Author Topic: iOS collection app  (Read 7501 times)

iOS collection app
« on: January 15, 2013, 08:42:15 am »
Hello Matt,

i developed an iOS app to manage a game collection. It is available in the App Store since 3 weeks now (see more information about it here

My app lacks a few things yet (barcode management, better way to search and filter a collection) but it's working fine and was well received in the gaming community in France.
Would you be interested to work together so that my app can be compatible with VGCollect ? I think that could be great for the users.

I hope to hear from you soon,

my iOS collection management app : Coll'Them All

Re: iOS collection app
« Reply #1 on: January 15, 2013, 10:08:31 am »
Hello Matt,

i developed an iOS app to manage a game collection. It is available in the App Store since 3 weeks now (see more information about it here

My app lacks a few things yet (barcode management, better way to search and filter a collection) but it's working fine and was well received in the gaming community in France.
Would you be interested to work together so that my app can be compatible with VGCollect ? I think that could be great for the users.

I hope to hear from you soon,


I'd definitely like to talk! Drop me an email at Once my coworker gets in, I'll go download the app on his iPhone and take a look.

Re: iOS collection app
« Reply #2 on: January 23, 2013, 02:24:14 am »
did you :
1) receive my mail last week ?
2) get a chance to see what my app looks like ?

i'm about to submit v1.2.0, a major release tomorrow. Lots of fix and ui enhancements, statistics screens, management of digital games, a search screen, print and mail a game sheet :)
my iOS collection management app : Coll'Them All

Re: iOS collection app
« Reply #3 on: January 23, 2013, 09:25:47 am »
did you :
1) receive my mail last week ?
2) get a chance to see what my app looks like ?

i'm about to submit v1.2.0, a major release tomorrow. Lots of fix and ui enhancements, statistics screens, management of digital games, a search screen, print and mail a game sheet :)

yes sir and I just sent you a reply yesterday. Let me know if you didn't get it and I'll resend.

Re: iOS Coll'Them All
« Reply #4 on: March 13, 2013, 06:24:09 am »
just a quick message to notify the availability of the 1.2 version of my app. 2 months of really hard work in it to make it the best iOS app to manage its collection today.

It now includes :
- barcode scanning
- arcade, computers and mobile games
- a huge database of games (90 000 entries), still growing
- even more accurate than before in your item content : inner box, plastic case, foam, bonus, advertisement, etc...
- digital games
- advanced search and statistics about your collection
- CSV - PDF export
- new design

Now waiting for a VGCollect API to be compatible :)

Available here :

my iOS collection management app : Coll'Them All

Re: iOS collection app
« Reply #5 on: May 16, 2013, 11:00:05 am »
any news on the vgacollect support?

Re: iOS collection app
« Reply #6 on: May 16, 2013, 11:13:48 am »
any news on the vgacollect support?

No official support yet as our API, in its current state can only handle the VGC Android app. In the meantime, feel free to use the mobile site at It's not the best but it should suffice for now.

Re: iOS collection app
« Reply #7 on: October 05, 2013, 07:27:26 am »
Hi Everyone !!

some news from my app, i've started development again after a break (lot of work and house building), database is growing fastly. 345 systems handled at the moment, 73000 games.

Completely reworked iPad version is now submitted to Apple after several months of hard work, it should be available in a couple of days. App will be available in english, french, italian, german, portuguese and spanish languages. You will be able to synchronize your games and your photos across your multiple iOS devices.

Now waiting to be compatible with VGCollect, as soon as Matt can publish an API !

Here are a few promo codes for the current iPhone version, which will have a significant update at the end of the month.
Be quick and get this app for free now !


If you enjoy it, spread the word around you about CTA !
my iOS collection management app : Coll'Them All