Author Topic: What Was The Last Movie/Anime You Watched?  (Read 318248 times)

Re: What Was The Last Movie/Anime You Watched?
« Reply #2475 on: September 02, 2024, 08:47:19 pm »
The First Omen - It's spooky and atmospheric and has tremendous performances across the board, but I don't think the plan ultimately makes any sense?

Bridge of Spies - Underrated in the Spielberg canon, methinks.  The first half is substantially stronger than the back half, though.  If it was just about the Abel trial and that part was about 30-40 minutes longer I think it could have been a all-timer courtroom drama - and Rylance's Oscar win would make more sense.  Also can't help but wonder what it would look like if the Coens directed their own script.

The Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring - There's no such thing as a perfect movie... but this is a perfect movie.

Beetlejuice - One of the most singularly creative visions to have ever come out of Hollywood.  Man I hope the sequel doesn't suck.

STILL: A Michael J. Fox Movie - Astonishingly well put together bio-doc. Some of the best editing I think I've ever seen.  Not a weepy retrospective, but rather a thoughtful look at the career of a man who is probably an underrated performer these days.  Just wonderful.

Beetlejuice Beetlejuice - Never in a million years would I have thought that the biggest issue I had with the Beetlejuice sequel was that it had too many decent ideas.  I really appreciate the commitment to saying fuck you to Jeffrey Jones.

Arachnophobia - See?  Burning down the house is the best course of action.

In the Name of the Father - An emotional powerhouse from Jim Sheridan and Daniel-Day Lewis? Who woulda guessed?

« Last Edit: September 11, 2024, 09:41:42 pm by Cartagia »

Re: What Was The Last Movie/Anime You Watched?
« Reply #2476 on: September 12, 2024, 09:34:00 pm »
The Killer's Game - Decent concept, great cast, with pretty good action, but the script isn't that hot, and it has some real structure and pacing issues.  Scott Adkins gets the best fight of the movie, but isn't in it nearly enough.  How do you have Daniel Bernhardt as the main heavy and not give him a real fight scene?  Should have pared down the rogues gallery and given them both more to do.

Suitable Flesh - It's fun with a couple decent setpieces, but leans too far into the camp aspects.
« Last Edit: September 13, 2024, 08:36:57 pm by Cartagia »

Re: What Was The Last Movie/Anime You Watched?
« Reply #2477 on: September 14, 2024, 02:01:30 am »
The First Omen - It's spooky and atmospheric and has tremendous performances across the board, but I don't think the plan ultimately makes any sense?

Bridge of Spies - Underrated in the Spielberg canon, methinks.  The first half is substantially stronger than the back half, though.  If it was just about the Abel trial and that part was about 30-40 minutes longer I think it could have been a all-timer courtroom drama - and Rylance's Oscar win would make more sense.  Also can't help but wonder what it would look like if the Coens directed their own script.

The Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring - There's no such thing as a perfect movie... but this is a perfect movie.

Beetlejuice - One of the most singularly creative visions to have ever come out of Hollywood.  Man I hope the sequel doesn't suck.

STILL: A Michael J. Fox Movie - Astonishingly well put together bio-doc. Some of the best editing I think I've ever seen.  Not a weepy retrospective, but rather a thoughtful look at the career of a man who is probably an underrated performer these days.  Just wonderful.

Beetlejuice Beetlejuice - Never in a million years would I have thought that the biggest issue I had with the Beetlejuice sequel was that it had too many decent ideas.  I really appreciate the commitment to saying fuck you to Jeffrey Jones.

Arachnophobia - See?  Burning down the house is the best course of action.

In the Name of the Father - An emotional powerhouse from Jim Sheridan and Daniel-Day Lewis? Who woulda guessed?

Your passion for film really doesnt cease to amaze me. I aim to build this level of review aggregation with media perhaps for games.

 Do you keep a checklist of films you aim to see like a pre launch schedule or bucket list or is it just kinda whatever catches the eye type of deal? 



Beetlejuice Beetlejuice - Michael Keaton carries this like a fire fighter im just gonna say it. Everyone else had moments. Michael was the moment and the sole thing that kept this nostalgic imo. Really great. - 91

Reagan - I wont get into political semantics here. But critics reviewing this 12 percent and movie goers giving it a 98 shows the issue of the modern day news outlet critics. They aim to review discourse and move perception rather than review the quality of a film.  Movie was great. Idk how much is imbeloshed. But I enjoyed it - 95/100

Crossroads - Dont go in expecting Shindlers List. Its a rom com starring Britney Spears. Its cute for what it is.

Re: What Was The Last Movie/Anime You Watched?
« Reply #2478 on: September 14, 2024, 08:13:41 am »
Your passion for film really doesnt cease to amaze me. I aim to build this level of review aggregation with media perhaps for games.

 Do you keep a checklist of films you aim to see like a pre launch schedule or bucket list or is it just kinda whatever catches the eye type of deal? 
I've mentioned this on here before, but if there were a Letterboxd style app for video games instead of movies I would be on it in a heartbeat.

I do have a watchlist, but it isn't very long, and it is mostly prestige, arthouse or obscure stuff mostly just so I don't forget about them.  I'd say a good 80% of what I watch is just whatever jumps out at me when I'm browsing, but I do also try to keep up with big new releases and awards contenders.  I've got a membership with AMC theaters that is about $22 a month and I can see 3 movies a week with that.  It's paid for itself many times over at this point.

The Incredibles - Haven't seen this in at least 15 years. It feels so refreshing when contrasted against the behemoth of the MCU. Stylish, sleek, inventive, and even sexy in ways that not a single one of those films are. The animation is starting to show its age a little bit 20 years on, and it leans slightly too Randian, but the familial dynamics, action and humor are top notch. Amazing performance from Holly Hunter here as well.

Wish - This is messy as hell.  The lead comes off as incredibly self-centered and the villain has a heel turn almost as severe as Anakin murdering children after a day.  The aesthic is good in individual shots, but the character design is mostly uninspired, and cinematography pretty flat.  'What I Know Now' is a real banger but the rest of the songs are pretty bland, with the villain one being particularly bad.
« Last Edit: September 14, 2024, 09:31:22 pm by Cartagia »

Re: What Was The Last Movie/Anime You Watched?
« Reply #2479 on: September 15, 2024, 02:07:46 am »
Dune 2 - I wouldn't say I love the Dune movies, I'm unlikely to rewatch them, but they are a pretty solid bit of scifi and everything that has to do with the action is incredible from a visual standpoint.  I think a little bit of my disinterest comes from never connecting with the overall lore and story, it's fine, but for some reason doesn't do a lot for me, it's a lot of odd stuff to do with visions and psychic powers, it's not a ton of appeal there.  Still good movies and even saying that, I'm curious to see where the next one goes as I heard the next one is supposed to be a lot stranger I believe.

Civil War (2024) - Always had a thing for dystopian/post-apocalyptic films, but you don't see a lot of this turmoil in America type setups unless it's a zombie or virus outbreak, and I think its interesting tackling it from the point of view of war journalists.  It's trying to not pick a political side, but I feel like it leans abit more one way than the other with the President.  It's not going for a message that I can tell, maybe I'm overlooking it, honestly, the Civil War part is almost just set dressing for a story about these war journalists trying to get the best shots, detached from the horrors happening all for the sake of the best photo's.  It all leads up to a very weird ending and it has some odd tonal issues dotted throughout.  Truly hard to get a read on it.

It's a solid, intense watch for most of it even if it's abit odd at times.
« Last Edit: September 15, 2024, 04:11:13 am by kamikazekeeg »

Re: What Was The Last Movie/Anime You Watched?
« Reply #2480 on: September 15, 2024, 03:59:22 am »
Mad Max 2: The Road Warrior yesterday afternoon. Still the best in the franchise.