Author Topic: What Was The Last Movie/Anime You Watched?  (Read 406553 times)


Re: What Was The Last Movie/Anime You Watched?
« Reply #1845 on: November 30, 2020, 11:37:45 am »
Season 1 and Season 2 of the 2000s Battlestar Galactica series. Pretty interesting.

I have been trimming down the movie collection and have made a "watch pile" and this was in it. Basically I had to come to the conclusion that I'm not going to rewatch a series for a long time... basically any series. There isn't a point to keep a DVD for something that I would only want to rewatch after 10-20 years or so... which is about the timeframe that I can bother to watch a TV series again. Movies I can rewatch more frequently, not sure the reason why that is, maybe because they are a lot shorter. The only downside is that is all I had for this show, and I know it went on for a few seasons after that. So I'll never know how it ended. :-,(

Re: What Was The Last Movie/Anime You Watched?
« Reply #1846 on: December 02, 2020, 06:06:29 am »

As someone that thought Train to Busan was a really good new zombie film, adding their own South Korean flare to the genre, I was initially pretty interested to see what they would go on to do after Busan.  After seeing the trailer for Peninsula I was pretty worried with the direction they were taking and I was right to be worried.  This movie is nothing like the first one.  I think they saw the success of the first movie (8 Million budget, nearly 100 Million box office) and perhaps thought they had a franchise on their hands, their own "Fast and the Furious", but nah, this isn't that.

On its own, it is a functional zombie action film, but this is like going from Day of the Dead to Land of the Dead.  All of the drama with the good characters and impactful moments are just not here.  Like there are clearly a few scenes meant to kinda hit on those same emotional notes we got with the first film, but it's not handled remotely as well and I didn't care about any of the characters.  The overabundance of CG really kills the film for me, because there are these big car action scenes in this, but since everything is CG it all just looks like a videogame cutscene or it looks like one of those Resident Evil CG films, because the budget just isn't there to take it to that next level.

This is such a misstep for South Korean zombie media, I thought they were on a good path with the first film and Kingdom on Netflix, but this just isn't very good.
« Last Edit: December 02, 2020, 06:14:48 am by kamikazekeeg »

Re: What Was The Last Movie/Anime You Watched?
« Reply #1847 on: December 02, 2020, 04:43:42 pm »
I recently rewatched The Godfather for the first time in nearly two decades.  It's still really easy to see why its considered a masterpiece.  It's incredibly well-paced for a movie that is 3 hours long, though there is a little bit of a section that sags in the middle a little.  I plan on watching the other two over the Christmas season as well.

Re: What Was The Last Movie/Anime You Watched?
« Reply #1848 on: December 02, 2020, 11:45:43 pm »

The New Mutants definitely had a weird, rocky, run to release, but I finally got to watch it, ending this line of X-Men films (I still need to watch Dark Phoenix...I mean I don't NEED to, but I will lol), and it's alright.  I didn't realize it was gonna be such a small scale film, as it mostly just takes place in this old hospital and the cast is mostly just the 5 kids and the doctor the entire time.  I can definitely see why they didn't want to really bring this to theater, because it doesn't have a whole lot going on.  I didn't mind it though, it's got this kinda darker/horror bent to things and that really works to set it apart from some of the other X-Men stuff.  I think the film is okay, so if you want to check it out, just keep your expectations low, this isn't going to be Logan or anything on par with any of the good X-Men films, but if you just take it as more of its own thing, some teens dealing with their powers in a sketchy facility, it works well enough.
« Last Edit: December 02, 2020, 11:56:06 pm by kamikazekeeg »


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Re: What Was The Last Movie/Anime You Watched?
« Reply #1849 on: December 03, 2020, 11:25:03 am »

The New Mutants definitely had a weird, rocky, run to release, but I finally got to watch it, ending this line of X-Men films (I still need to watch Dark Phoenix...I mean I don't NEED to, but I will lol), and it's alright.  I didn't realize it was gonna be such a small scale film, as it mostly just takes place in this old hospital and the cast is mostly just the 5 kids and the doctor the entire time.  I can definitely see why they didn't want to really bring this to theater, because it doesn't have a whole lot going on.  I didn't mind it though, it's got this kinda darker/horror bent to things and that really works to set it apart from some of the other X-Men stuff.  I think the film is okay, so if you want to check it out, just keep your expectations low, this isn't going to be Logan or anything on par with any of the good X-Men films, but if you just take it as more of its own thing, some teens dealing with their powers in a sketchy facility, it works well enough.

I LOVED it. Spoke to me as both a horror and superhero fan. I already talked about it, above.

Re: What Was The Last Movie/Anime You Watched?
« Reply #1850 on: December 03, 2020, 01:51:03 pm »
I watched the 'The devil all the Time' the other night.

I enjoyed it. Not your run of the mill formulaic film so worth a watch. Just in case anyone thinks this is a horror, it is not. It is a rather stark and dark look at how God is used to justify many people's justification for their actions. I would give it a 7/10


Re: What Was The Last Movie/Anime You Watched?
« Reply #1851 on: December 04, 2020, 02:55:52 pm »
Ant-Man and the Wasp - First time seeing it; it was a good romp.
Mad Max: Fury Road - Oh, what a day... what a lovely day!

Caught those two recently while channel surfing.

I know your every move behind this face; I have control over expendable slaves.
When confrontation comes down to the wire, I'll use my cyclotrode to commence the fire.
You're never gonna get me!


Re: What Was The Last Movie/Anime You Watched?
« Reply #1852 on: December 16, 2020, 02:31:54 pm »
The last movie I watched was Jurassic World while visiting my family on Thanksgiving. Wasn't my first watch however as I saw it when it came out in theaters with a friend back in Freshman year of high school.
@ me when Sinnoh remakes are announced

Re: What Was The Last Movie/Anime You Watched?
« Reply #1853 on: December 26, 2020, 09:05:09 pm »

While I was kinda hoping to like Wonder Woman 84, it ended up just being a really boring movie.  I like it less than the first movie, which I thought was just okay, but the WW2 era stuff and stuff on Themyscira was good and I genuinely like the scene of her running across the WW2 battlefield (That whole sequence might be the best thing they've done with the DC films), though the ending was just kinda nothing for me.  The new one is just "Hey, weren't the 80's cool?" and then there's kind of a villain who inadvertently causes chaos and Cheetah is a thing by the end, but boy this nearly two and a half hour movie does nothing to justify that length.  That's like Avengers level, where you got all these characters and stories to fill in that time, but so little happens in WW84 that is actually interesting and entertaining.  The writing is just so bad and so much makes such little sense.

Doesn't help that the action isn't that great either.  The Snyder-era DC films have never had particularly great CG, like sure its very clearly expensive, but its always very floaty, cartoonish at times, and not in a good way, it just doesn't match up to what Marvel does, where its all CG too, but there's better weight and speed to most things.  At this point, there's really only one of the new DC films that I actually like, and that is Shazam, (With a soft spot for Aquaman because I like Jason Momoa) because it's so much more simple and small scale and actually kinda funny, but none of these other new DC films work for me.  I'm kinda hopeful for the new Suicide Squad, because it'll hopefully just be full blown madness, and I'm interested to see the multi-verse stuff in the Flash movie, but I wish this era of DC movies would just stop.
« Last Edit: December 26, 2020, 09:31:37 pm by kamikazekeeg »

Re: What Was The Last Movie/Anime You Watched?
« Reply #1854 on: December 27, 2020, 01:24:33 pm »
Batman Returns - What an insane almost masterpiece this is.  It's just such a crazy product of a singular vision.  The makeup, production design, and performances are incredible.

Scrooged - Hadn't seen this in years.  It's also a bonkers delight.  Murray is really great in it.

Wonder Woman 1984 - Unfortunately an overlong mess.  The individual pieces are all generally ok to good, but they just don't ever gel together.

Re: What Was The Last Movie/Anime You Watched?
« Reply #1855 on: December 27, 2020, 02:45:06 pm »
Batman Returns - What an insane almost masterpiece this is.  It's just such a crazy product of a singular vision.  The makeup, production design, and performances are incredible.

Scrooged - Hadn't seen this in years.  It's also a bonkers delight.  Murray is really great in it.

Wonder Woman 1984 - Unfortunately an overlong mess.  The individual pieces are all generally ok to good, but they just don't ever gel together.

I still think the writing is pretty bad in WW84, and I don't like how DC does their action, it's so floaty and lacks impact most of the time especially compared to what Marvel does, but if they chopped out a good half hour of the film, it would at least be way more watchable.  I'm actually going to rewatch the first Wonder Woman film next week, give it another shot to see what I think about it as I pretty harsh on it when it released after originally because it came out after the first three terrible DCEU films.  I know the ending will still suck, it was badly handled, but I might be into the rest of the film more.

Re: What Was The Last Movie/Anime You Watched?
« Reply #1856 on: December 27, 2020, 06:28:21 pm »

While I was kinda hoping to like Wonder Woman 84, it ended up just being a really boring movie.  I like it less than the first movie, which I thought was just okay, but the WW2 era stuff and stuff on Themyscira was good and I genuinely like the scene of her running across the WW2 battlefield (That whole sequence might be the best thing they've done with the DC films), though the ending was just kinda nothing for me.  The new one is just "Hey, weren't the 80's cool?" and then there's kind of a villain who inadvertently causes chaos and Cheetah is a thing by the end, but boy this nearly two and a half hour movie does nothing to justify that length.  That's like Avengers level, where you got all these characters and stories to fill in that time, but so little happens in WW84 that is actually interesting and entertaining.  The writing is just so bad and so much makes such little sense.

Doesn't help that the action isn't that great either.  The Snyder-era DC films have never had particularly great CG, like sure its very clearly expensive, but its always very floaty, cartoonish at times, and not in a good way, it just doesn't match up to what Marvel does, where its all CG too, but there's better weight and speed to most things.  At this point, there's really only one of the new DC films that I actually like, and that is Shazam, (With a soft spot for Aquaman because I like Jason Momoa) because it's so much more simple and small scale and actually kinda funny, but none of these other new DC films work for me.  I'm kinda hopeful for the new Suicide Squad, because it'll hopefully just be full blown madness, and I'm interested to see the multi-verse stuff in the Flash movie, but I wish this era of DC movies would just stop.
The first movie was set in WWI not WWII.  You had to pay attention because they portrayed the Germans as uniquely evil and as the sole ones to blame lol.

Re: What Was The Last Movie/Anime You Watched?
« Reply #1857 on: December 27, 2020, 06:31:22 pm »

While I was kinda hoping to like Wonder Woman 84, it ended up just being a really boring movie.  I like it less than the first movie, which I thought was just okay, but the WW2 era stuff and stuff on Themyscira was good and I genuinely like the scene of her running across the WW2 battlefield (That whole sequence might be the best thing they've done with the DC films), though the ending was just kinda nothing for me.  The new one is just "Hey, weren't the 80's cool?" and then there's kind of a villain who inadvertently causes chaos and Cheetah is a thing by the end, but boy this nearly two and a half hour movie does nothing to justify that length.  That's like Avengers level, where you got all these characters and stories to fill in that time, but so little happens in WW84 that is actually interesting and entertaining.  The writing is just so bad and so much makes such little sense.

Doesn't help that the action isn't that great either.  The Snyder-era DC films have never had particularly great CG, like sure its very clearly expensive, but its always very floaty, cartoonish at times, and not in a good way, it just doesn't match up to what Marvel does, where its all CG too, but there's better weight and speed to most things.  At this point, there's really only one of the new DC films that I actually like, and that is Shazam, (With a soft spot for Aquaman because I like Jason Momoa) because it's so much more simple and small scale and actually kinda funny, but none of these other new DC films work for me.  I'm kinda hopeful for the new Suicide Squad, because it'll hopefully just be full blown madness, and I'm interested to see the multi-verse stuff in the Flash movie, but I wish this era of DC movies would just stop.
The first movie was set in WWI not WWII.  You had to pay attention because they portrayed the Germans as uniquely evil and as the sole ones to blame lol.

Yeah I just realized it earlier that it was set in WWI, I completely forgot about that as I haven't watched the movie since it came out in theater.

Re: What Was The Last Movie/Anime You Watched?
« Reply #1858 on: December 31, 2020, 05:02:31 am »

Had no real idea about what Soul was beyond some of the elements of a guy dies/is near death, his soul going to the beyond, and then its him trying to get back, so went into relatively blind as I wasn't seeing the trailer for it a bunch or anything like that.  It's maybe the most adult film Pixar has done, because while kids will find the cutesy soul designs to be fun and there's some good humor, it's kind of a slightly dark/serious film depending on how you view it.  It's about existential dread, what is ones purpose in life, it makes you think about stuff that most kids won't get.  The whole Jazz thing also isn't going to appeal to a lot of kids in particular.  But much like what Pixar usually does, it's handled in kind of a fun way, the animation is of course great, so I would call it a good film.  Inside Out is probably the closest Pixar movie to compare it to, just more adult in general.  It's not gonna top any of my Pixar lists in particular, but its certainly worth a watch.

Re: What Was The Last Movie/Anime You Watched?
« Reply #1859 on: December 31, 2020, 09:54:51 pm »

Gave the 2017 Wonder Woman a fresh shot, after how bad WW84 was, I wanted to see how I felt about the movie since I haven't seen it since 2017 and I gotta say that I like it more now than I did before.  I would say it's the best DCEU film for sure, followed by Shazam.  I think back then, I was so frustrated by the DCEU movies, Man of Steel, Batman v Superman, Suicide Squad, they were all so awful, followed up by Justice League, I maybe unfairly put a little more hate on the movie than I should have.  Not that I think the movie is great, I still think it's only really on par with a the more mid tier Marvel movies, the CG isn't always the best, and the action can feel a little floaty, but there are good scenes throughout and that entire WWI Battlefield scene is genuinely awesome.  The only stuff I still don't particularly love is the ending, it's kind of abit too much of a CG mess, but that might just be me as Ares as a villain sorta sucks.

Watching the first movie also just made me hate WW84 more.  The first movie is such a tight film in execution and it being set during World War 1 makes for a way more interesting era to see than what they did with the 80's stuff in WW84, which almost felt cartoonishly 80's, like they were trying to be so authentic, it slips into parody, unlike something you'd look at like Stranger Things.  The action in WW84 sucks so much compared to the first film too.  Like it could be a little floaty and goofy there, but most stuff in WW84 feels like everyone is obviously on wires.  Like take the action scene in the White House and then compare it to the first film, where Wonder Woman is beating up Germans in that house after getting into the village and it's almost night and day difference in terms of impact.

I'm still mildly hopeful for Suicide Squad 2 due to it having James Gunn in charge, but we'll, I'm expecting nothing out of the Justice League Snyder Remake and The Flash film.