Author Topic: What Was The Last Movie/Anime You Watched?  (Read 406526 times)


Re: What Was The Last Movie/Anime You Watched?
« Reply #1590 on: March 25, 2019, 12:09:15 pm »
Leprechaun 3
The worst of the series so far. Also I think they are not really related to each other.

Re: What Was The Last Movie/Anime You Watched?
« Reply #1591 on: March 29, 2019, 09:17:19 pm »

I think Aquaman might be my favorite of the new DC films.  Like I never hated Wonder Woman, I just was kinda bored with a lot of it outside of that great WW2 battlefield scene.  It was like low level Marvel quality for me.  Aquaman though is so exciting and action packed and vibrant, they handled all the characters well, and it's just a real fun time.  Genuinely liked it, which I never thought I'd say for these DC films.  Apparently Shazam could be another good one, which is cool.

Re: What Was The Last Movie/Anime You Watched?
« Reply #1592 on: March 30, 2019, 12:50:21 pm »

I think Aquaman might be my favorite of the new DC films.  Like I never hated Wonder Woman, I just was kinda bored with a lot of it outside of that great WW2 battlefield scene.  It was like low level Marvel quality for me.  Aquaman though is so exciting and action packed and vibrant, they handled all the characters well, and it's just a real fun time.  Genuinely liked it, which I never thought I'd say for these DC films.  Apparently Shazam could be another good one, which is cool.
Wonder Woman was set in WWI not that you would be able to tell considering how they portrayed the Germans as Evil.

Re: What Was The Last Movie/Anime You Watched?
« Reply #1593 on: March 30, 2019, 03:33:06 pm »
Wonder Woman was set in WWI not that you would be able to tell considering how they portrayed the Germans as Evil.

Oh right, forgot it was WW1.  Just had WW2 on the brain because I've been playing the Firestorm mode in Battlefield V lol

Re: What Was The Last Movie/Anime You Watched?
« Reply #1594 on: March 30, 2019, 10:59:29 pm »
Big catch up time for me:

The Expanse Seasons 1-3: I’ve never seen a sci-fi series that takes its setting as seriously as this.  It’s incredible.

Lorena: Doco about the Lorena Bobbit incident.  Pretty short and engaging.

Castle Rock: It’s ok, but I was pretty disappointed.  It is incredibly mild for a ‘From Stephen King’ type of story.

Captain Marvel: Mid-tier MCU flick.
Us: Pretty good follow-up to Get Out.  Third act is a bit spotty though.

Re: What Was The Last Movie/Anime You Watched?
« Reply #1595 on: April 04, 2019, 07:05:02 am »

I burned through the entire first season of The Promised Neverland and I think it's just a fantastic show.  I thought initially with the shows premise that it was more of a horror thing, and I wasn't super wanting to see a bunch of kids getting messed up for a season, Made in Abyss is kinda all I'll allow for that, but this show ended up being more of an intense mystery sort of thing.  Lots of twists and turns and surprises and I just never knew where it was going.  Think the last time I felt this invested in an anime was maybe like the first Attack on Titan season, because the premise was just so good and I just kept on wanting to see more and where it would lead.  So glad it's getting a second season.

Re: What Was The Last Movie/Anime You Watched?
« Reply #1596 on: April 08, 2019, 06:15:22 am »

Back on my Godzilla marathon, starting with the 2001 Godzilla, Mothra and King Ghidorah: Giant Monsters All-Out Attack.  Another great poster with this one, though simple, but you get all the monsters in a nice style.  Baragon really gets shortchanged in this movie title though.  He's the first monster out, but he put up just as good of a fight as Mothra lol

Godzilla design wise, this is definitely like Top 3 for me.  Until Shin Godzilla, I think this is one of the most terrifying designs he has had.  Really good shape, he has this kinda hunched, animalistic feel at times, and the pure white eyes work very well with the idea of Godzilla being perhaps the embodiment of all the wrathful spirits of the war between Japan and America.

The movie itself is pretty solid, generally keeping the humans focused on the stuff around the monsters, no unnecessary plot stuff, and the characters are well done.  I had completely forgotten that this is the only movie where Ghidorah gets to be the good guy lol The CG works fairly good here most of the time...Not all, but most, and I'm all for Godzilla being this truly raging monster.  Like Wrathful Godzilla just wants to fucking kill people along with Baragon and Mothra who go out of their way to kill assholes in this film.  Godzilla is all about killing everyone though. 

I'd score this one an 8 out of 10, mostly because the kaiju fights are abit short for the most part, and the humans story is a tad basic, though it's a very consistent movie.  With this, currently Destroyah is my most favorite one, with GMK probably in second, but up next, we get the best looking Mechagodzilla in the series and I'm really hoping this one is good.

Re: What Was The Last Movie/Anime You Watched?
« Reply #1597 on: April 11, 2019, 03:51:29 pm »
Last Movie I watched was Naked Gun. Pretty funny, but I don't know if it lived up to all the hype.

My last anime? I'm working through season 2 of Banana Fish. Loving it so far.

Re: What Was The Last Movie/Anime You Watched?
« Reply #1598 on: April 13, 2019, 08:02:38 am »
I saw Shazam! and Pet Sematary last weekend.  One was a bit darker than I thought it would be and one was not nearly as dark as I expected.  I'll let you guess which.


Re: What Was The Last Movie/Anime You Watched?
« Reply #1599 on: April 13, 2019, 02:23:27 pm »

Watched this with Mrs SHFan, first time I've seen it in .. well a very long time, nostalgia..

Re: What Was The Last Movie/Anime You Watched?
« Reply #1600 on: April 14, 2019, 02:00:06 am »

Godzilla Against Mechagodzilla for another Godzilla film and unfortunately no cool posters for this one or the next one I believe.  This is a full recreation of the poster, which is a great image, just not as good as the paintings from before.

As for the Godzilla design, I think it's overall alright.  A better version of what they were doing when the Millenium Era started such as 2000 and Megaguirus, but not as good as the previous GMK design that I love.

A design I do love though is "Kiryu", the designation for this MechaGodzilla, which is one of my top 5 favorite designs of the entire series I think.  I love the weapon array it has, I love all the boosters for speed and flight, it's such a fun ass design.  I love that it's built on the literal skeleton of the 1954 Godzilla too.

The movie though is only okay.  I kinda hated the awkward relationship thing they were trying to build between the pilot, the scientist, and his daughter.  I don't think the English dub helps at all (Need it while working on something so I don't need to read subtitles), but it just never works to me.  The pilot character herself is alright though, a soldier struggling with past failings, brought back to pilot Japan's newest weapon, struggling with her own self worth.  It's abit TOO melodramatic at times, but I think works out well enough by the end.  The fight between Kiryu and Godzilla is pretty good both times and I love the idea that its DNA still contains the memories of past actions and goes berserk.

I think for a rating, I'll give it a 7/10, mostly for competency.  I liked the fights and designs, but I found sorta the inbetween stuff a little boring.  Definitely liked the previous Godzilla/Mothra/King Ghidorah film a good bit more.  The next one is Tokyo SOS, which I kinda remember being up there as a favorite of mine, so lets see how it fairs on this watch.

Godzilla: Tokyo SOS to round out the night for me.  I thought I remember really liking this one more, but it's more just a continuation of the previous movie and is just alright.  It drops that whole relationship thing in favor of something I liked abit more with the mechanic and they bring in the Mothra story stuff, which mostly works.  The movie is actually like one reasonably long fight for much of it, which I like, but I don't think it really wins me over quite as much as some other previous ones.

Nothing on the designs since they are the same as before, with just a normal Mothra showing up.  Not a huge Mothra fan, but always an okay addition.  I liked how they connected it to one of the old Mothra films alongside the 1954 Godzilla.

Overall, I'll just say 7/10.  Competent and I still love me some Kiryu, but the ending was just alright.  The last of the Millenium era films up next with Final Wars, signaling the end of Godzilla movies till 2014 Godzilla.
« Last Edit: April 14, 2019, 04:38:06 am by kamikazekeeg »


Re: What Was The Last Movie/Anime You Watched?
« Reply #1601 on: April 14, 2019, 05:11:45 am »
as a big transformers fan i watched bumblebee last night. It was auctully really good and it reminded me of the war for cybertron games

Re: What Was The Last Movie/Anime You Watched?
« Reply #1602 on: April 16, 2019, 08:46:14 pm »
as a big transformers fan i watched bumblebee last night. It was auctully really good and it reminded me of the war for cybertron games

Just watched it myself and yeah, Bumblebee is a totally good Transformers film.  I've been frustrated with the series since the beginning, but I had no real issues here.  No terrible writing, no dumb characters, much less obnoxiously designed robots, and all the Cybertron stuff made me wish we got a Cybertron movie instead of anything else with the awesome classic designs.  Also makes me wish those High Moon Studio games were available on current gen stuff.  Might go see about picking up Transformers Devastation though as I'm real in the mood for Transformers now.

Re: What Was The Last Movie/Anime You Watched?
« Reply #1603 on: April 17, 2019, 07:29:56 am »
Do not watch Black Summer on Netflix.  It's a zombie show, technically a prequel to Z-Nation for some reason, but where that show could make up for its badness with at least humor and goofy nonsense, this show is just boring.  It has almost no zombies in it for a show set in the zombie apocalypse and it becomes clear the show had no budget and is plagued with bad writing and inconsistencies.  I actually almost liked it at the start, it's execution was sorta odd, but I thought worked, until they kinda just dropped working with that setup and made things drag on forever.  Big pass.

Re: What Was The Last Movie/Anime You Watched?
« Reply #1604 on: April 19, 2019, 06:09:52 am »

And I've made it to the end of the Millenium Era, with the last Japanese Godzilla film till 2016, Godzilla: Final Wars.  A return to good posters for this one, this being the best, but there was another more busy one that was alright too.  Godzilla design is mostly the same as the last two so nothing much for that as it's not a particular favorite of mine. 

On the other hand, the designs for some of the other monsters are great.  We get a sick new Ghidorah, who this time is basically a centaur and has a first form that looks cool with a more humanoid look.  Along with that, we get two version of a brand new Gigan, which is up there as a top 5 design favorite of mine.  Both of these monsters are well worth the movie for me.  Lots of good classic monsters overall, even with them jobbing out the American 1998 Godzilla lol

The movie itself is kind of a mixed bag to me, but mostly alright.  Overall the action is pretty great, but I think with the push for Sentai-like action, the human story starts to take over the story and the kaiju stuff at parts kinda feels like it begins to take a back seat, though there are good fights for sure.  While I felt like they put a lot into this film, some of it started feel very underwhelming, especially the stuff taken from other movies like Mission Impossible 2 and The Matrix lol  The throwback to most of the Godzilla era's was pretty neat, even though the return of Mila, the worst thing about old Showa era Godzilla is terrible and is a detriment to this movie, even if he's barely in it.

I think I'm gonna put it at a 7/10.  I want to like it more because it feels pretty ambitious and there's a lot of good Kaiju action, but for some reason I just wasn't super into the human stuff as much.  Can't say 100% for sure why, which might not be fair to the film, but its still generally a good cap to the end of that era of Godzilla.

Up next in my wait for the new Godzilla is another watch of Godzilla 2014 and Shin Godzilla.  Where my views were more faded on the older Godzillas, I'm actually pretty secure on my position with both of these films and will be more of just a casual watch to see them again.