Author Topic: What Was The Last Movie/Anime You Watched?  (Read 292812 times)

Re: What Was The Last Movie/Anime You Watched?
« Reply #1170 on: July 06, 2017, 10:32:50 pm »
Usually I like to write a little review for fun, but I'm tired tonight, so Spiderman: Homecoming was great.  Best Spiderman film.  I never really liked any of the others, so it was nice to finally have one I enjoyed from beginning to end.

Re: What Was The Last Movie/Anime You Watched?
« Reply #1171 on: July 06, 2017, 11:38:34 pm »
@Kamakazekeeg I love Godzilla, but I was never able to get into any of the Showa era films accept the first film which is essential for the remainder of the franchise since they all use it as a basis for their films (except Shin Godzilla). I like most of the films following Godzilla 1985 which was my first Godzilla film I ever saw. Shin Godzilla was absolutely amazing and an excellent revamp of the entire franchise.

Re: What Was The Last Movie/Anime You Watched?
« Reply #1172 on: July 07, 2017, 12:35:24 am »
@Kamakazekeeg I love Godzilla, but I was never able to get into any of the Showa era films accept the first film which is essential for the remainder of the franchise since they all use it as a basis for their films (except Shin Godzilla). I like most of the films following Godzilla 1985 which was my first Godzilla film I ever saw. Shin Godzilla was absolutely amazing and an excellent revamp of the entire franchise.

Yeah as I go through them, I still find things to enjoy, the suits and such are fun, but I definitely don't really like them as movies too much as something I could just pop in whenever.  Kinda hoping for something a little more once I get to Mecha Godzilla, as I love Mecha Godzilla, new and old.
« Last Edit: July 07, 2017, 03:11:18 am by kamikazekeeg »


Re: What Was The Last Movie/Anime You Watched?
« Reply #1173 on: July 07, 2017, 01:09:33 am »
Been on a movie watching kick the last few days with Netflix. I re-watched the first couple of episodes of One Punch Man for something to do the other day but I also managed to get in viewings of Moana, Ip Man, and Kung Fu Killer (yes I know one of these is not like the others  :P)

Re: What Was The Last Movie/Anime You Watched?
« Reply #1174 on: July 07, 2017, 03:00:24 am »

I was kinda tired earlier and didn't want to review Spiderman: Homecoming, but oh boy I'll do it for these goofy ass Godzilla films lol This one right off the bat has this horrific theme for it, where the person is just yelling out parts and it's just like...WHOA...that shit will wake you up lol Also I just realized we hit another downturn for the series as we are introducing the kids now.  We are truly in the darkest of times for Godzilla (Not counting American Godzilla '98).

This is very quickly becoming the worst Godzilla movie as it's literally just re-using footage from different Godzilla movies and it's hilariously obvious because the Godzilla's keep changing.  Two fights are from Godzilla vs Ebirah, and I'm pretty sure the spider and ant fights are from the Son of Godzilla movie I haven't watched.  "All Out Attack: Godzilla's Revenge" is just "Godzilla: The Clip Show".  The only new footage is anything related to the kid and the awful talking Minilla and the kids story involving bank robbers.  It's just a kids movie about standing up to bullies.  I guess this Gabera stuff is at least new, but it just involves Minilla and anything Minilla is automatically bad.

This might be the only Godzilla I would say to NEVER watch.  Like generally up till now, it's gotten sillier and more light hearted, but all the re-used Godzilla movie footage is terrible and the stuff with Gabera is no good and the human story is lame.  I can't find much of anything redeemable here.  Also Japan can be so bad with their titles.  "Destroy All Monsters" wasn't about that and actually had the monsters teaming up at the end.  "All Monsters Attack" is just a clip show and isn't that and it's alternate title is hilariously "Godzilla's Revenge" in the US, even though that again, this movie has none of that.  So awful.

Things can only go up from All Monsters Attack, that's basement tier stuff.  Not that this one is particularly great.  Hedorah has some cool ideas to its look and setup, but there's so much weird stuff here.  Cartoons just slipped in, random scenes unrelated to anything, there's a random protest party with music and dancing and everyone dies practically, it's so weirdly edited.  Also Godzilla's theme is so bad during this time.  It reminds me of like that Family Guy joke with the tuba playing for fat guys.  Its just dopey and I think it might be his theme for this era.

It's weirdly a dark movie though, with a huge body count.  It's half kids movie, half horror movie.  Like the movie ends where Godzilla beat Hedorah, the kid and his uncles girlfriend are waving off to Godzilla, but as far as we know, his uncle was just killed earlier from trying to fight Hedorah with torches.  "Thanks Godzilla! I mean you didn't save my Uncle, but thanks!".  It's so confusing and makes little sense.  The kid also has like "Godzilla Sense" and is practically telepathic, but it's not touched on like in other movies.  It's the power of "bad writing" lol

I forgot this is the movie with the infamous Godzilla flying with his fire breath scene though.  It's so goofy, but that is so notorious among fans with how goofy it is, it made me laugh, but dumb stuff like that doesn't save the movie.  It's just weird, but boring a lot of the time and while Godzilla fights Hedorah a lot and actually gets pretty wrecked, which you don't normally see in this era, it's never really a great fight.  To me, there's a much darker, better, movie here, but it's saddled down by being a kids film.

At least Gigan is up next to watch.  Gigan is pretty cool in design and he gets a wicked redesign in Final Wars.

Unrelated to the movies, I NEED this city survival game with all sorts of giant creatures like Godzilla, Gamera, EVA's/Angels, Ultra Man and others.  It's so damn cool and I hope so much it gets an English localization.
« Last Edit: July 07, 2017, 05:05:12 am by kamikazekeeg »

Re: What Was The Last Movie/Anime You Watched?
« Reply #1175 on: July 08, 2017, 01:11:04 am »

This came out of nowhere to me, but here it is.  It's unfortunately only 4 episodes, not sure if that's just like "pilot" material and whether it does well, we'll see more, or if they are just gonna release it in chunks, but overall I like it.  I can't say anything about it's connections to the game, I know little about them, but I generally liked what I saw.  Solid animation, mostly good voice acting (They like to mumble/talk quietly too often), and it's very R-rated with it getting pretty bloody and violent, grotesquely so at points.  Honestly, it reminds me a lot of Berserk at moments.  Makes me wish that Netflix would just get these guys to make a new Berserk series so we don't have the travesty that is the current Berserk anime lol

Turns out the first season was just these four episodes, which is mostly setting up the characters.  It's getting a second season that is 8 episodes that I imagine will be out later this year or next.

Mostly hoping to get a better movie with this one, Godzilla vs Gigan, especially after the last couple were fairly disappointing.  I realized I haven't really liked any this era since Mothra vs Godzilla in particular, though I always like seeing King Ghidorah.  This movie at least seems more competently put together, no nonsense editing, it has regular music, no kids anywhere, and it isn't re-using footage! Mostly...Still borrowed a few shots real quick at the beginning from Destroy All Monsters lol  Plot is another one of the goofy alien plots, but I get to have both Gigan and Ghidorah in this and they are some of my favorite monsters with Godzilla and Mecha Godzilla, so that's always a plus.  Lots of good city destruction here and most of the last half of the movie involves them fighting which is great.

Seeing a problem with the movies writing as the stuff with the aliens gets really stupid and makes no sense at all.  It's watchable, but it's so badly written.  They also just outright re-use footage from the Ghidorah movie to add to the movie so they don't have to do more fight scenes, even though they are clearly from a different movie in how they look or how the Godzilla changes back to the dumb smooth eyebrow version from back then.  It's so cheap of them to do when the movie was doing so good.

Overall, watchable Godzilla is always good, but man the writing is garbage and they take some cheap outs with the re-used footage.  It's really only good for when Gigan and Ghidorah show up to wreck the city and from there on, it's just a whole lot of monster battling that's mostly good for what it is.

Only three left in this era and two of them got Megagodzilla! Woo! These could be crap, but I don't care, Mechagodzilla! lol

Let's see how this movie goes. After the intro scene, we get...A kid on a goofy water toy.  So, that kind of Godzilla movie, eh? Welp, here we go lol  Oh I actually remember this one! This is the one that has Jet Jaguar and Baby Rider if you know Super Best Friends Play lol I technically watched this with their commentary like a year or two ago.  It's not a particularly good movie lol Never really liked Jet jaguar.  The design just isn't very good.  Megalon is kinda okay, if a bit bland in design, essentially being a giant beetle, though I like the look of the drill hands.  The human stuff in this is boring, because it's all about Jet Jaguar and that's it, they don't really do anything interesting, like the last movie.

I can see why this movie is so lame as there's lots of re-used footage, particularly from the Gigan movie.  Military stuff, city destruction, and there are moments in the fights where you can clearly tell it's from a different movie, all so they can save some money.  This and the writing are just so lazy.

Oh man, and this is the stupid Godzilla dropkick moment lol Much like the Fire Breath Flying scene, it doesn't save the movie, but it does amuse me lol
« Last Edit: July 09, 2017, 01:23:21 am by kamikazekeeg »

Re: What Was The Last Movie/Anime You Watched?
« Reply #1176 on: July 10, 2017, 05:02:36 am »

Almost a year ago, I started diving into the Godzilla series.  Last year I watched everything from 1985 and up to Shin Godzilla.  This year I've watched almost everything from Godzilla 1954 and now to Terror Mechagodzilla.  The only two I couldn't watch were Son of Godzilla and the first Godzilla vs Mechagodzilla as they are not rentable or buyable right now, so until then, I'm ending my go with this one.  Last year I enjoyed a number of the movies.  This year? Not so much lol I mean, they all have some element of charm to them (Not counting All Monsters Attack), but weren't particularly good movies to me.  I think the only ones I liked for the most part were Godzilla 1954, Godzilla Raids Again, and Mothra vs Godzilla.

While unfortunately I am missing out on the original reveal of Mechagodzilla, going into the sequel first, I am still glad to have Mechagodzilla here.  No matter how goofy the movie could be, I love that big 'ole tin can fake. Titanosaurus is kinda cool in design, your basic dinosaur look for the most part, but he doesn't look goofy which is important at times here lol  For the most part, this is a pretty straight forward movie.  The alien stuff isn't too goofy for once and the plot mostly makes sense.  This movie has been mostly watchable, especially after the last few.


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Re: What Was The Last Movie/Anime You Watched?
« Reply #1177 on: July 10, 2017, 10:47:36 am »
Saturday morning I watched all 4 episodes of Castlevania on Netflix. Holy shit was that good. I can't wait for more. It's a shame it was so short. It may be animated, but it's not for the kiddies.

Sunday afternoon, The Boy and I went to see Spider-Man. Best Spider-Man movie yet. I loved it. I'm glad they got Peter Parker to be a teenager again. He's awkward, a little clumsy, and very unsure of himself. This is what Spider-Man should have been the first time.
With that said, I could have done without as much Tony Stark and Happy Hogan. Maybe next time


Re: What Was The Last Movie/Anime You Watched?
« Reply #1178 on: July 11, 2017, 02:02:46 pm »
This weekend took my little girl, my beautiful wife and even my mother in law to the movie theater because my daughter wanted to watch Despicable Me 3, received some unexpected/extra money so after the movie we went to eat some Tacos de Caballo, sorry no pictures here but they were so fucking delicious, damn it now I want to eat them again anyway this past Sunday saw Kong Skull Island about this film can only say I came looking for copper and I found gold also four of the six Anime shows that I was seeing have ended but already have found three new ones that am pretty sure I'll enjoy this season  ;D


I don't want to be horny anymore, I just want to be happy

Re: What Was The Last Movie/Anime You Watched?
« Reply #1179 on: July 13, 2017, 04:29:48 am »

I'd been watching so much goofy Godzilla stuff, I'd almost forgotten how good Japanese Kaiju flicks could be.  With Gamera 3, it's pretty well done for the time.  There's CG that has mostly aged alright, even if it does look like a videogame at times, and good practical stuff and it's actually pretty violent, while showing you can write good story stuff utilizing a lot of what was prominent in the Showa era of Godzilla.  Guardian protector creature, story involving kids, telepathy, stuff that Godzilla did do better too later on, but Gamera feels way closer to that era, just know...quality lol

The movie itself is enjoyable enough though.  There's a good story here, though I feel like it's message is slightly unclear.  Gamera clear saves specific people, but also shows a complete lack of restraint when fighting and is the cause of thousands of deaths.  Hard to feel like "Yay, Gamera!" When I've seen him basically just roast and crush people not mere minutes earlier. 

Also the movie doesn't have enough monster action.  There are battles, but really, there wasn't much serious battling.  It looks super cool, but it is a problem.  Godzilla 2014 had a similar problem, though way worse in the monster battle department.

It does have a terrible cliffhanger ending unfortunately.  Screw that.  Nothing amazing, but I feel very lenient about having something with quality after all those Godzilla movies I went through lol

Went looking for more Kaiju films, ended up coming across a more regular monster horror movie with abit of a comedy edge to it.  It's at times great, but also disappointing.  I think it's the inconsistent tone.  There's a lot of good drama, but it's undercut with the comedic parts, so it's hard to take seriously.  Vice versa, there's not enough consistent humor, so it's not good enough for that as at some points, it gave me a Shaun of the Dead vibe, though doesn't reach that level.  It's also quite dark, so combined with the pacing, it feels wonky, especially abit later.  The ending kinda sucks to and doesn't make sense.  I know it's meant to be abit...absurd I think is the right word, in terms of motivations, primarily with the US Military stuff and their decisions, but again, it's not enough.  I think it's watchable and generally alright, but I felt like if they had made it more serious, or maybe abit more of generally a dark comedy, it would've worked better.
« Last Edit: July 13, 2017, 06:49:36 am by kamikazekeeg »

Re: What Was The Last Movie/Anime You Watched?
« Reply #1180 on: July 13, 2017, 11:30:42 pm »

It's rare for a big movie series to get increasingly better as they go on and still have potential to continue to be good in further movies if they continue on.  If you liked the previous movies, there's no reason not to see this one too.  It's just a well done story with incredible CG with how real the apes look.  Just got sucked into the movie and the drama and just like I was surprised with how engaged I was with the ape characters in Dawn, I was again surprised once more as I haven't watched the movies since the first time I did.  It's impressive really.

Sidenote, it has me hopeful for the Batman movie he's doing.  I was worried when a new director came in, but didn't know it was the guy who did both of the last Ape movies, which have been fantastic.  So hopefully he doesn't get jerked around and he can maybe make a new good Batman movie.

Re: What Was The Last Movie/Anime You Watched?
« Reply #1181 on: July 15, 2017, 04:40:21 am »

This was an interesting anime movie that popped up on Netflix that I liked.  At first, I struggled to understand what this whole world is, but after the movie, I looked at it's manga plot a bit, and I have a generally better understanding of what is going on.  It's weird, but overall I liked the movie.  With the main character "Killy", it's a very sorta Mad Max/Terminator vibe to him, set in this bleak future world.  It is 3D animation, the kind you get from like Knights of Sidonia.  Some good action, and despite my initial confusion with this worlds premise, it doesn't particularly hurt the movie.  I guess Netflix already has a sequel movie planned which is cool.


Re: What Was The Last Movie/Anime You Watched?
« Reply #1182 on: July 16, 2017, 05:55:29 pm »
Not really in the mood to write a review, but I was going through channels last night, and USA was airing Blood Father. Really good movie. Definitely would recommended to anyone that likes Mel Gibson or action/crime thrillers.

I know your every move behind this face; I have control over expendable slaves.
When confrontation comes down to the wire, I'll use my cyclotrode to commence the fire.
You're never gonna get me!


Re: What Was The Last Movie/Anime You Watched?
« Reply #1183 on: July 19, 2017, 01:44:59 am »
Ghostbusters and Ghostbusters II, back-to-back.

The second isn't highly regarded, but to me it's a masterpiece. Probably speaking with rose-colored glasses, but I can't help myself but enjoy it just as much as I do the first. Big fan of the soundtracks for both movies, too.

I know your every move behind this face; I have control over expendable slaves.
When confrontation comes down to the wire, I'll use my cyclotrode to commence the fire.
You're never gonna get me!

Re: What Was The Last Movie/Anime You Watched?
« Reply #1184 on: July 19, 2017, 01:53:52 am »
Ghostbusters and Ghostbusters II, back-to-back.

The second isn't highly regarded, but to me it's a masterpiece. Probably speaking with rose-colored glasses, but I can't help myself but enjoy it just as much as I do the first. Big fan of the soundtracks for both movies, too.

I rewatched it some time ago and while I don't agree with the hate it gets, I think the first was still better.  As I sequel, from what I remember, it just didn't feel like the right direction to take a sequel, but I still think it's totally watchable.