Author Topic: Franchises that need a reboot  (Read 4768 times)


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Re: Franchises that need a reboot
« Reply #30 on: March 02, 2013, 12:36:15 pm »
Castlevania doesn't need a reboot. It needs a return to form, only better. It needs a new era Symphony of the Night. I will agree that the 3D games are pretty meh for most all of them. But I will also say that while I disliked Lords of Shadow for the most part, I am interested to see what they do with the 3DS game and the sequel. But I'm glad MercuryStream has said that after Lords of Shadow 2, they are done with Castlevania.

I'm actually kind of hoping that Mirror of Fate is a good mix of old and new. And maybe it'll open the door to original timeline stuff without having to be completely 2D sprite based.

Yep, exactly. I'd love to see IGA and his team back at it, with the original timeline in place, though as I understand it, Ayame Kojima and Michiru Amane left Konami awhile back. I hadn't seen that MercurySteam were moving on though, so that's a bit of a relief.

I was hoping Mirror of Fate would maybe be a bit different, but from what I've seen so far, it looks about on par with Lament of Innocence. It's like they keep trying to polish the style of that game, but keep moving further into "generic medieval world" territory instead of that sort of Gothic-Baroque, psychedelic gypsy feel of 2D Castlevania games.


Re: Franchises that need a reboot
« Reply #31 on: March 02, 2013, 01:23:26 pm »
I haven't had a chance to download the demo of Mirror of Fate yet. Been too busy. But I'm keeping my preorder either way.

I've said it for awhile now. But they need to do a game based on Julius Belmont's battle with Dracula. They make so much hype about it in Aria and Dawn of Sorrow... it's had me wanting for years.

Also, I'd enjoy a Castlevania game based on the Soma timeline, where he succumbs to this dark powers and finally becomes the new Dracula. We already saw that with the right soul combo (Alternate Ending in Aria of Sorrow) or if Mina is killed he loses it (alternate ending in Dawn of Sorrow). It could be him as the "hero", or the villain. Either way, it could be pretty cool to see.
« Last Edit: March 02, 2013, 01:54:50 pm by scott »
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Re: Franchises that need a reboot
« Reply #32 on: March 02, 2013, 08:51:07 pm »
Man, this thread gives me chills.  Dear every game developer ever: Please read this list and make it come true.  That is all.

Re: Franchises that need a reboot
« Reply #33 on: March 14, 2013, 10:16:40 am »
Interesting article. Thoughts? Looks like I am not the only one that thinks it is time for Road Rash's return!!!


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Re: Franchises that need a reboot
« Reply #34 on: March 14, 2013, 01:06:35 pm »
Interesting article. Thoughts? Looks like I am not the only one that thinks it is time for Road Rash's return!!!

Should have been done a long time ago. The Road Rash games were always popular games, and they're well made games. I don't understand why EA ever stopped making them.

Re: Franchises that need a reboot
« Reply #35 on: March 18, 2013, 06:34:50 am »
Zelda - Someone mentioned it already, but I definitely agree. Every game since Ocarina of Time has felt the same. It's becoming a joke with the official timeline being something like "every generation a new Link, Zelda, and Ganon are reincarnated"... It's like they aren't even trying anymore. Switch things up! Give us a new overhead view game with a new art style, like what Ni No Kuni has. Or even better, make a new Zelda adventure in which we actually play as Zelda! She's got all kinds of powers, so why not?

Mario - I love that Nintendo makes both 3D and 2D style Mario games, but to me it seems like things have plateaued a bit. If you saw a screenshot of New Super Mario Bros on DS, Wii, 3DS, and Wii U, could you tell them apart? The art style has been the same for the last 15 years or so. I've always thought it would be neat to make a 2D game that looks like the cartoonish style before the N64 game hit. Wario Land: Shake It for Wii did something like that, and it looked great. The capability is there, but with the ease of 3D polygon models over expressive hand drawn sprites, we sadly don't see it often enough.

Final Fantasy - What happened to the days when a new Final Fantasy was a huge event? The brand has become so diluted with excessive spin-offs, excruciating development cycles, and crazy overdone art styles. What happened to the fun adventures we used to love? Now they're an exercise in tedium with whiny angsty characters. Scale it back, focus on gameplay, drop the constant wacky sci-fi settings, and make personable characters that aren't always pale, effeminate, and wearing too many buckles and zippers.


Re: Franchises that need a reboot
« Reply #36 on: March 18, 2013, 07:08:13 am »
Final Fantasy - What happened to the days when a new Final Fantasy was a huge event? The brand has become so diluted with excessive spin-offs, excruciating development cycles, and crazy overdone art styles. What happened to the fun adventures we used to love? Now they're an exercise in tedium with whiny angsty characters. Scale it back, focus on gameplay, drop the constant wacky sci-fi settings, and make personable characters that aren't always pale, effeminate, and wearing too many buckles and zippers.
i beg of square enix to either kill or reboot final fantasy, the franchise morphed in to series of lazy nonsensical plot lines, overproduced graphics and gameplay, art and character design done by a man on hallucinogens, it all started with final fantasy 7 and its got worse over time