So much trash, and it's so good.

Been watching a lot of 80s sci-fi and horror. I just love that period of movies. So since it's been a while since I've been here, I have a bit of list here. What I can remember I watched recently from the top of my head:
Fortress - Starring Christopher Lambert. Much better than it really should have been. Story about a dystopian future where the world is overpopulated. You're only allowed one baby. But Christopher Lambert's wife is pregnant with a 2nd. They try to sneak over the border and get caught, both sent to a brutal prison owned by corporations for profit. He must survive the prisoner's brutatlity and escape with his wife who is being held captive by a lust-struck Kurtwood Smith (Red Forman in That 70s Show, and Clarence Boddicker in RoboCop).
Rabid - Made by David Cronenberg (The Fly). This one is a disturbing body-horror movie. An experimental medical procedure goes wrong after a motorcycle accident and a woman is left with the need for blood to survive. But as she feeds, she infects her victims with the same problem. I know, this sounds like a vampire movie. But it's not, not at all. It's very invasive and disturbing feeling. And these "infected" aren't supernaturally powered or sleep in coffins or anything of that nature. If you know David Cronenberg films, than you know what I mean. It's dirty, sexual, invasive, and just gives you the shivers.
Shivers - Speaking of "shivers", this is another David Cronenburg body horror piece. This one even more disturbing than than Rabid. Similar in plot to Rabid where an experimental medical surgery goes wrong, and causes the victim to infect their victims. This time the scientists are experimenting with parasites in an attempt to breed parasites with the ability to replace damaged organs. Except it causes the victim to become violently sexual in nature. They crave sex to the point that they will physically attack their victims fully against their will, which is disturbing in itself. But then those victims get infected and start doing the same to others. Not many movies make me just feel weirded out after watching them, this one definetly did. I just felt gross after watching it. But then, those type of reactions to movies are the ones that stick with you.
The Crazies (original and remake) - I LOVE George Romero zombie films and the his Creepshow movies. So I decided to purposely seek out some of his other stuff, and this didn't disappoint. This is the story of a small town that gets a virus that causes everyone to literally go crazy. Some people are manic, some psychotic, some violent, some just silly. But all the infected lose it in some way. Soon the military is called in to quell the situation and set up a quarantine zone. A newlywed husband realizes his wife is still in the town when he makes it to the quarantine border and has to go back in to get her. He soon meets up with other survivors and together they must navigate this town of madness and survive while trying to not get infected themselves. Both the original and remake are very good, but have different tones. Both well worth watching.
Deathstalker 3 & 4 - Cheap, 80s, barbarian movies with mindless action and lots of boobs. They're never gonna win any film awards. But if you like this kind of stuff, they are entertaining watches.
Street Fighter: The Animated Movie - It had been YEARS since I've seen this one. It still holds up well. Great action, amazing animation, and respect for the source material. That Chun Li vs Vega shower fight is still hot, and I'm not 12 years old anymore.
X-Men - 80s Animated Movie - This is the animated move released straight to VHS that was intended for a pilot to an animated series that never took off (the same same animated series the X-Men Arcade Game was based on). Great cartoon for the time. Definitely could hang with stuff like The Real Ghostbusters or Thundercats had it become a reality. High-production values for the time, good action, and respect for the comics. Though Wolverine had a thick Australian accent for some odd reason.
Trolls 2: World Tour - I have 5-year old daughter, watched it with her. Just wanted to show it's not all boobs and blood for me.

But I swear the plot borrowed a lot of elements from the Brutal Legend game.