Author Topic: What Was The Last Movie/Anime You Watched?  (Read 406819 times)

Re: What Was The Last Movie/Anime You Watched?
« Reply #1515 on: December 06, 2018, 07:24:52 am »

For some reason Noriyoshi Orai didn't come back for this one, but is around for like the next two, so won't be posting a bigger picture here.  It's just an okay poster.  It's functional, but it's not interesting and I don't really like the big "GODZILLA 2000" on it, which is on all versions of this poster.  There's another with kind of an outlined Godzilla shape, but I don't like that one either.  This movie is also technically called "Godzilla 2000: Millenium and I wish they had just called it "Godzilla: Millenium".  Sadly a popular thing at the time was to add "2000" to the end of a title, horribly dating it instantly by name.

I didn't remember a whole lot from this one, but I do like Godzilla's design.  Extra spikey with wild dorsal fins.  Not a favorite, but it stands out for sure compared to some of his other designs.

After coming off a couple generally good to great Godzilla films, this one doesn't feel like it does a whole lot for me.  There's nothing particularly awful about the movie itself, it just isn't all that interesting.  That and some of the CG is pretty poor. Combine that with very boring human stuff and it's just not a fun movie.  Orga is also a very lame monster, both in design and execution.  He's just sorta this hunched over goober with big fists who does very little against Godzilla.  He also tries to eat him.

This isn't a terrible movie like Ghidorah or an uneven film like Biollante, it reminds me of the experience with Return of Godzilla, even if this is a better put together movie than that.  It gets a 6 out of 10 for me.  Something I'm unlikely to watch outside of these marathons, but not unwatchable.
« Last Edit: December 06, 2018, 07:28:15 am by kamikazekeeg »

Re: What Was The Last Movie/Anime You Watched?
« Reply #1516 on: December 08, 2018, 07:13:38 am »

Ah yeah, back to this sweet poster action with Godzilla vs Megaguirus.  Not a favorite at all, but still such good art.

I'm just gonna state this outright, but "G-Graspers" is a terrible name for a Godzilla Military Force lol I don't know why they didn't just bring back G-Force for this, it's such a better name lol Aside form that, this is another reboot type of deal, involving cutting out the ending of the original Godzilla movie where he dies, and just having him keep coming back to attack their energy sources, forcing them to do clean energy instead of nuclear or plasma.

Megaguirus is an okay kaiju, but it feels more like a Mothra villain than a Godzilla one personally.  Just a big evil bug. That there are multiple smaller creatures reminds me abit of Destroyah.  I do like the idea that the creature was actually from a time on millions of years ago where it thrived.  Gives me Legendary Godzilla 2014 vibes.

Feels like they are trying to inject some "family" elements back in again, having a kid there with no real purpose who does something dumb like taking a giant bug egg and dumping it in the sewers.  Combine that with them seemingly making Godzilla and Megaguirus actually kinda smart, even being strategic, I don't really like that for this era and it comes off way sillier than it should.  It's kinda hard to say why I might be okay with this stuff in the older films compared to now, but these ones always felt like them trying to be more serious, so it's clashing tones when Godzilla manages to slice off a claw in a delayed reaction like a Samurai movie lol

I do like the idea of Tokyo getting create the perfect habitat for giant bugs.  Makes for one of the more interesting scenarios in a Godzilla movie, even if it's not really utilized for long.  And the plot generally is pretty straightforward, dealing with the science/military stuff, which is what I mostly prefer, as otherwise it gets kinda tough to justify the people staying involved with the plot.  The CG is still pretty poor, but it blends better here for the most part.

Overall, this movie is alright.  It's better than Godzilla 2000 for sure, but I don't particularly have any love for it, so I'll call it a 6.5/10.  Watchable, but not particularly standout.  I was at least much more entertained with what is going on compared to Godzilla 2000, which is why it gets a higher score.

Re: What Was The Last Movie/Anime You Watched?
« Reply #1517 on: December 08, 2018, 08:38:07 am »
American Vandal
I watched both seasons of this mockumentary from Netflix.  It's done in the uber-serious style of Making a Murderer, but each season is about a juvenile prank at a high school - S1 about dicks that have been spray painted on the faculty's cars and S1 about laxatives in the school's lemonade.  In addition to being amazingly funny, there is a surprising human element to each story that can catch you off guard.  While I do think S1 was vastly superior to S2, I'm still disappointed that the show has been canceled.


Re: What Was The Last Movie/Anime You Watched?
« Reply #1518 on: December 10, 2018, 11:43:43 am »

Rocky! This movie was awesome and a really cool success story. I hadn't seen any movies with Sylvester Stallone yet so that was also pretty cool.


Re: What Was The Last Movie/Anime You Watched?
« Reply #1519 on: December 11, 2018, 12:01:39 pm »
I am still watching Thundercats season 2, but with 3 episodes left... That's all I have for the original series. But now it is December and I can enter "Christmas movie skip mode" again, like I did with October for Halloweeny movies... well I did a check and it would look like I will skip all the way back around to A movies, to watch the Alien series, of which Prometheus is a Christmas movie.  :-\


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Re: What Was The Last Movie/Anime You Watched?
« Reply #1520 on: December 11, 2018, 01:41:55 pm »
I am still watching Thundercats season 2, but with 3 episodes left... That's all I have for the original series. But now it is December and I can enter "Christmas movie skip mode" again, like I did with October for Halloweeny movies... well I did a check and it would look like I will skip all the way back around to A movies, to watch the Alien series, of which Prometheus is a Christmas movie.  :-\

Is that when they find the other Thundercats on the planet? I really liked those episodes. Felt like a big storyline that lasted for a while.

Re: What Was The Last Movie/Anime You Watched?
« Reply #1521 on: December 12, 2018, 01:24:55 am »

Since The Last Jedi I've decided to personally boycott Disney and all their movies under the Disney name. The reason I broke my boycott to see this was because a) I liked the first Wreck it Ralph a lot, b) my girlfriend really wanted to see it, and c) the tickets were free. With all that and feeling less guilty about seeing this movie, I thought the movie was above average.

First off, this is a very funny movie and in the comedy department it did not disappoint with its copious references to video games, the internet, pop culture, memes, and various other relatable references that made it easy to understand the movie's humor. Just like in the first movie, Ralph, Vanellope, Fix it Felix and the various other characters from the first film did a great job at retaining what made their characters so endearing and likable. The story and writing was a bit rushed at times, but overall it was a fun movie that I mostly enjoyed. There were however a few things about this movie that annoyed me considerably.

First off, this movie continues the incredibly annoying use of social agenda pandering that played a big part in ruining The Last Jedi, and it's on full display here as well. For the record I am not a misogynist who believes men are absolutely superior to women, and I am all for women's rights and equality. However, Disney's recent approach to this social issue is to bolster women at the expense of male characters in their movies which is the exact thing that their movies are trying to speak out against, but in reverse. Essentially it's okay to make men look like cowards, fools, and idiots, but don't you dare portray women in any other light, but the most favorable. It really is blatant hypocrisy and during one particular scene at the end involving Disney princesses and something that Ralph does it made me realize it may have been a mistake to watch this movie. The other thing that really irritated me, and this is completely a subjective gripe, were the use of Star Wars references in one particular part of the film which made me angry as it served as a reminder how Disney completely destroyed this once incredible franchise.

Despite all this I'd still give this movie a 6/10, and if you don't mind the female sexism and social justice pandering. It was funny and entertaining at the very least and it was a good follow up to one of my favorite Disney films.


Re: What Was The Last Movie/Anime You Watched?
« Reply #1522 on: December 12, 2018, 12:16:26 pm »
I am still watching Thundercats season 2, but with 3 episodes left... That's all I have for the original series. But now it is December and I can enter "Christmas movie skip mode" again, like I did with October for Halloweeny movies... well I did a check and it would look like I will skip all the way back around to A movies, to watch the Alien series, of which Prometheus is a Christmas movie.  :-\

Is that when they find the other Thundercats on the planet? I really liked those episodes. Felt like a big storyline that lasted for a while.

Aside from that VHS I posted about earlier, the only other regular run Thundercats I have (which I am watching now) is Season 2 Part 2 box set. It has 3 volumes with 2 discs each. Basically this has been the lead up to all of the minor villains being captured by the dude on the train and the Thundercats "defeating" Mumm-ra on Third Earth. Then they go back to New Thundera during the 5 part mini-series where... you guessed it... Mumm-ra comes back for a battle and attacks the Gyroscope inside of the planet. It is a bit disappointing that they couldn't come up with some other sort of villains to fight against. I mean, the evil spirits banish Mumm-ra inside of that square and then like 2 hours later they change their mind.

I am suspecting the episodes where they find the others like Linxo and Pumyra are in the first part of Season 2. I really do not remember seeing any of these episodes as a kid, so perhaps I only really saw season 1, idk.

Re: What Was The Last Movie/Anime You Watched?
« Reply #1523 on: December 12, 2018, 08:07:28 pm »
The Marvelous Mrs. Maisel Season 2

The secondary characters really come into their own in this season.  There is a series of episodes in the middle of the season that were the best the show has been, and it builds to a tremendously satisfying endgame.  Midge doesn’t really get a ton of growth however, and I missed a couple of the story threads from S1.  The show also does a lot to redeem Joel pretty early on, which made him more enjoyable to watch.  One of the best comedies around right now.


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Re: What Was The Last Movie/Anime You Watched?
« Reply #1524 on: December 13, 2018, 12:59:06 am »
I am still watching Thundercats season 2, but with 3 episodes left... That's all I have for the original series. But now it is December and I can enter "Christmas movie skip mode" again, like I did with October for Halloweeny movies... well I did a check and it would look like I will skip all the way back around to A movies, to watch the Alien series, of which Prometheus is a Christmas movie.  :-\

Is that when they find the other Thundercats on the planet? I really liked those episodes. Felt like a big storyline that lasted for a while.

Aside from that VHS I posted about earlier, the only other regular run Thundercats I have (which I am watching now) is Season 2 Part 2 box set. It has 3 volumes with 2 discs each. Basically this has been the lead up to all of the minor villains being captured by the dude on the train and the Thundercats "defeating" Mumm-ra on Third Earth. Then they go back to New Thundera during the 5 part mini-series where... you guessed it... Mumm-ra comes back for a battle and attacks the Gyroscope inside of the planet. It is a bit disappointing that they couldn't come up with some other sort of villains to fight against. I mean, the evil spirits banish Mumm-ra inside of that square and then like 2 hours later they change their mind.

I am suspecting the episodes where they find the others like Linxo and Pumyra are in the first part of Season 2. I really do not remember seeing any of these episodes as a kid, so perhaps I only really saw season 1, idk.

Can't argue about Mummra being overused. But he was a really cool looking villain, in either form.

Re: What Was The Last Movie/Anime You Watched?
« Reply #1525 on: December 13, 2018, 09:57:22 pm »

Pretty cool to get two great pieces of Spider-Man media in the same year.  I had a good time with this one, the visuals are pretty crazy and I love how stylish it is.  My complaints are mostly that I feel like the visuals struggle to be great due to a few elements, as there's like a blur to stuff a lot of the time, it's like stuff kinda wants to be 3D, but it's not, or has this sorta spotted filter over it meant to represent comic books.  That and the thing in the trailer where it seemed like the visuals almost had a stop motion quality to them? Like they get a smidge low framerate at feels like at certain points the low framerate is there, but other times its not.  It's ever so mildly distracting when I notice it as otherwise the movie looks awesome. 

I do hate Kingpins design.  It's downright garbage because it makes no sense.  Everyone in the movie short of the girl from an anime universe and the cartoon pig roughly keep to the art style, but then there's Kingpin as a giant literal square of a person and it makes no damn sense because no one else looks like that.  Yes, Kingpin is generally unnaturally big, but this is absurd and it's obnoxious, because he feels like he is from a different cartoon. 

In the scheme of things, these are relatively minor, but it's still a great time for any Spider-Man fan as it's just generally funny and entertaining.


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Re: What Was The Last Movie/Anime You Watched?
« Reply #1526 on: December 17, 2018, 08:53:10 am »
I watched Venom yesterday. Not a bad flick. It was pretty fun. I don’t know how I feel about Venom being a good guy, but it was fun reguardless.

Re: What Was The Last Movie/Anime You Watched?
« Reply #1527 on: December 17, 2018, 09:04:41 am »
Thor: Ragnarok

My first rewatch since it released last year.  I feel like it actually played better this time around, as I was expecting even the oddly timed humor - and I liked it a lot before.  It is almost certainly the funniest of the MCU films, and definitely one of the most fun - alongside GotG.

Re: What Was The Last Movie/Anime You Watched?
« Reply #1528 on: December 18, 2018, 07:23:09 am »
Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse

Pretty cool to get two great pieces of Spider-Man media in the same year.  I had a good time with this one, the visuals are pretty crazy and I love how stylish it is.  My complaints are mostly that I feel like the visuals struggle to be great due to a few elements, as there's like a blur to stuff a lot of the time, it's like stuff kinda wants to be 3D, but it's not, or has this sorta spotted filter over it meant to represent comic books.  That and the thing in the trailer where it seemed like the visuals almost had a stop motion quality to them? Like they get a smidge low framerate at feels like at certain points the low framerate is there, but other times its not.  It's ever so mildly distracting when I notice it as otherwise the movie looks awesome. 

I do hate Kingpins design.  It's downright garbage because it makes no sense.  Everyone in the movie short of the girl from an anime universe and the cartoon pig roughly keep to the art style, but then there's Kingpin as a giant literal square of a person and it makes no damn sense because no one else looks like that.  Yes, Kingpin is generally unnaturally big, but this is absurd and it's obnoxious, because he feels like he is from a different cartoon. 

In the scheme of things, these are relatively minor, but it's still a great time for any Spider-Man fan as it's just generally funny and entertaining.

Yeah, what he said.  And the final credits teaser was amazing.

Re: What Was The Last Movie/Anime You Watched?
« Reply #1529 on: December 18, 2018, 07:34:48 am »
Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse

Pretty cool to get two great pieces of Spider-Man media in the same year.  I had a good time with this one, the visuals are pretty crazy and I love how stylish it is.  My complaints are mostly that I feel like the visuals struggle to be great due to a few elements, as there's like a blur to stuff a lot of the time, it's like stuff kinda wants to be 3D, but it's not, or has this sorta spotted filter over it meant to represent comic books.  That and the thing in the trailer where it seemed like the visuals almost had a stop motion quality to them? Like they get a smidge low framerate at feels like at certain points the low framerate is there, but other times its not.  It's ever so mildly distracting when I notice it as otherwise the movie looks awesome. 

I do hate Kingpins design.  It's downright garbage because it makes no sense.  Everyone in the movie short of the girl from an anime universe and the cartoon pig roughly keep to the art style, but then there's Kingpin as a giant literal square of a person and it makes no damn sense because no one else looks like that.  Yes, Kingpin is generally unnaturally big, but this is absurd and it's obnoxious, because he feels like he is from a different cartoon. 

In the scheme of things, these are relatively minor, but it's still a great time for any Spider-Man fan as it's just generally funny and entertaining.

Yeah, what he said.  And the final credits teaser was amazing.

I stupidly missed the ending scene.  I figured if they did a tease, it would be after the first credits, but just ended up leaving when nothing came up.  Hearing what it was though sounded super cool and has me excited for what that entails in a sequel which is supposed to have more Spider-Women show up likely among who appeared at the end I'm guessing.