BurningDoom's 2016 Beaten Games list:1.Back to the Future: The Game - 30th Anniversary Edition (XBox One)
2. The Walking Dead: Season Two (XBox One)
3. Shovel Knight (Wii U)
4. Avengers Mobile Game (Phone)
5. Marvel: Ultimate Alliance 2 (XBox 360)
6. Far Cry: Primal (XBox One)
7. Super Mario Bros. (NES)
8. Resident Evil 3: Nemesis (PS1)
9. Wolfenstein: The Old Blood (XBox One)
10. Strikers 1945 (PS1)
11. Dragon Quest V: Hand of the Heavenly Bride (DS)
12. Raiden III (PS2)
13. Dragon Warrior II (GBC)
I can cross another from this series off of my list. I have Dragon Warrior III (GBC), which I'm playing next, and Dragon Quest VIII (PS2) left. And maybe one day Dragon Warrior VII (PS1) if I can ever find it at a decent price.
Dragon Warrior II was alright, if a little anti-climatic. It was fun for a Dragon Quest game, but the final dungeon and boss seemed a little too easy. But considering it was only the 2nd game in the series, and the first game is even easier, I guess I shouldn't be too surprised.
Speaking of the first game, this one was a MUCH larger game. Bigger world, more towns, more continents, now you can have a party (vs. one character in the first game), and there's more enemies. Just more of everything. To be honest, this really feels like the first one in the series, while the first game almost feels like an incomplete game in the comparison to the rest because of how small it is.
I hope one day I can add the NES version back into my collection (had as a kid, before my bro sold our original NES collection).