Author Topic: What Was The Last Movie/Anime You Watched?  (Read 406823 times)


Re: What Was The Last Movie/Anime You Watched?
« Reply #1500 on: November 26, 2018, 09:45:28 pm »

Hellsing Ultimate! I binged this over 2 days and it was fantastic. Pretty graphic too.

Now that you watched that, gotta check out Hellsing Ultimate Abridged.  They are about to finish up the final episode soon and it's such a fun take on everything if you like the humor of it.

thank you so much for telling me about this it's hilarious!

Re: What Was The Last Movie/Anime You Watched?
« Reply #1501 on: November 27, 2018, 05:45:00 am »

Don't usually post such big pictures for my posts, but god dang the poster for this movie and the following movies are the just incredible. Noriyoshi Ohrai was an incredible artist.  I need to buy some of these to put up.

I've always been fond of Biollante's design in Godzilla vs Biollante.  Sure it isn't a traditional creature, but just the idea of this mutant plant that towers over even Godzilla himself, with these big jaws and huge body.  It's unconventional, kinda like Hedorah, but I dig it.  Godzilla has a nice new look too, fixing his dumb goofy eyes from the last one and just overall it's a real top quality design for Godzilla.  Even Super X2 got an update in design and more of a proper showing compared to its introduction.

To me this is an overall improvement from Return of Godzilla.  The human stuff is generally more interesting and the people involved feel more like they should actually be there, being scientists and members of the military.  They got this whole spy thing happening, girls with ESP to sense Biollante and Godzilla, it just feels like there is more happening.  Not that it's all particularly well written, but at least I'm entertained.  I kinda forgot how jumpy the editing could be in these movies at times, but at least there's good audio here.  Lots of actual music going on that the previous movie really lacked.  It's also very 80's at points, but being that I've been listening to Bubblegum Crisis albums for awhile now, it's good stuff.  The one theme for the movie is on the verge of just being The Superman theme though lol

The only real complaint I have is that the ending isn't very good.  Godzilla's two interactions are good for what they are, but Biollante's return with...sentient pollen? Magic? I don't really know, it's weird.  The same with it dying, it just sorta ends and there doesn't really feel like a satisfying conclusion between the two monsters.  It feels like their interactions should've been twice as long, as there needed to be more of a proper fight, but we did get a lot of time with Godzilla throughout, so I'm not crazy upset.

With that, it's a 6/10 to me.  Totally watchable, and while Biollante ended up being an underwhelming foe, I still enjoyed it.  Also, here's randomly a fun 80's song from the OST called "Bio Wars"
« Last Edit: December 02, 2018, 07:14:31 am by kamikazekeeg »


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Re: What Was The Last Movie/Anime You Watched?
« Reply #1502 on: November 27, 2018, 12:51:51 pm »
Thundercats vol 5: The Ghost Warrior (VHS bootleg)

Not bad quality for a VHS copy.

LOVED this cartoon as a kid. And it holds up pretty well compared to a lot of other 80s toons.

Re: What Was The Last Movie/Anime You Watched?
« Reply #1503 on: November 27, 2018, 06:04:48 pm »

I've always been fond of Biollante's design in Godzilla vs Biollante.  Sure it isn't a traditional creature, but just the idea of this mutant plant that towers over even Godzilla himself, with these big jaws and huge body.  It's unconventional, kinda like Hedorah, but I dig it.  Godzilla has a nice new look too, fixing his dumb goofy eyes from the last one and just overall it's a real top quality design for Godzilla.  Even Super X2 got an update in design and more of a proper showing compared to its introduction.

To me this is an overall improvement from Return of Godzilla.  The human stuff is generally more interesting and the people involved feel more like they should actually be there, being scientists and members of the military.  They got this whole spy thing happening, girls with ESP to sense Biollante and Godzilla, it just feels like there is more happening.  Not that it's all particularly well written, but at least I'm entertained.  I kinda forgot how jumpy the editing could be in these movies at times, but at least there's good audio here.  Lots of actual music going on that the previous movie really lacked.  It's also very 80's at points, but being that I've been listening to Bubblegum Crisis albums for awhile now, it's good stuff.  The one theme for the movie is on the verge of just being The Superman theme though lol

The only real complaint I have is that the ending isn't very good.  Godzilla's two interactions are good for what they are, but Biollante's return with...sentient pollen? Magic? I don't really know, it's weird.  The same with it dying, it just sorta ends and there doesn't really feel like a satisfying conclusion between the two monsters.  It feels like their interactions should've been twice as long, as there needed to be more of a proper fight, but we did get a lot of time with Godzilla throughout, so I'm not crazy upset.

With that, it's a 7/10 to me.  Totally watchable, and while Biollante ended up being an underwhelming foe, I still enjoyed it.  Also, here's randomly a fun 80's song from the OST called "Bio Wars"

Godzilla vs Biollante is another one of my favorites. These are inspiring me to rewatch these as well. And yes, the posters are amazing from this era!

Re: What Was The Last Movie/Anime You Watched?
« Reply #1504 on: November 27, 2018, 07:15:53 pm »
Godzilla vs Biollante is another one of my favorites. These are inspiring me to rewatch these as well. And yes, the posters are amazing from this era!

Biollante might have kind of a weak execution in terms of the actual monster not being used enough, but something I'll always love about these movies, especially as the quality goes up, is their presentation with the model work and suits, and just making everything work with the tentacles and such...Except for All Monsters Attack and Son of Godzilla, because screw those movies lol


Re: What Was The Last Movie/Anime You Watched?
« Reply #1505 on: November 28, 2018, 12:45:43 pm »
Thundercats vol 5: The Ghost Warrior (VHS bootleg)

Not bad quality for a VHS copy.

LOVED this cartoon as a kid. And it holds up pretty well compared to a lot of other 80s toons.

Now watching Season 2 vol 2 on DVD. The intro sequence looks and sounds great. I noticed that all of the matte paintings used in the credits sequence could very well be from 80s metal albums. :D


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Re: What Was The Last Movie/Anime You Watched?
« Reply #1506 on: November 28, 2018, 01:03:09 pm »
Thundercats vol 5: The Ghost Warrior (VHS bootleg)

Not bad quality for a VHS copy.

LOVED this cartoon as a kid. And it holds up pretty well compared to a lot of other 80s toons.

Now watching Season 2 vol 2 on DVD. The intro sequence looks and sounds great. I noticed that all of the matte paintings used in the credits sequence could very well be from 80s metal albums. :D

The animation was done by a Japanese studio, despite the totally American-fantasy style to it.

Re: What Was The Last Movie/Anime You Watched?
« Reply #1507 on: December 01, 2018, 07:14:35 am »

More of this glorious art for Godzilla vs King Ghidorah.

Right away, I started to remember bits about this film and boy its no good.  Where Return and Biollante felt like a turn for Godzilla, bringing him out of the goofy Showa era, Ghidorah brings it right back with scifi designs that feel more comfortable in the 70's than the early 90's.  I mean, I know these are relatively low budget films, but it's really bad.  The worst aspect of this is the story.  It's so badly written.  If it was just kinda goofy, that would be one thing, I can suspend my disbelief quite abit, you sorta have to with these types of movies, but it gets to a point that the story is just so poorly done that it ruins everything with it.  Godzilla doesn't even show up till an hour into it and I'm not counting Dinozilla part way through with that pretty lame backstory for Godzilla.

Like the only good about this is Godzilla himself, who looks good, and Ghidorah, while not a great battle, at least has its time and Mecha-King Ghidorah is silly, but fun.  The issue is that their two battles only take up like 20 minutes of the movie probably, and the rest of it is just badly written stuff with time travelers.  I have to give this a 3 out of 10.  Return of Godzilla might've been kinda boring, but it was a straightforward and relatively functional Godzilla film.  Biollante lacked a good monster fight, but the whole idea of it with the spy stuff, as silly as it was, at least was entertaining.  This movie just feels like leftover props and ideas from the Showa era of Godzilla and is completely out of place with this more purposefully monstrous Godzilla.

Hoping the rest of these leading up to Destroyah are better than this.  I honestly kinda forget other than I really remember loving Space Godzilla's design.
« Last Edit: December 01, 2018, 03:42:04 pm by kamikazekeeg »

Re: What Was The Last Movie/Anime You Watched?
« Reply #1508 on: December 02, 2018, 07:08:21 am »

Not quite as exciting as the last two posters, but still some stunning artwork for Godzilla vs Mothra.  The rest of these movies could be terrible to me, but I'd still be thankful for them because we got this awesome artwork.  I do find it strange that Battra isn't in the poster being that its just as important as Mothra and Godzilla.  It's even more strange after watching the movie, because they show the baby Mothra's, but they aren't in this movie.  It's like this was made for a different movie entirely.

After being traumatized by the Ghidorah movie last time, I'm at least glad we are back to some semblance of a competent plot here.  Meteorite crashes, wakes up Godzilla from his nap, kickstarts Battra, Mothra appears, kaiju fight!  Sure it's still a little goofy with the twins for this era, and that the Earth itself created Battra, but none of this infuriates me like the outright bad writing the last movie did.  Getting some action with Battra within the first 30 minutes helps things too.  Battra has such a cool design too as basically Evil Mothra.

This movie so far has some of the best action they've done.  There's back and forth, we get three monsters duking it out, Mothra and Battra have two forms, heck Godzilla and Battra's first fight is so powerful, it causes a volcano to erupt underwater beneath them!  This is prime, kaiju battle, material!  The human stuff isn't really the best, but it's rarely all that great and at least I don't hate what they are doing, even if they are pretty useless to the plot aside from dealing with the twins.

This movie made me realize that I forgot to watch the Rebirth of Mothra trilogy.    I think I only watched the first one, which was just okay and never continued on.  Have to remedy that after I finish this run of Godzilla movies.

Been altering the scores a tad from my initial views, so Ghidorah went from a 4 to a 3 initially before I posted, Biollante will be a 6 now, and I'm having this movie as a 7/10.  I think it's much more consistent, the stuff with Mothra is well done, and the battles are pretty good.  This is the first one of this era that I would actually recommend to watch, because it feels like the first one of these doesn't have something lacking in it, aside from the human plot being kinda pointless.
« Last Edit: December 02, 2018, 07:14:05 am by kamikazekeeg »

Re: What Was The Last Movie/Anime You Watched?
« Reply #1509 on: December 02, 2018, 05:17:55 pm »
Ralph Breaks the Internet

A decent enough sequel, but it felt like 3 different movies all rolled into one.  Every individual part functioned just fine on it’s own, but when thrown together it was a bit disjointed.  Some really inspired moments, but the whole Ralph going viral bit was kinda bland.  Some kinda weird dark stuff towards the end as well.

Re: What Was The Last Movie/Anime You Watched?
« Reply #1510 on: December 03, 2018, 06:40:01 am »

I feel like Ghidorah or Biollante may top this one eye candy wise, but man this is a great poster.  I'm such a big fan of Mechagodzilla and they treat him pretty well here.  The Kiryu version in the later movies is probably my favorite though.

This movie gets off to a great start by not only figuratively and literally salvaging from the awful Ghidorah movie by using the Mecha-King Ghidorah tech to create Mechagodzilla, but we get a Kaiju fight with Godzilla and Rodan within the first 20 minutes.  That's such a good start and the movie only gets better.  All the battles are really well done.  Even the human stuff is good as it is one of the few times where it feels like humanity is really involved in the plot overall and contributing legitimately to the fight at hand.  Rodan does sorta feel like the third wheel with how much it gets wrecked, but it puts up a good fight and is a welcomed addition.  Love the combo stuff here too with the Garuda ship that joins with Mechagodzilla to become a big badass set of guns for it as Super Mechagodzilla.

The only real negative I have is that the Baby Godzilla is sorta poorly explained and Rodan sacrificing itself to save Godzilla kinda makes no sense at all, which again is sorta the fault of this Part Godzilla/Part Rodan thing they never really explain properly.  Something about a parasitic egg and the Godzilla being some new species of "Godzillasaur" and I don't even know.  It doesn't really hurt the movie at all for me though, because everything else is so good.  At least the Baby Godzilla isn't Minilla.  Thank god it's not Minilla.

This one has been my favorite so far, a perfect example of good Kaiju action.  Strong 8 out of 10.  I'm so glad this one held up as Mechagodzilla really is a favorite of mine.

Re: What Was The Last Movie/Anime You Watched?
« Reply #1511 on: December 03, 2018, 02:41:26 pm »
American Horror Story: Cult
Like almost all the seasons of this show it was a bit of a mixed bag.  Great performances, a couple of decent ideas, about as subtle as brick.  I kind of hated the first two episodes but it slowly grew into itself, but never really found a solid foundation.  It's by far the most grounded of the seasons, without a single supernatural element to it - and I kind of missed the absolute insanity that would come with ghosts, aliens, etc.I would probably rank this at #5 or 6 out of the 7 seasons I have seen.

Well this was way better than I was expecting.  All of the previews had left me rather underwhelmed, but I was pleasantly surprised here.  The show could be surprisingly morbid, which I loved, but the characters were also generally all unrepentant assholes, which got boring after a while.  It was like a show full of Benders without a Fry to balance it out.  Still it looked great and was funny as hell.  Luci may be the role Eric Andre was born to play - aside from Eric Andre.
« Last Edit: December 03, 2018, 02:43:51 pm by Cartagia »

Re: What Was The Last Movie/Anime You Watched?
« Reply #1512 on: December 04, 2018, 05:05:45 am »

Spacegodzilla looking extra scary here, continuing the trend of top quality artwork.

If I had to use a wrestling term, I feel like I'm kind of a "mark" when it comes to Godzilla in that I'm easy to please.  Want me to like your Godzilla antagonist? Just make it another Godzilla! Mechagodzilla? I love it! Spacegodzilla? Brilliant! Spacegodzillas design is really pretty great with the crystals growing from its body and the creepy sorta Predator-like mandibles.  In essence it's just Godzilla with extra bits glued on, and he flies, but it works for me.

And while I do love giant robots, ranging from Power Rangers, to Godzilla, to Pacific, Rim, I'm not a huge fan of Mogera in this.  It's meant to be a Mechagodzilla replacement after the last movie, but its design is just a bit off.  Its way too chunky and the head isn't very good.  I thought the design seemed weirdly old feeling, like the 60's or 70's, and I was right as it's based on an older Toho movie from the 60's.  I don't know why, because the design is really out of place in this era I feel.

Also Little Godzilla is growing on me.  It inches close to being too cutesie, like the earlier family films, but it doesn't devolve into horrific Minilla levels and yeah...Little Godzilla is super cute.

To me, while the Kaiju action is pretty great overall here, the story doesn't seem quite as good as the last movie.  Nothing bad, it just feels like the first half lacks abit with the human stuff.  It more than makes up for it later on in the second half for sure, but Mechagodzilla 2 just seemed more well rounded.  Spacegodzilla is dope though.  I love the crystals strewn around the environment, creating a battlefield for them and that they get used as weapons.

Definitely my second favorite and I can't wait for the next one, giving us "Burning Godzilla".  This movie gets a 7/10 for me.

Re: What Was The Last Movie/Anime You Watched?
« Reply #1513 on: December 05, 2018, 06:09:27 am »

I just realized that I don't believe I've actually seen the official art poster for Godzilla vs Destroyah.  I dig it.  The reds and oranges really work well and how it all blends together.  A basic layout, but still top quality stuff.

I've been waiting for this one, as I remember loving this movie, a lot of it to do with Burning Godzilla and the ideas surrounding it.  Rather than having the usual Godzilla plot of Godzilla needing to tough it out against another monster, the idea is that Godzilla is basically overloaded with energy and is getting ready to explode because of it, rampaging about as he's essentially a giant wounded animal.

The other interesting part of the movie is that it kinda becomes a horror monster movie for abit due to the smaller Destroyah creatures.  The special forces unit even has like a Aliens rifle setup with motion sensors.  Not the only Aliens connection as the Destroyah creatures have one of those creepy inner extendable mouths and they use flamethrowers on them lol At least gives something the humans could fight for abit before it becomes Destroyah, which is a great design.  This huge red demon-like monster with connections to the original Godzilla movie.  I kinda love that he has multiple forms too.  From the little ancient millions year old mutant bug thing, to human-sized crawlers, to a giant crawler with big spikey apendages, to a flying form, and then the final giant Godzilla like monster.  A lot of work went into this monster for sure.

Story is real on point with this one, probably the most solid all the way through as everyone has a purpose or connection with the plot and this movie makes a big connection to the original Godzilla movie, as Destroyah is connected to the original Oxygen Destroyer that wiped out Godzilla in the first movie, hence its name.  It's also the most serious one.  There's very little fluff, no dealing with romances or shenanigans, it's very much "Godzilla will kill us all if we don't do something" and that is from beginning to end.  I think it's what makes this one of my favorites for sure, because it is so consistent and focused.

I love the action in Mechagodzilla 2 and Spacegodzilla, but this is just beginning to end well paced and you really start to feel bad for what happens to Godzilla as this has to be Godzilla getting it the worst out of all the movies I think.  Right from the start, Godzilla is suffering, and then he's fighting Destroyah and getting wrecked, then sees what is happened to Godzilla Junior.  It's all so well handled with incredible music that helps really sell some genuinely heartbreaking moments that you just wouldn't expect from a kaiju movie.  For a moment at the end, Godzilla almost reminds me of Shin Godzilla and I'm curious if that was ever a part of its design.  Even the ending feels rather apocalyptic in tone, kinda like what we saw with Shin Godzilla during that big night scene.  Feels like an influence here that I never realized before.

To me, this is a 9 out of 10 for Godzilla films, I think it is so well handled, and while it might not have the best fights so far, I think the last two doing better overall final battles, this was pretty great as a full movie.  It's definitely in my top 5 Godzilla films right now, a list I'll have to fully figure out soon.

Re: What Was The Last Movie/Anime You Watched?
« Reply #1514 on: December 05, 2018, 09:29:40 pm »
Dead Set

I'd actually been wanting to watch this forever and finally got around to it.  I didn't realize that it was created by Charlie Brooker who did Black Mirror and stars Riz Ahmed, so those were good signs right off the bat.

So, the general premise is what sold me on it from the get-go: the zombie apocalypse is happening and the people that are sealed in the house for Big Brother don't realize what is going on outside.  This series utilized some of the sets and crew from the real UK Big Brother, which gives it a tremendous sense of authenticity and gravitas that would be missing if it were just about a made-up TV show.  It does a good job of balancing three different stories, but once those come together it gets a bit too cliche, but all in all a really good watch.  It's only 5 episodes, and just under 2.5 hours.