the game was not reading, they tried it multiple times  and that I was hiding the damage of the game by not showing the back of the cart when I sent photos. So because it was sent via email and whatnot around midnight and didnt want to be bothered, I accepted the dispute to have them send the game back to me.

I got the game in the mail this morning and went to check the back side of the cart. Now it did have like a light black mark in one of the sections but nothing I felt was going to affect it. Not only that but I did play a bit of this copy and it worked with no problem. That being said I eventually did try it out on my Switch and it reads. I even insert the game multiple times and it worked which tells me either their Switch is the problem or they had buyer's remorse and decided to go with that excuse. The return claim wasnt really the issue but rather the timing in that they made the claim 3 weeks and a day since they got the item in the mail. I know I could have done more to fight this but I couldn't be bothered plus I was really sure it was fine and this person was full of it. It's whatever I just wanted to rant.

Re: VGC's Anonymous/"General" Topic:
« Reply #15866 on: July 08, 2021, 12:32:23 pm »
So a couple of weeks ago, I sold a copy of Mario Kart 8 to someone on Reddit and I thought it went without a hitch since I did not hear anything back after it was delivered. Fast forward to last week, the buyer decided to file a claim on me through Paypal stating that the game was not reading, they tried it multiple times  and that I was hiding the damage of the game by not showing the back of the cart when I sent photos. So because it was sent via email and whatnot around midnight and didnt want to be bothered, I accepted the dispute to have them send the game back to me.

I got the game in the mail this morning and went to check the back side of the cart. Now it did have like a light black mark in one of the sections but nothing I felt was going to affect it. Not only that but I did play a bit of this copy and it worked with no problem. That being said I eventually did try it out on my Switch and it reads. I even insert the game multiple times and it worked which tells me either their Switch is the problem or they had buyer's remorse and decided to go with that excuse. The return claim wasnt really the issue but rather the timing in that they made the claim 3 weeks and a day since they got the item in the mail. I know I could have done more to fight this but I couldn't be bothered plus I was really sure it was fine and this person was full of it. It's whatever I just wanted to rant.

I had that happen with a copy of Contra I sold years ago.  I cleaned the hell out of it and ran it just fine in my NES.  They got it, said it didn't work, returned it and it booted up just fine in console.  Their NES was probably dirty as hell.


Re: VGC's Anonymous/"General" Topic:
« Reply #15867 on: July 08, 2021, 01:03:15 pm »
I do all the heavy lifting around the house, and I've had to move boxes filled with comics in the past, which I hated, so I understand where you're coming from. I would suggest to maybe start moving them now, placing them somewhere where they'll be easy to access/pick up when needed. I remember I once made plans with someone to look over some boxes I had for a potential sale, but we weren't going to meet until around a week, so I placed them on a countertop near the dining room area for easy access. Lifting heavy boxes strains the body, especially the back, but if you put them on a place where they're at waist level, the process becomes far less strenuous. You could also transfer half of what's in one box into another to make the handling process easier. Sure, you'll probably end up using double the boxes, but your back will certainly appreciate it.

There's easily 40 boxes at a minimum with it probably being closer to 60.  :o

They're in the basement in a room designated for all of my crap so there's no point in staging them as that'll just aggravate the roommates with them being in the way. Still not looking forward to moving them all.  :P Over the last year I've started becoming disillusioned with floppies anyway. The prices per issue have gotten downright stupid. Once Marvel was like "all our books are $4.99 cover price" I dropped all of their books. DC has since followed suit and I cut everything except Action, Detective and like 3-4 others. Plus I've been finding trades more desirable. I can find them cheaper, read the whole story without having to bag/unbag floppies, and toss them on a bookshelf when I'm done.

Also, I just had a unicorn property slip through my fingers. It hit every bell & whistle I was looking for. It was a 2-story home with full basement, in a cul-de-sac and literally a 1/2 mile from where I currently am so my commute would have been identical. I asked my realtor to set up a showing ASAP and he went radio silent on me for like a day and a half. Messaged me this morning about going to see it tomorrow then about an hour later he was like "no dice, it just went pending".  :-\ It's only been two weeks since I started looking but I'm already starting to get over it. I really want to throat punch whoever put my city back at the top of that "Most livable city" nonsense.  :P


Re: VGC's Anonymous/"General" Topic:
« Reply #15868 on: July 08, 2021, 02:53:43 pm »
So a couple of weeks ago, I sold a copy of Mario Kart 8 to someone on Reddit and I thought it went without a hitch since I did not hear anything back after it was delivered. Fast forward to last week, the buyer decided to file a claim on me through Paypal stating that the game was not reading, they tried it multiple times  and that I was hiding the damage of the game by not showing the back of the cart when I sent photos. So because it was sent via email and whatnot around midnight and didnt want to be bothered, I accepted the dispute to have them send the game back to me.

I got the game in the mail this morning and went to check the back side of the cart. Now it did have like a light black mark in one of the sections but nothing I felt was going to affect it. Not only that but I did play a bit of this copy and it worked with no problem. That being said I eventually did try it out on my Switch and it reads. I even insert the game multiple times and it worked which tells me either their Switch is the problem or they had buyer's remorse and decided to go with that excuse. The return claim wasnt really the issue but rather the timing in that they made the claim 3 weeks and a day since they got the item in the mail. I know I could have done more to fight this but I couldn't be bothered plus I was really sure it was fine and this person was full of it. It's whatever I just wanted to rant.

Was the cart you got the same one you mailed?

Anyway, this is what sucks about PayPal's 180-day window they give buyers to open disputes: someone can easily buy a game, play it until completion, then sign in to their PayPal account and open a case saying the game doesn't work and get their money back - no muss, no fuss. Based on personal experience, taking pictures of whatever you sell, including recording a video of you play-testing any video game you sell is the best course of action you can take to battle these type of people, and while some may argue that being a waste of time, both eBay and PayPal will accept and consider it as evidence. I do understand the hassle that is having to do all of this, especially the idea of having to deal with an unscrupulous person, but if you're willing and able you should definitely power through.

There's easily 40 boxes at a minimum with it probably being closer to 60.  :o

They're in the basement in a room designated for all of my crap so there's no point in staging them as that'll just aggravate the roommates with them being in the way. Still not looking forward to moving them all.  :P Over the last year I've started becoming disillusioned with floppies anyway. The prices per issue have gotten downright stupid. Once Marvel was like "all our books are $4.99 cover price" I dropped all of their books. DC has since followed suit and I cut everything except Action, Detective and like 3-4 others. Plus I've been finding trades more desirable. I can find them cheaper, read the whole story without having to bag/unbag floppies, and toss them on a bookshelf when I'm done.

Got it. I hope you at least have someone who's willing to help you move them, then. Or hey, maybe this is the chance you never knew you wanted to sell them. As you said, TPBs are better - no more floppies means more space for games.

Also, I just had a unicorn property slip through my fingers. It hit every bell & whistle I was looking for. It was a 2-story home with full basement, in a cul-de-sac and literally a 1/2 mile from where I currently am so my commute would have been identical. I asked my realtor to set up a showing ASAP and he went radio silent on me for like a day and a half. Messaged me this morning about going to see it tomorrow then about an hour later he was like "no dice, it just went pending".  :-\ It's only been two weeks since I started looking but I'm already starting to get over it. I really want to throat punch whoever put my city back at the top of that "Most livable city" nonsense.  :P

Yeah, that sounds like a nice place. Gotta love cul-de-sacs! Don't worry, though, I'm sure you'll find what you're looking for.
« Last Edit: November 29, 2023, 06:03:40 pm by pzeke »

I know your every move behind this face; I have control over expendable slaves.
When confrontation comes down to the wire, I'll use my cyclotrode to commence the fire.
You're never gonna get me!


Re: VGC's Anonymous/"General" Topic:
« Reply #15869 on: July 08, 2021, 03:13:40 pm »

Was the cart you got the same one you mailed?

Anyway, this is what sucks about PayPal's 180-day window they give buyers to open disputes: someone can easily buy a game, play it until completion, then sign in to their PayPal account and open a case saying the game doesn't work and get their money back - no muss, no fuss. Based on personal experience, taking pictures of whatever you sell, including recording a video of you play-testing any video game you sell is the best course of action you can take to battle these type of people; and while some may argue that being a waste of time, both eBay and PayPal will accept and consider it as evidence. I do understand the hassle that is having to do all of this, especially the idea of having to deal with an unscrupulous person, but if you're willing and able you should definitely power through.

It was the same cart yes. As I said, I chalk this up to incompetence on the buyers part. Rather than check if it was alright when they got item, they waited in this case 3 weeks to see that evidently it doesn't work or in this case not rule out that their system has an issue and blame me for sending them a faulty item. That said I agree with your assessment of taking pictures and play testing to show that it is in working order. That way if by some chance they decide to dispute I can have evidence to fight that. I know I have been guilty of not trying out used items I buy the day I get them or buy them but at the same time its like accuse me of selling you a faulty product GTFO