Author Topic: What Was The Last Movie/Anime You Watched?  (Read 325808 times)

Re: What Was The Last Movie/Anime You Watched?
« Reply #1095 on: January 12, 2017, 01:38:14 am »


Just thought I would clear a couple of things up real quick.  Basically five major versions of the movie exist Workprint, Theatrical, International Theatrical, Director's Cut, and Final Cut. 
The two theatrical cuts have the voiceover narration, a happy ending, no unicorn, and some other minor things as well.  Essentially test audiences were very confused by the workprint which led to the voiceovers being added and the happy ending (the staff really was not onboard for this). 
Director's Cut is not a real director's cut as Ridley Scott had no direct input.  It is nearly identical to the Final Cut though.  Director's Cut is significant for being the first official version to remove the voiceovers, happy ending, and adds the unicorn scene back.  There are a ton of little changes in all these versions, but I have already rambled on long enough lol  ;D

Essentially the unicorn scene is significant because it is part of Deckard's memories.  When Gaff leaves the origami unicorn at the end of the movie it implies that he knows Deckard's memories, meaning Deckard is a replicant.  Ridley Scott himself has also asserted this in interviews. In other versions of the film it is much more ambiguous, but the unicorn scene is basically what solidifies the concept,


That makes sense I guess, though it seems weird that it's a unicorn as I imagine it would've been actual memories, which is what Rachel's deal was.  Also wouldn't Ford being alive in 2049 and growing old basically mean that he wasn't a Replicant or is that something that you think will play into the story?

Re: What Was The Last Movie/Anime You Watched?
« Reply #1096 on: January 12, 2017, 01:44:56 am »

Watched this in theater Tuesday night and it was a good time.  I feel after watching this and One Piece Film: Z, One Piece is at its best when it isn't dragged out to hell and back story wise like it is in the TV show.  When it's allowed to run through its story quickly, really have fun with all its goofy world, it's a good time. 

Weird watching this one though, as I'm use to the Japanese dub and this is the English dub.  I only really like maybe 2 of the cast in English, because it's Chris Sabat as Zoro and Sonny Strait as Usopp, so basically Dragon Ball Z alum.  The girls are fine, Chopper is okay, but Franky and Luffy are a lot better in the Japanese dub.  It's very different from how I am with the Dragon Ball Z dub, where I NEED the English dub.

Still a fun movie though.


Re: What Was The Last Movie/Anime You Watched?
« Reply #1097 on: January 12, 2017, 08:05:53 pm »


Just thought I would clear a couple of things up real quick.  Basically five major versions of the movie exist Workprint, Theatrical, International Theatrical, Director's Cut, and Final Cut. 
The two theatrical cuts have the voiceover narration, a happy ending, no unicorn, and some other minor things as well.  Essentially test audiences were very confused by the workprint which led to the voiceovers being added and the happy ending (the staff really was not onboard for this). 
Director's Cut is not a real director's cut as Ridley Scott had no direct input.  It is nearly identical to the Final Cut though.  Director's Cut is significant for being the first official version to remove the voiceovers, happy ending, and adds the unicorn scene back.  There are a ton of little changes in all these versions, but I have already rambled on long enough lol  ;D

Essentially the unicorn scene is significant because it is part of Deckard's memories.  When Gaff leaves the origami unicorn at the end of the movie it implies that he knows Deckard's memories, meaning Deckard is a replicant.  Ridley Scott himself has also asserted this in interviews. In other versions of the film it is much more ambiguous, but the unicorn scene is basically what solidifies the concept,


That makes sense I guess, though it seems weird that it's a unicorn as I imagine it would've been actual memories, which is what Rachel's deal was.  Also wouldn't Ford being alive in 2049 and growing old basically mean that he wasn't a Replicant or is that something that you think will play into the story?


And that right there is one of the reasons I was not onboard for a sequel.  I am really not sure how they are going to address this.  Especially since not everyone on the staff necessarily agrees with the director's assertion that Deckard is a replicant (notably Hampton who is a writer on the original and 2049). 

My guess is Deckard is going to be a replicant, but not necessarily a Nexus-6 so they could get around the four year lifespan stipulation. 
Currently Playing: Dark Souls: Remastered (Switch)


Re: What Was The Last Movie/Anime You Watched?
« Reply #1098 on: January 12, 2017, 09:51:17 pm »

I'm the same way I prefer One Piece subbed, and have to do DBZ dubbed.


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Re: What Was The Last Movie/Anime You Watched?
« Reply #1099 on: January 13, 2017, 04:46:16 pm »
Oh hell yeah!

David S. Goyer is set to write the script for the upcoming Green Lantern Corps movie!!!

David S. Goyer is arguably responsible for the entire modern boom of comic movies. He wrote Blade, which kicked off all of these comic movies. (He also wrote the first storyarc of the stellar JSA series that started in 1999 at DC Comics.)

Re: What Was The Last Movie/Anime You Watched?
« Reply #1100 on: January 13, 2017, 05:17:21 pm »
Though gotta keep in mind that he did Blade Trinity which wasn't good and I don't remember if Blade 2 was good.  He also did Man of Steel and Batman v Superman, which was a disaster.  He can do good stuff, but I have ZERO hype for anything DC.  They've utterly botched their movies and I'm not sure if they can recover, though I do want them to. 

Depends on how much influence they can keep away from Snyder in the future maybe.  He's probably one of the bigger factors for the overall failure of the DC movies.  If Wonder Woman sucks, then I'm not sure what happens.  I still want the Affleck Batman movie though, as it seems to have no Snyder influence on it and it's being controlled almost entirely by Affleck.  At this point though, I can't muster any interest in the upcoming Justice League movie.


Re: What Was The Last Movie/Anime You Watched?
« Reply #1101 on: January 13, 2017, 06:17:41 pm »
He can do good stuff, but I have ZERO hype for anything DC.  They've utterly botched their movies and I'm not sure if they can recover, though I do want them to. 

Same here too. I do hope that they will and can recover, but I don't really know after so much "meh" movies.

Re: What Was The Last Movie/Anime You Watched?
« Reply #1102 on: January 13, 2017, 06:36:15 pm »
He can do good stuff, but I have ZERO hype for anything DC.  They've utterly botched their movies and I'm not sure if they can recover, though I do want them to. 

Same here too. I do hope that they will and can recover, but I don't really know after so much "meh" movies.

Wonder Woman I think is kind of the last of the movies that were made during the real bad times for them and not being sure what they needed to do, so maybe Justice League might be the one that turns it around, so this needs to be the year for them.


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Re: What Was The Last Movie/Anime You Watched?
« Reply #1103 on: January 14, 2017, 12:43:17 am »
Man of Steel was fantastic. Disaster is crazy-talk. And Wonder Woman looks awesome. I love that it looks like it's going to be set in WWI. The trailer felt similar to Captain America: First Avenger, which I loved.

David Goyer is also responsible for writing the scripts for the Dark Knight Trilogy.

Personally, his JSA run is the best part, for me. That JSA series from 1999 onward was one of the best superhero comic runs of all-time.

Re: What Was The Last Movie/Anime You Watched?
« Reply #1104 on: January 14, 2017, 12:58:46 am »
Man of Steel was fantastic. Disaster is crazy-talk. And Wonder Woman looks awesome. I love that it looks like it's going to be set in WWI. The trailer felt similar to Captain America: First Avenger, which I loved.

David Goyer is also responsible for writing the scripts for the Dark Knight Trilogy.

Personally, his JSA run is the best part, for me. That JSA series from 1999 onward was one of the best superhero comic runs of all-time.

Man of Steel has okay parts, and I'm totally fine with Henry Cavill as Superman, but it's not really that good.  Both Superman movies showed that Snyder really doesn't understand Superman overly well and I'm not even a big Superman fan.  Wonder Woman has the possibility of being alright as the old setting is cool, but I have no real reason to think it'll be particularly good.  The track record so far is bad.  All I'm shooting for right now with it, is for it not too suck.  I want to walk out of the movie and be "That was alright, okay, lets see if Justice League will be better".  Super low bars right now lol

As for him writing the Dark Knight scripts...2 out of 3 ain't bad lol I thought Dark Knight Rises was underwhelming, especially after the previous movie, but I think it's because it kinda really hit me at that point that Nolan never wanted to make a comic book movie, especially after Begins, because they are far too grounded.  Also I mostly hate Bale Batman.  Christian Bale is a great actor, but that voice, god dang.  Ruined it.  Still like Dark Knight though, that's just a good movie on its own no matter what.  Heath Ledger Joker is too amazing and is my one of my favorite Jokers, just below Mark Hamill.


Re: What Was The Last Movie/Anime You Watched?
« Reply #1105 on: January 16, 2017, 10:15:35 am »
I was forced to go to the movies by my daughter to watch Ballerina where have to say that I wasn't disappointed, it is a pretty good movie and of course my little girl totally loved this one at home have to watch with my wife No Manches Frida, Rumbos Paralelos and Miracles from Heaven which they might not be the big deal but they keep me entertained also enjoyed Keeping with the Joneses and totally hated True Memories of an International Assassin, please avoid this piece of shit I mean it  >:(

« Last Edit: January 16, 2017, 10:17:44 am by doafan »

I don't want to be horny anymore, I just want to be happy

Re: What Was The Last Movie/Anime You Watched?
« Reply #1106 on: February 11, 2017, 11:48:38 am »
It isn't often that I watch a movie and am so enamored with it afterwards that it instantly becomes one of my favorite movies. Last night I watched Whisper of the Heart, a movie that has literally sat on my shelf of anime for probably 5-years (I think I found it for a few bucks at a thrift store) and just last night I finally gained the motivation to want to watch it. This movie was incredibly charming, the characters were all likable and relatable, and the story was very inspirational. It is definitely one of those movies that I saw at the perfect time in my life seeing how I am planning some fairly creative endeavors while also continuing my career path in IT. But all that aside, this might be my favorite Studio Ghibli movie, and it is certainly one of my favorite movies of all time :)

Re: What Was The Last Movie/Anime You Watched?
« Reply #1107 on: February 12, 2017, 04:52:17 am »
I'm officially on a Studio Ghibli kick after loving Whisper of the Heart so much last night. My girlfriend and I decided to buy Only Yesterday and When Marnie was There from Best Buy, two movies that neither of us had seen and were very interested in. Here is my mini review/impression of each:

Only Yesterday

I really did not like this movie, and it is second only to Tales of Earthsea as far as my least favorite Ghibli movie of all time. The movies plot was very disjointed and the transition between the main character's past and present seemed very arbitrary and didn't really culminate at all in a meaningful or interesting way throughout the whole movie. On top of that, the character's motives and interactions seemed off and very poorly written. There were some genuinely enjoyable moments in this movie, particularly in the beginning during the childhood flashbacks, but overall I found this movie to very boring and overall a huge waste of time.

When Marnie was There

While the ending (which I will not spoil) left a little to be desired, I found this movie pretty good and definitely an awesome addition to the Ghibli catalog of films. It plays out like a horror mystery of sorts and I thought the main character as well as the side characters to be likable and interesting in their own way. I'd probably place it towards the middle in terms of my favorite Ghibli movies. Enjoyed this one for sure and can definitely see myself watching it again soon.


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Re: What Was The Last Movie/Anime You Watched?
« Reply #1108 on: February 12, 2017, 10:44:39 am »

Saw this on Starz finally.

This isn't the disaster that everyone made it out to be. It's not as good as the originals, let me just get that out of the way right now, but then I went into it expecting that. It's not horrible, either. I thought it was a fun ride of a movie. If people went into it not comparing it, they might have enjoyed it.


Re: What Was The Last Movie/Anime You Watched?
« Reply #1109 on: February 12, 2017, 10:56:01 am »
The Pyx
listed as a horror movie. The part I saw was more like a murder mystery. But I fell asleep during it. And to make matters worse, it is on a collection DVD that does not go back to the menu when the movie is over. It is the first of three movies on the disc. So I wake up periodically, seeing bits an pieces of these other movies and getting confused.