Gah! My CRT TV disappeared! I let my sister use it after I got my LCD and somewhere since she moved and now it vanished... so the only TV I have available is a little 13".
On topic.
Muchi Muchi Pork is sweet, but I think Pink Sweets is better. Its interesting how the shot system works too. Basically when you're not firing you are charging a bomb and when you hit the button it drops it.
D'oh! If it's any consolation, I had to sell my pretty Sony WEGA CRT awhile back, so I'll be playing it on my LCD. Probably won't look too bad, but man, I'd kill to see it on a CRT TV or arcade monitor.
I had a feeling that might be the case, though I'm probably a little biased in favor of Ibara. That was one of the first Cave shooters I ever read about, but for some reason, I've always been more curious about it than any of their other series. I wasn't really sure I'd ever get to play of them, so it's pretty cool that we at least got Ibara Sorekara.
I've got a couple things coming today, so I'm hoping one of the packages is my copy. Be a great way to start the weekend when I get home