First off, I did not know about this post until Bikingjahuty commented to re populate it. Thanks Bikingjahuty

I have sat and read this entire forum and now (20 minutes later), and found this forum probably the most interesting, exciting, depressing and mysterious forum yet on this site. It has me thinking about a lot of different things like: maybe I should stop buying games and save that money for a house, or for retirement or something, but my other voice lets me remember I love games regardless. Physical games that is.
Oh, the war between Darko and Soera had me cracking up so bad that I woke up my wife and got cursed out for being on this stupid game site again lol

We never know what the future holds and time changes every day, but I know I read an article literally 2 weeks ago about a guy who has been collecting games since the 80s, and holds over 300,000 games and consoles in his collection. He was pricing his collection to current markets, and his collection is valued at 700 to 800 thousand dollars. Basically, it's a retirement investment at this point. He said he is still collecting but is in his late 30s and is considering selling half of his collection to have investment or savings money because who knows if health care, 401k, and all that stuff will even exist when we are old (matter fact, even if the earth will exist). But the universe is so huge and massive that humans are just a small part of it anyways.
But this has me thinking...I know last year I was at a good will looking at a 64 in the store, and this kid probably about 12 came up to me and asked if I play old games. I told him I love them and he was asking me questions about them. He said he has a 64 and plays games for it all the time and does not play new stuff. I had to educated him that there were systems before the 64 and ps1 because he had no idea. He was so amazed that there were systems before the 64 era that he wanted to play them. I had a regular NES controller in my hand I found and I gave it to him and told him what it was for and he was so excited. I think as long as there is always younger kids that were born in the year 1998 and beyond playing video games, there will always be a market.
I do personally feel like the 360, ps3 and Wii era is the last successful era of video games. I think that if the ps4 and xbox one are not the last physical game consoles, that what ever comes out after those will be the last physical consoles and it will all be pc gaming or digital some how and that it will kill the then-current market but even at that time, I feel there will still be a market for retro collecting and playing even at the time of no new physical gaming.
Anyone born after 2010 will entire a brand new world that they will eventually build a new world of digital. Probably by the 2030s, most things we seen on sci fy movies may start to happen. Maybe then when the generation from kids born between 2020-2025 are grown, there will be no retro collecting...
Just as a side note if anyone is interested, I think that even tho' it used to sound crazy, the thought of robots or Cylons becoming into existence as a regular massive population just does not seem crazy to me anymore. Every day, they try to find some type of technology that is so far from humans. Google glass, Smart Cars , netflix, smart phone apps that can lock and unlock your house door, some people have digital chips installed into them already, its getting crazy. I get so tired of going places, and everyone expects me to have a facebook, tablet, a smart phone, etc. and laugh at me when they find out I don't have either one and that I still own a vcr/dvd recorder combo and I still actually watch VHS tapes sometimes. My own kids asked me how did I survive as a kid since there was no internet back then? They were under the impression that the internet controls electricity and everything in the world.
How much can video games really improve from the ps4 and xbox one?