Author Topic: What Was The Last Movie/Anime You Watched?  (Read 407042 times)

Re: What Was The Last Movie/Anime You Watched?
« Reply #1770 on: April 10, 2020, 08:36:10 am »
They are definitely in the movie, in the beginning action sequence and at least Fandral helps Thor and Loki escape towards the end.  Jane and Sif even have a few moments together.

Oh I meant AFTER Dark World, I just felt like I don't remember them showing up again after that movie, but maybe I'm wrong.

Oh!  Sif does not, but The Warriors Three are most definitely in Ragnarok.

Re: What Was The Last Movie/Anime You Watched?
« Reply #1771 on: April 12, 2020, 07:54:36 pm »

I kinda went into Onward with no real expectations, like I saw the first trailer and know its Pixar, so I figured it would at least be good, as the only movies I've never liked was Cars (never watched the second or third and I wouldn't say Cars is specifically BAD), but I liked the idea of this movie.  Also I felt like this movie was a direction response to how terrible that Will Smith movie "Bright" was lol 

The movie isn't anything new, but I liked the fantasy/modern mixture, it's fun, sorta gives off that Monsters Inc. vibe in a way, and I liked all the characters.  Also the movie hit way harder emotionally than I expected, as it's about dealing with a father who passed away, and one scene in particularly hit way to close to home, but even with that, I had fun, and Tom Holland and Chris Pratt (Spider-Man and Star Lord lol) do a solid job.  I recommend it.

Re: What Was The Last Movie/Anime You Watched?
« Reply #1772 on: April 17, 2020, 08:22:14 am »
Taking a break from TV shows to catch up on a few movies.

Colossal - Anne Hathaway and Jason Sudeikis are great.  Strong premise.  Kind of falls apart in Act 3.
Doctor Sleep: Director’s Cut - Pretty good.  Ewan McGregor and Rebecca Ferguson were great.  The stuff at the Overlook was shockingly the weakest.
Honeyland - Interesting documentary.
Swiss Army Man - Truly bizarre premise that isn’t quite as good as I thought it would be.
Force Majeure - Pretty solid family drama, but didn’t feel like this great comedy I’ve heard it called.
The Dark Tower - What a feckless adaptation.

Re: What Was The Last Movie/Anime You Watched?
« Reply #1773 on: April 19, 2020, 09:03:29 am »

Why'd ya spill your beans?

Re: What Was The Last Movie/Anime You Watched?
« Reply #1774 on: April 20, 2020, 12:54:32 am »

So Birds of Prey is...alright? Functional? I had no expectations with it, because the current crop of DC movies range from bad, to so-so, to kinda alright.  While I like Harley Quinn personality wise from Suicide Squad, most everything else sucking, I didn't know if I cared enough about her getting her own movie.  She's still fine in this movie, but she's kind of the only thing that is likable. 

I'm not exactly a DC fanboy outside of basic Batman stuff, but I feel like the worst thing you could do for a thing based on comics, is make something that feels unrecognizable to the comics.  Like who gives a crap about the "Birds of Prey", of Cassandra Cain, Huntress, Black Canary, when they are just vague representations of them in a standard, real world, setting?  I don't need them all in spandex and capes or whatever, but this is not a movie made for anyone interested in these characters, even if this kinda comes across as like a "origin" film for those characters.

It's not all terrible, some of the action scenes are entertaining, the police station fight was pretty solid and being that it's R-rated, they aren't holding back and they let shots breath so it's not just all choppily edited slop.  The only time the movie starts to feel like a comic book movie is literally the end when you get a battle in a former Joker location, Black Mask actually has his mask for a moment, Black Canary uses her voice ability the one time in the film, and that is sorta it.  Also the ending sucks.  Not completely terrible, but I wouldn't recommend it.  It's better than Suicide Squad, but that isn't saying much.
« Last Edit: April 22, 2020, 09:06:21 pm by kamikazekeeg »

Re: What Was The Last Movie/Anime You Watched?
« Reply #1775 on: April 22, 2020, 07:52:29 pm »
Cool World - Still insanely bizarre, just not nearly as interesting as I remembered.
Thelma & Louise - Incredibly close to being a masterpiece, but still even better than I remembered.
Rambo: Last Blood - A shame how bad this is.  Almost decent.
The Birdcage - A little stereotypey, overall pretty fun.  More nuanced than I expected in places, but still a bit too broad.

Re: What Was The Last Movie/Anime You Watched?
« Reply #1776 on: April 22, 2020, 09:09:21 pm »

So Birds of Prey is...alright? Functional? I had no expectations with it, because the current crop of DC movies range from bad, to so-so, to kinda alright.  While I like Harley Quinn personality wise from Suicide Squad, most everything else sucking, I didn't know if I cared enough about her getting her own movie.  She's still fine in this movie, but she's kind of the only thing that is likable. 

I'm not exactly a DC fanboy outside of basic Batman stuff, but I feel like the worst thing you could do for a thing based on comics, is make something that feels unrecognizable to the comics.  Like who gives a crap about the "Birds of Prey", of Cassandra Cain, Huntress, Black Canary, when they are just vague representations of them in a standard, real world, setting?  I don't need them all in spandex and capes or whatever, but this is not a movie made for anyone interested in these characters, even if this kinda comes across as like a "origin" film for those characters.

It's not all terrible, some of the action scenes are entertaining, the police station fight was pretty solid and being that it's R-rated, they aren't holding back and they let shots breath so it's not just all choppily edited slop.  The only time the movie starts to feel like a comic book movie is literally the end when you get a battle in a former Joker location, Black Mask actually has his mask for a moment, Black Canary uses her voice ability the one time in the film, and that is sorta it.  Also the ending sucks.  It's like a 6/10 film mostly.  Not bad, but I wouldn't recommend it.  It's better than Suicide Squad, but that isn't saying much.

I just watched Birds of Prey as well, I loved it. I really liked Suicide Squad too, but I think Birds of Prey made me change my perspective on that. It definitely feels like a standard comic book movie now that I see what potential these characters (or at the very least Harley Quinn) have in movies.

Re: What Was The Last Movie/Anime You Watched?
« Reply #1777 on: April 24, 2020, 10:01:11 pm »

Got in the mood to watch something older after seeing a reviewer hit on a few Pierce Brosnan films, and realized I hadn't seen Goldeneye in years.  It was kinda funny rewatching this movie as while I remember parts of the film, I remember most of it because of the video game, which I played a ton of as a kid.  Always enjoyed this film.  Still overall a good movie, it's got some real good action throughout, and this was during the 90's, so we get some great model work that I really like to see before it starts to get all CG with bad green screen like with how the Brosnan era ends with Die Another Day.  One odd thing I noticed was how 80's this soundtrack feels.  Like it has that very notable...background sound throughout parts that I remember more definitively from the game, but then some of the soundtrack feels like 5+ years older than from when this film was made during the 90's.  Good Bond song though with Tina Turner.

Re: What Was The Last Movie/Anime You Watched?
« Reply #1778 on: April 25, 2020, 12:49:37 am »

Got in the mood to watch something older after seeing a reviewer hit on a few Pierce Brosnan films, and realized I hadn't seen Goldeneye in years.  It was kinda funny rewatching this movie as while I remember parts of the film, I remember most of it because of the video game, which I played a ton of as a kid.  Always enjoyed this film.  Still overall a good movie, it's got some real good action throughout, and this was during the 90's, so we get some great model work that I really like to see before it starts to get all CG with bad green screen like with how the Brosnan era ends with Die Another Day.  One odd thing I noticed was how 80's this soundtrack feels.  Like it has that very notable...background sound throughout parts that I remember more definitively from the game, but then some of the soundtrack feels like 5+ years older than from when this film was made during the 90's.  Good Bond song though with Tina Turner.

Brosnan era bond is where my fandom begins and ends. I've tried watching a few of the old Connery films, and a couple of the other older bond films, but I just can't get into them. Likewise, Craig Bond just always felt too serious and lacked the charm of charisma the Brosnan films. With that said Die Another Day is not a great movie, however I LOVE Goldeneye and Tomorrow Never Dies. The World is Not Enough is pretty good too, but I definitely like the first two Brosnan Bond films the best.

Re: What Was The Last Movie/Anime You Watched?
« Reply #1779 on: April 25, 2020, 01:51:22 am »
Brosnan era bond is where my fandom begins and ends. I've tried watching a few of the old Connery films, and a couple of the other older bond films, but I just can't get into them. Likewise, Craig Bond just always felt too serious and lacked the charm of charisma the Brosnan films. With that said Die Another Day is not a great movie, however I LOVE Goldeneye and Tomorrow Never Dies. The World is Not Enough is pretty good too, but I definitely like the first two Brosnan Bond films the best.

I like Casino Royale, I think that's a good Bond film, but that's about it for me with his films, though I haven't watched Spectre, but I've heard that one wasn't good.

Re: What Was The Last Movie/Anime You Watched?
« Reply #1780 on: April 25, 2020, 05:07:48 am »

Got to thinking about what I'd like to see out of the Battlefield series if they managed to turn things around after the mess that was Battlefield 5 and rather than just see yet another standard modern release, that if they decide not to go scifi with 2143, that I'd like to see them do like a fictional Cold War era experience.  Someone else I saw brought up Red Dawn, 80's setting specifically, and it got me wanting to watch the original movie.  I don't think I ever saw it more than once years ago, but I dig the setup, sorta falls in line with my interest in post-apocalyptic stuff.

In general, I think the movie is alright, though the pacing is kinda iffy for me.  Part me really loves that starting bit, where it's barely even 5 minutes into the movie and you get the shot of the teacher reacting to the Cuban paratroopers dropping in and they definitely don't hold back with a school and kids getting shot up.  I can appreciate just jumping right into the meat of the movie, but from there, time passes so dang quick and there's not a lot of character building, so like I couldn't tell you any other character name except for Swayze as Jed.  I think Danny is another? I don't know lol

There isn't particularly a lot of story here, like it's nearly a two hour movie, but it's just them hiding out for the start, then it's them fighting, and then it kinda just meanders with that and some story does show up, like when an American pilot joins up with them, but then other story moments come across kinda weak.  There's some deaths that were in a bad scenario, and there's nothing really done with the occupation aspect outside of like two scenes, and short moments with the enemy leaders, and while there are good story moments, Swayze in particular is great in the film, I feel like there just needed to be a more well rounded script for this.  Like what happened to all the the people they saved from the camps? They save them and then are never heard from again and the ending comes across abit disappointing to me.

I'm actually curious to know what the remake was like.  I don't feel like I remember hearing good things about it, but being that I don't feel like the original is the best, I'm curious to see what its like, though I know they did some drastic changes like making it a North Korean invasion instead.  That's not really a big deal for myself, so I might check that out next.

Re: What Was The Last Movie/Anime You Watched?
« Reply #1781 on: April 26, 2020, 03:15:22 am »

Gotta say, I liked the remake of Red Dawn more than the original.  It feels like a more cohesive story to me personally, though these are two very different films.  The first film is a more stripped down, small town, survival film, while the remake is set in/by a big city and is a more proper modern action flick.  I just found less stuff that annoyed me in the remake as it never really felt like they justified the original group becoming the dangerous guerrilla fighters with the only training they had being that a couple of them went hunting with their strict dad, compared to the new film, where Chris Hemsworth as Jed is a former soldier who served in Iraq, so he has combat training and him being able to train others makes a lot more sense.  Add to that, the story in the original just sorta meanders and there's some story stuff that felt like they didn't execute very well.

Not that the new one is perfect, I don't feel like they super justify North Korea taking over with Russia compared to the original, and it being a modern action flick, it loses some of the stripped down, survival, charm that could work at times.  It also doesn't feel quite as "real" as the original could be, like you see kids shot in the beginning and they don't really hold back on showing people die, but there are cut away shots in the new film that sorta "soften" the blow of certain moments and one moment they change from the original isn't as strong as the original.

That said, while they are two very different films, I think the remake works quite a lot. I dug it more than I was expecting.

Re: What Was The Last Movie/Anime You Watched?
« Reply #1782 on: April 27, 2020, 01:01:05 am »

it's been surprisingly long since I last watched this movie. This is coming from someone who watched it almost weekly in the early 2000s. But I've felt like watching it again for some time and I decided tonight was the night I was going to pop it in and enjoy this classic action flick again.

Despite knowing what happens The Matrix is still just as entertaining as it was back in the early 2000s when I first saw it. It's absolutely in that upper tier of action movies, and not just because the revolutionary slow mo scenes and martial arts, but just because of how damn original and awesome the story is as well. It's such an amazing concept that I really, really have to give the writers huge props for crafting such an amazing story, characters and plot. This is probably the closest a western live action movie has come to being anime, and that includes actual live action movies based off anime. It is way more than that though, which is why it's still highly entertaining and awesome.

I've decided I'm going to rewatch Reloaded and Revolutions at some point in the near future despite remembering both of those movies being vastly inferior to the first. I remember Revolutions way better since I've seen it multiple times, however I've only ever seen Reloaded once in the theater when it came out. My expectations are fairly low for rewatching both movies. However, what's nice is The Matrix is one of those films that you can easily pretend the sequels never happened since the first one essentially implies Neo defeated the machines and pretty much could do whatever he wanted with the Matrix, including freeing everyone from it. I'll still rewatch them though, if for nothing else than to have a modern perspective on a a couple of films I haven't seen in over a decade.
« Last Edit: April 27, 2020, 01:03:31 am by bikingjahuty »


Re: What Was The Last Movie/Anime You Watched?
« Reply #1783 on: April 27, 2020, 06:01:27 am »
Some of you might laugh at me but

I just got done watching Gunsmoke: Return To Dodge", this is the first move I watched all year, I liked it. it was on cable on the INSP channel, it's a movie that came out in 1987. I like action movies of all different sorts, I like watching westerns sometimes. I really like this movie. I recommend it, I don't want to spoil it for anyone else, by telling you the whole story but in my own opinion it's a well done western. Involving the usual. This is a full length movie that was based off the show. It's in color, but it is an old movie based off a vary old black and white tv show.

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Re: What Was The Last Movie/Anime You Watched?
« Reply #1784 on: May 03, 2020, 06:58:26 am »
Not that the new one is perfect, I don't feel like they super justify North Korea taking over with Russia compared to the original

This actually makes sense, as the movie was actually originally produced with China as the villain country, but due to distribution deals, etc the film got delayed for reshoots and all of the flags were changed via CGI to North Korea.

I had a mini-movie marathon yesterday:

The Mummy (1999) - Still a really fun movie.
Cop Land - A slick little action thriller.  Maybe trying to do a bit too much.
Wayne's World - Excellent.
Top Secret! - The forgotten gem of the Zucker / Abrahams spoof era.  Very bizarre, but very funny.