Here's another movie review today. For the record I'm sick right now with a terrible virus so I have a lot of extra time on my hands. The best way I can describe it is the worst cold you can imagine along with the life draining qualities of the flu, it's great. But anyhow here's the mini review.

I feel like I had to wash the taste of Sinbad and the Eye of the Tiger out with a Harryhausen movie I knew I liked. Clash of the Titans was one of those movies that growing up I never got to see the whole thing; I'd catch parts of it on TV and every time I'd get super excited, but for whatever reason I never got to see the movie in its entirety until my late teens. I've really liked this movie since then and seem to rewatch it every few years or so.
This movie is truly Harryhausen's masterpiece when it comes to creature effects and design. Particularly the Medusa scene which is probably one of the most famous pieces of 80s special effects there is. The scene is still very tense, very atmospheric, and Medusa just looks freakin amazing! And that's just one scene. The whole movie is filled with cool creatures and effects, and the story, acting, and plot itself is also pretty cool and interesting itself. I also like the portrayal of the greek gods in this movie too as it seems to be more consistent with how they are often portrayed in old greek literature as being petty, jealous, and spiteful beings, even among themselves. Overall the movie is just great and definitely a must watch.
I think I'm going to take a break now from Harryheusen films for now, unless of course I stumble upon Valley of Gwangi somewhere soon, but seeing how this movie was just brought to DVD/Bluray for the first time recently I doubt that'll happen.