Haven't stopped by here (this thread) recently.
I guess I finished (and got myself a hard-earned & challenging Platinum trophy) for
Tears to Tiara 2 a week or 2 ago

and -
a few days after that...I jumped right into & started playing the (PS3) game
Class of Heroes 2G.
The platinum is looking unlikely

Anyone else here play and/or remember
Star Ocean 3: TtEoT?
Remember those maps *and* the way you'd need to move to every possible square on it...some of which you needed special tools/abilities to reach (1st outlining it, then trying to fill-in the rest of it) to get that (I think it was either a) bonus, battle trophy; or, maybe both for getting the map's 'counter' to say/read that you've "
100%-ed it?
Same idea for one of the trophies here, only...multiply the # of maps & areas AND the *size* of said maps & areas by 10 to 20 times

That aside - I'm loving the game and - if like me - you have (an) addictive personality or tendencies = prepare to be hooked; 'tis '
Class of Crack!